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Which metaphysical poet that we have studied is the most skillful "player"? Citing
specific evidence from the text, make an argument that one of the metaphysical poets is
more masterful than the others at the art of being a player. Would lines like this (put
into modern language) work on women today? Why or why not? Support your
answer with specific references to a text.

Of the four that we have studied, Ben Johnson is the most skillful "player". Johnson
writes, "Such sweet neglect more taketh me/ Than all th'adulteries of art./ They strike
mine eyes, but not my heart.", stating that the sweet neglect is more appealing to him
and that the corruptive nature of art may appeal to his eyes but does not win over his
heart. The woman's natural beauty is much more appealing and heart winning than the
false portrayal of women given through art. These lines prove that, even in today's time,
Johnson is more masterful that a poet like Andrew Marvell who writes, "Thy beauty shall
no more be found,/ Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound/ My echoing songs; then worms
shall try/ That long-preserved virginity,/ And your quaint honor turn to dust," which
basically states that if he can't have her then she will be taken by the worms in her

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