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Lesson one Day one

Time needed: 60 minutes

Daily topic: Language Arts Technology
Grade level: 3-5
Prerequisites: Students should have knowledge of basic but scientific facts about dolphins
and know basic computer app skills and power point skills.
Objectives: - Students will show their understanding of dolphins and the basic things that
are incorporated with a dolphins life by being attentive during the lesson and creating a
picture and short story to reflect what was taught.
1st- To begin the lesson I would start by talking to my students and finding out what they
already know about dolphins.
2nd- After getting the students involved and gain their attention, I would show them a
prezi with general information about dolphin. Things like: what type of animal they are,
what they eat, and how they communicate.
3rd- The prezi then will also explain to them how we will continue the lesson with them
engaging in technology.
What I would expect from them:
The presentation should be done on the computer App, kidpix. The
students will break off into groups of 5 and they will have to work
together to create a picture of what they think they will see if they
were a dolphin in the ocean. Then the students will have to put
their picture on to a power point and write a short story explaining
what they would see and do if they were a dolphin themselves.
o Students will be expected to work well as a group.
o Have the kidpix picture with an element each student
wanted and be creative.
o Have a short story that everyone was involved in.
o This presentation needs to include facts taught in the prezi

Materials needed:


Internet access

Kid Pix app

Children with special needs will be aided by the teacher and the group they are
placed in.

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