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Kalysta Revie

MATH 1050
I have always believed that higher math is applicable in real world situations. Im the
kind of person who does things like figure out how much gas will be used, and how long the trip
is going to take in my head for fun. Just because I like how numbers work. When doing this
project I was able to take the numbers in my head and figure out the answer. When I was asked
to put the work that I had done in my head into a formula I got confused. Im not worried about
my ability to form equations. My chosen field is accounting, and while more math is definitely in
my future, and the ability to perform functions will be a critical skill, Im not worried about my
inability to communicate the complicated math that happens in my head. I do know that if I need
those answers I can pick it apart step by step just as I did for this project.

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