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2015 Coordinator Needs Assessment

Question 1
Thinking about the resources Safe Kids Georgia provided over the past year,
how useful were the following? If you did not find something useful, please

explain why in the "other" section.

1. I must not have attended when we gave ATV safety training. We don't focus on
that target area very often. The distracted driving thing... just still having a hard
time fitting that into our target age group. I feel there are so many other target
areas that plague the under 14 kids rather than this one. Its a good subject, but I
think it would be better suited in another forum than Safe Kids.
2. I didn't really use the ATV Safety Training
3. did not attend DD training
4. Can you resend me the SK brochure template, please! Thanks, Kim Martin
5. I am new in this position so I am unaware of these trainings.
6. ATV kit - haven't really used it yet. EndDD - I vaguely recall something about this
but haven't used it. Brochure Template - seriously? I would love to use this. How do
I get it??
7. End DD I thought we were still waiting for a final copy or program from the father.
Have not seen Safe Kids Brochure. Heard of this but haven't seen one.
8. Have not had the opportunity to use the ATV program.
Question 2

2015 Coordinator Needs Assessment

What is the greatest benefit of having a State Office and why?
1. The greatest benefit is the state office as liaison to SKWW.
2. Are you kidding? We are spoiled rotten! I've just learned even more advantages to
having a Sate Office: for ex: A Board of Directors, Grant Writing assistance, 990
preparation, audits, contacts with SK WW, Board meeting minutes, 501-C3 status
maintained, State expertise, reports, state data, annual leadership conference
preparation, annual awards breakfast, and I'm sure much more than I can recall. I
love that fact that I can call and get help when I need it. Always someone willing to
help us, advocate for us, provide leadership, talk with lead agency, etc. THANKS
3. to coordinate network and "train the trainer"
4. Resources and networking with other coordinators. Additional certified technicians
when needed.
5. Being a resource/link to other programs in the State.
6. being a small agency I use the state office all the time as a resource, without them
I don't know that we could run our agency as effectively as we do!
7. templets for brochures - made it easy to create one for our coalition. Additional
insurance for events
8. Having someone to handle my money for me.
9. some one for guidance
Training and Grant Opportunities, Data and Program Support to list a few.
Very awesome staff!
Its great to have a central, local source for the extensive SK network. It also
serves as a phenomenal resource liaison.
The state office provides a central location for personalized help in all areas
pertaining to Safe Kids
Well for me the greatest benefit @ this moment is the support and the
knowledge they have to assist me and building the best Safe Kids Program ever!
I've just taken on the roll of Safe Kids Coordinator and I am short staffed and the
State Office has been AWESOME and assisting me!!!!
You can have a more personal relationship with them. They understand more
of what we face each and every day. More that Safe Kids Worldwide.

Great go to people, good resource locator


The greatest benefit is ENCOURAGEMENT. But there are multiple others: idea

2015 Coordinator Needs Assessment

brainstorming; interns for data analysis; event support; mediator with Worldwide;
training for coordinators; best practice sharing; programming support

Go to folks for answers and help!!!! Also latest info about state events, etc.


Advice, assistance, bookkeeper


value of information when we need it

The State office is very helpful and have very many resources. Also the
people at the state office help local coalition because most coalition members are
volunteers and may not have the time to put as much towards certain areas, and
the state office helps with this.
Very beneficial. Helps with validating and accredibility with our partners.
Helps with coordinator networking.
Question 3
What is the greatest challenge of having a State Office and why?
1. I don't see any challenges. I wish we could have our meetings on live webinar so I
could attend more.
2. I really don't think there is a challenge from the Coalitions point of view. I do know
it's difficult to find the funds to operate a state office, but I think Georgia is better
off with a State Office rather than trying to manage without one. Even if we had to
contribute toward the State Office, which I know would cause some heartburn for
some, it would be worth it to do... we are years ahead of our counter-states that do
not have a functioning state office that advocates and assists the state's coalitions
in lieu of competing with them for the same dollars. Georgia is blessed to have
Beverly Losman and Kristen and the entire staff.
3. The only challenge I see for this coalition is being a fairly long distance away from.
4. none
5. reporting. We have so many reports that say the same thing but everyone wants it
in their own format. This is tedious and repetitive. Wastes time that could be spent
in other ways.
6. I don't get to see them as often as I would like to!
7. Extra reporting - State office is able to take credit for everything we do but we
don't receive any assistance / $$ / manpower for it. - Also when asked to help
polish a program we put together it was rebranded a state office program.
8. I can't think of any right now.
9. N/A

2015 Coordinator Needs Assessment





I am still fairly new to the coordinator position and haven't encountered a
challenge as of yet

Well I do not know of any just yet haven't been in position long.

It being so far away for our Coalition. We would love to attend each meeting
in person, but sometime the drive would take to long.

Their limited manpower


I don't really see a challenge of having one.


Keeping the grants coming to fund the very few employees. (Funding )


State Meetings




Distance and one office for so many coalitions



Question 4
What specific resources (money, brochures, promotional materials, etc.) would
you like Safe Kids Georgia to provide over 2015?
1. Promotional Materials for use such as "goodie" bags.
2. Would love to see some big buys for all coalitions, such as promotional materials,
or even some safety gear that each coalition could pay for but at a cheaper price
with a higher quantity. Would like to have some individualized brochures again for
use in our educational efforts. That would be nice.
3. brochures and promotional materials
4. Broader marketing efforts in publicizing Safe Kids with promotional brochures and
5. money and promotional materials
6. There is never enough money, so the more money that we could pass on the
7. logo specific - give out materials, program money, discretionary funds,

2015 Coordinator Needs Assessment

8. Since Safe Kids USA no longer provides us with brochures, it would be nice to get a
bulk order for all of us so we can get them at a discounted rate.
9. brochures

Promotional materials

Money, money, money! Website template, brochures, branding materials
(tablecloths, signs, etc.)
Additional promotional materials and more variety in templates (not just one
standard presentation template)
We would need funds to purchase bike helmets, car seats for classes during
National Child Passenger Safety Week, promotional banners, Safe Kids Shirts for
staff for promotional benefits. Bike safety displays, give aways for Health Fairs etc.
Training on more of the Injury prevention programs. Need for updated

money, grants


Branded display items (table skirt, tent, chairs, etc.)


Money for brochures, and promotional materials, Banners, PSA's


Hot Car Temp set up that we can use around state


more financial support


Money brochures, promotional materials.


Additional information on grant sources

Question 5
What training(s) would you like Safe Kids Georgia to provide over 2015?
1. More board development/coalition development.
2. Ongoing training for new Coalition staff would be awesome. Seems we are forever
getting new staff, so the new coordinator and/or staff person training, the poison
prevention training, water safety, pedestrian, child passenger safety updates, even
scribe training for new volunteers. This would enable us to send the new staff and
make it easier for us to train them.
3. new program trainings
4. E-cigarettes and synthetic marijuana

2015 Coordinator Needs Assessment

5. Distracted pedestrians Youth Sports Safety
6. recruitment, funding
7. not sure
8. I like when the training classes are divided up so old timers don't have to sit in SK
101 classes. Also, I like when we have a choice of which session to attend so that
we can go to training classes that pertain to our coalition.
9. N/A

Sports Safety - other than concussions Water Safety Home Safety

"Heads Up, Devices Down," Holiday safety, and any other emerging child
injury trends.
More gun safety training and because Georgia rate of childhood obesity is
extremely high, training on increasing physical activity and eating healthy

How to build a Coalition. How to apply for grants, key points.


How to talk with Elected Officials to get laws changed for Childens Safety.


ATV Program Training, Grant Writing


Targeting non-traditional audiences to expand messaging

Need to push the prescription problem, more on home safety and the
different aspects such as in bathrooms , garage, kitchen area's. Stranger danger
(latest material or suggestions). Templates on Strategic Plans for 5 years.

Safe Sleep, Poison, and Bike Rodeo




brainstorming sessions, best practices/sharing ideas



2015 Coordinator Needs Assessment

Question 6
How long have you been a Safe Kids Coalition Coordinator?

Question 7
If you have been a coordinator over 2 years, please answer questions 7 and 8
and stop there. If you have been a coordinator less than 2 years, please skip to
question 9. What tools or resources helped you the most when you were
starting out as a new coordinator?
1. SafeKids USA at that time
2. other coordinators were my best resource. I learn best from others and seeing
what has been done.
3. The new coordinator training offered by Safe Kids Georgia AND Safe Kids
Worldwide. Attending the Safe Kids Worldwide conferences made a big difference.
So many resources and ideas offered up at that conference, it was very helpful.
Perhaps a partial scholarship offered by the State Office toward attending for new
coordinators would be most helpful.

2015 Coordinator Needs Assessment

4. Face to Face meeting New Coordinator resource book
5. State office and networking with other agency. Having the yearly conferences help
because you can talk with other agencies around the state that you don't see to
get ideas.
6. trial by fire - there really wasn't anything in place
7. I did not receive tools and resources when I took over. I learned as I went along
(trial and error method).
8. My background as a volunteer for ten years. I knew the members and programs.
9. the quarterly meetings helped me become more familiar with SK Coalitions outside
of the metro area. The trainings were also extremely helpful.

Physical assistance from State Office staff, start up grant

There was too much change over happening at the State Office for it to really
be helpful my first few years. Attending Leadership was probably the best
(networking, learning more about Safe Kids, etc.). Someone finally did a class (like
3 years in) specifically for new coordinators. It reviewed the coalition requirements,
reporting, grant opportunities, liability insurance, forms (and how to use them
correctly), etc. It was WONDERFUL and all new coordinators should get something
like that.
State Office, Safe Kids materials and power point intro, to Safe Kids, and
what we are about. Manual.

guide book and leadership

Question 8
What would you recommend the State Office provide to new coalitions that
would be the most helpful? (e.g. print materials, money, spending time with
them, etc.)
1. Printed material on how to do classes, for each of the injury prevention programs.
2. spending time with them to develop. Foster them along with board development
and committee development
3. I think spending time with them, perhaps after the program meeting would be
excellent. Loved the training we had on the reports and the accounting system
requirements. Also as mentioned above the Leadership training and SKWW
Conference are excellent ways to grow new coalitions and coordinators.
4. Spending time with them to help them navigate how their Coalition is going to
function and what their focus areas will be.

2015 Coordinator Needs Assessment

5. Start up "bible".
6. put together a manual for new coordinators with resources, assign an coordinator
buddy they can call for questions. Have a list of coordinators who specialize in
specific topics that they can contact for questions, list training such as cps tech
along with how to of becoming certified - getting ceu - logging in ceu activity ect.
7. I think spending time with them would be the best. If the new coordinator could
attend a CPS event, do paperwork, etc. with an old timer it would help them to see
how it is done.
8. Orientation manual and maybe spend a day with a seasoned coordinator.
9. print materials & mentoring, strategic planning


Branded items to help them establish the name within their community and
then plenty of time encouraging them (especially with progress is slow going)
Spending time with them. And give them the latest materials on how to set
and organize a beginning coalition.

leadership and coordinator guide training

Question 9
Only answer these last two questions if you have been a coordinator less than
2 years. What would you have wanted Safe Kids Georgia to provide (that
wasn't already provided) during your first 6 months as a coordinator?
1. I am very pleased with the assistance Safe Kids Georgia provided. I couldn't
imagine them providing anything else.
2. Details on reporting and how the information is used to capture coalition efforts.
3. The state office has always been wonderful to me to provide me with ANYTHING
they could to help me always!
4. N/A
5. The new orientation book looks awesome!
6. Better guide to coalition building
7. I am in my first 6 months. Right now there is nothing I can think of, maybe after
the 6 months I may have more insight and have some suggestion.
8. nothing

2015 Coordinator Needs Assessment

9. start up kit more than just the paperwork, i.e. resources such as brochures,
templates, advertisement materials, promotional items, etc.

A to do priority list. Reporting guidance. Pre-made marketing materials.

Question 10
Did you think the number of visits/calls Safe Kids Georgia made to you during
your first year were appropriate? Please use the answers option below.

1. I communicated mostly through email and it was perfect!

2. I have alway been encouraged to call if assistance is needed and I had any

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