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Brittany Alicia Mickens

Professora Sipin
English 211

Mock Interview
During my interview I will be talking to Dr. David Samadi. His studies show that
marijuana is the most least dangerous drug. But, the high usage of it can be dangerous. If
misused people could suffer from memory lost but thats only long term and there`s no real
research that said thats true. He believes that smoking marijuana can lead to other health
issues. He also states that medical marijuana is a big scam and is just an excuse for people to get
marijuana for small sickness such as a headaches or stomachaches.
From my research I have found that smoking marijuana can help people with Aids,
cancer, and other major health problems, so why shouldn`t it be legal all together? Marijuana
can be used to cure a lot of illnesses but, many say that people that do have have access to
medical marijuana can overdose. If thats the case then many medicines that are man made
should be illegal too because many people could easily overdose on that too. My questions for
Dr, David Samadi would be

Have you ever smoked marijuana?

Do you really think its easy for people to get a Medical Marijuana Card?
How many people come in sick or hurt from smoking marijuana?
How do you think society would react to the legalization of marijuana?
If people can overdose on medical marijuana then why are some medicine still legal?

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