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Name: Sierra Jauregui

Content Area: Math


Grade: 3

Topic: Fractions


A - State Standard: Understand two fractions as equal if they are the same size
or on the same point on the number line.
B Objective: The students will be able to recognize when fractions are equal to
each other or end up on the same spot on the number line.
C- How: Students will have notecards that have fractions on them. Then
they will have to simplify them and after find a partner that has the same fraction
as them that is simplified. They will discuss with each other what they learned
and how they came up with their reduced fraction. To find the same point on the
number line they will have an activity where there is a large number line and
every student will be given a fraction and they will then have to pin the point on
the number line that is equivalent to the fraction.
Review: (5min) Background knowledge:
Teach: (10min)
Activity: (30 min)
Check for understanding: (5)
Closure: (2 min)


A Students will work together to be able to recognize equal fractions.

They will be in pairs of two and will speak to their peers about their fractions. For
example:3/4 is equivalent to 9/12 and 2/4 is equal to 6/12.
B - ELP standard and level; LI-2: producing sentences using subjects and verbs,
with subject-verb agreement

5. List of ELL strategies used w/explanations: (go back to the how)

a. Pin the point on the number line: students will pin their fraction on a
number line to learn how fractions are equivalent on number lines.
b. Partner Work: students will meet with a partner to see and talk about
their fractions.

c. Share and care: students will explain to the class what they learned and
why it is important. The students listening will then tell the students one thing new
that they learned from the student presenting.
What did you have them do?
Writing- Students will write out their fractions that are going to come out as
equivalent in their notebooks. They will also write down any notes they have.
Reading- Students will read their fractions and read their partners
fractions. They will also read an explanation how this strategy works so they can
also learn an explanation that is written down that they can refer to.
Speaking- They will talk to their peers about how they came up with the
reduced fraction.
Listening- Students will listen to their partners explanations and will listen
to the teacher giving a brief explanation on what they learned and exactly how.

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