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Chapter 8 Summary

Chapter 8 was about the world beyond our borders. Obama talks about the nation
Indonesia. Indonesia has more than seventeen thousand islands. It is spread along the
equator between the Indian and Pacific Oceans between Australia and the South China
Sea. Indonesias population ranks fourth in the world behind China, India, and the United
Obama speaks on his life as a young boy. As he grew up in Indonesia, he did not
have the life style most young children have in todays society. As their family moved to
Indonesia for his step fathers military career, life was not as easy for them. The
Indonesian army did not pay lieutenants as much back then as they do now in society.
Indonesia did not have the best education system so Obama mother sent him to Hawaii to
live with his grandparents.
As the chapter continues, Obama ends the chapter about the American foreign
policy. Expressed how the united States were not involved with countries and giving their
reasons of being separated from the rest of the world. However; after several wars and
presidents, they created polices that allow the U.S. to have allies around the world. As a
result of aligning ourselves with other countries, we are trading more economically. Not
only trading but also we are keeping weapons of mass destruction out of terrorist hands.

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