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Props/Clothing and their meanings


Dark coat or jacket: The darkness represents the character wearing it to

not be a particularly friendly person. It conveys the message of darkness
and shadiness of the character, as much as the rap genre does itself.
Jeans: The jeans represent the model as being a fairly normal person.
Despite appearing quite sinister to the audience, he will also give the
impression of a regular person in order to relate to them.
Trainers: The trainers will help to amplify the fact that the character is a
regular person and does not care particularly for his image and his
appearance to others. The trainers also represent the casual nature of the
rap genre.
Pen Knife: The pen knife will act as the dead giveaway that the character
or model is menacing and dangerous. The rap genre often entails themes
of violence and horror, making it the controversial genre that it is. This
image of a knife will help to amplify that sense of danger.

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