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Starting and Stopping Netbackup

Stopping Netbackup

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/K77netbackup > graceful shutdown

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a > check for any remaining processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bp.kill_all > kills all remaining netbackup processes, not
necessarily graceful
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a > check for any remaining processes
kill -9 <pid> for any remaining. NOTE: unkillable processes may require a reboot

Starting Netbackup

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/S77netbackup > after bp.kill_all, to restart

Common Tasks
Starting the Administration GUI

java from the windows client

x-windows from the server - /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/xnb &

Checking Backup Status

Activity Monitor or
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdbjobs -report

Cleaning a tape manually

Identify the drive name to be cleaned

o tpclean -L
Manually clean the drive:
o tpclean -C <drive name>

Determining what tapes were used for a backup




Backup and Restore > Find the file system > Preview Media Button
Find the correct backup images
bpimagelist -U -client <CLIENT> -d <STARTDATE> -e <ENDDATE>
Find the media used for those images
bpimagelist -U -client <CLIENT> -d <STARTDATE> -e <ENDDATE> -media

Listing the files in a backup

Find the tape(s) used (above procedure using bpimagelist)
cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs/done
Run the following script and redirect its output to a text file:
for file in `grep MOUNTING *|grep <MEDIA_ID>|awk {print $1}|sed s/:MOUNTING//`

echo $file
grep PATH_WRITTEN $file|awk {print $3}
echo ==========================================End of
This process works for NBU V3.4:

cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/<CLIENT>
ls -ltr > this will identify the directory with the proper date
verify directory with bpdbm -ctime <Unixtime>
cd <Unixtime>
ls -ltr > lists all of the backups for this client on this date
cat <POLICY>_<Unixtime>_<BU Type>.f | awk {print $10} > this prints out the files in the backup

For NBU > V3.4

bpflist help > undocumented netbackup command to list files from a binary .f file

Inventory the Robot

Inventory Robot > /opt/openv/volmgr/bin/vmcheckxxx -rt robot_type -rn robot_number -list (where
robot_type is tld, acs, . . .)
Inventory Robot and Update Configuration > /opt/openv/volmgr/bin/vmupdate -rt robot_type -rn
robot_number -list (where robot_type is tld, acs, . . .)

Listing Properties of the Volume Pools

vmpool -listall

Scratch Tapes

Count scratch tapes: /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmquery -pn Scratch | grep -c robot slot

Moving tapes to the scratch pool
o If Needed - Expire the tape
bpexpdate -ev <TAPE ID> -d 0 -force -host <Media Manager>
o Move the tape
vmchange -p 2 -m <TAPE ID>

Checking Drive Usage


Taking a drive down or up

/usr/openv/volmgr/vmoprcmd -down <drive index>

/usr/openv/volmgr/vmoprcmd -up <drive index>

Performing a Restore

From the GUI

o user backup & restore > configuration > client
o user backup & restore > configuration > client to restore
o directory to search
o directory depth
o date range
o file > browse backups for restore

Adding New Tapes to the Library

Using the GUI

o Media Management > Actions > New > Single Volume . . >
o Media Type (ie DLT)
o Robot Type (ie TLD)
o Media ID (from Inventory)
o Slot Number (from Inventory)
o Robot Number (ie 0)
o Volume Group
o Volume Pool (ie Scratch)
Using the CLI
o vmadd -m <media id> -mt <tape type> -verbose -rt <robot type> -b <barcode> -rn <robot
number> -rc1 <slot> -p <pool number> -mm <max mounts>
vmpool -listall > lists all pools, both name and number
o For example: vmadd -m 000151 -mt dlt -verbose -rt tld -b 000151 -rn 0 -rc1 8 -p 2 -mm 0

Re-using Tapes from other systems or older Netbackups

Expire the media

o bpexpdate -ev MEDIA_ID -d 0 -force -host HOST
Deassign the media
o vmquery -deassignbyid MEDIA_ID 4 0
Move to the scratch pool
o vmchange -m MEDIA_ID -p POOL#
Relabel the media
o bplabel -ev CIM572 -d dlt -p Scratch

Changing the attributes of media

Changing the barcode

o vmchange -barcode CYM100D -m CYM100
Changing the Volume Pool
o vmchange -m MEDIA_ID -p POOL#

To expire media

bpexpdate -ev <medai id> -d 0 -force -host <media server>

To unfreeze media

List the frozen media

o /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/available_media | grep -i FROZEN
Unfreeze the media
o bpmedia -unfreeze -ev <media id> -h <media server>

To relabel a tape

bplabel -ev <media id> -d <tape density> -p <pool name>

bplabel -ev 000687 -d dlt -p TriVrgt_OFFSITE

To remove media from the Netbackup database

Verify that there are no images on the tape

o bpimmedia -mediaid 000687 -L
Expire the tape
o bpexpdate -ev 000687 -d 0 -host scorpius -force
Get the status and pool number of the tape
o vmquery -m 000687
Deassign the tape
o vmquery -deassignbyid <media id> <pool number> <status code from vmquery -m>
o vmquery -deassignbyid 000687 4 00
Delete the tape
o vmdelete -m 000687

Installing the Netbackup Client

/update_clients -ForceInstall -ClientList /tmp/clients.lst

o requires that TMPDIR and TEMPDIR be set correctly

Excludng files from backup on a client

Create /usr/openv/netbackup/exclude_list
Put the file specifications of the files/directories to be excluded
o /mnt/directory/*

Displaying Information about a Tape

vmquery -m <media id> > Displays attributes about a particular tape

bpmedialist -U -mcontents -ev 000687 > Displays media contents
bpmedialist -U -mlist > List of all media
bpmedialist -U -mlist -ev CYM966 > Listing of a particular media id
bpimmedia -mediaid 000687 -L > Listing of images on a tape

Robtest Commands

Starting robtest
o robtest
o 1 > to select TLD 0
Getting help
o ?

Looking at contents of the tape drives

o sd
Looking at the contents of the library
o ss
Moving a tape from a drive to a library slot
o s d > to identify drive number that has tape (Contains Cartridge = yes, Barcode=XXXXXX)
o s s > to identify an empty slot in the tape library (Netbackup will need to be re-inventoried)
o m d# s# > from from drive # to slot #
o s d > verify the tape drive is empty
o s s > verify the library slot has the tape

Configuration Files

configuration file, sets backup server and backup clients

force statement must be correct
client to browse from
client to restore to


To utilize logfiles, create the corresponding directory in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs
Server Logfile directories:

admin - adminstrative commands

bpbrm - backup and restore manager
bpcd - client daemon
bpdbjobs - database manager program process
bpdm - disk manager process
bpjava-msvc - Java application server authentication service
bpjava-usvc - process that services Java requests
bprd - request daemon process
bpsched - scheduler process that runs on master servers
bptm - tape/optical media management process
user-ops - required directory for use by Java programs
xbpadm - X based administration utility
xbpmon - X based job monitor process

Client Logfile directories:

bp - client user interface process

bparchive - archive program
bpbackup - backup program
bpbkar - program that generates golden images
bpcd - client daemon
bpjava-msvc - Java application server authentication service

bpjava-usvc - process that services Java requests

bplist - program that lists backed up and archived files
bpmount - program that determines local mountpoints and wildcard expansion for multiple streams
bphdb - Oracle database backup program start process
db_log - database specific extension log
tar - tar process log during restores

Media Manager logging automatically goes to the system log using syslogd logging facility
.Logging will only occur if these directories are created. These directories will generate a lot of data and should
be deleted when no longer necessary.
To increase the amount of logging information set VERBOSE=2 in /usr/open/netbackup/bp.conf (default is


Useful Commands
bpcllist - list classes
bpclinfo <class> -L > displays info about a class
vmpool - volume pools
vmpool -listall
vmpool -listscratch
bplabel -ev <media id> -d hcart
bpbackup db > backs up the catalog
bpclclients <policy> > lists the clients for a particular policy (class)

bperror -statuscode < displays information about the netbackup error.
No Backups are running:

Check system log file for error messages

Stop and restart all the netbackup processes
Look for a downed drive
o /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd
o /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd -up 0 > this will bring up drive 0 if its control shows as
Look for pending requests
o /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd or gui > device management
o If there is a pending request either re-assign it to a drive, or deny the request

Downed drive does not come back up or does not stay up

Check for a hardware problem by looking for messages on the tape library
Make sure there is not a tape stuck in the drive
o Use robtest (described above) to look at the drives
If there is a tape stuck in the drive, try to remove it using robtest
If robtest fails, then you must manually remove it.

Verify the Client is communicating properly:

bpclncmd -ip <ip address> > from both client and server
bpclntcmd -hn <hostname> > from both client and server
bpclntcmd -pn > from client only

Device Actions
Device Management > info about tape drives

hcart (ultrium)

Media Actions
Media id must agree with # of the tape
Create a media id

actions >new>single volume>dlt cart (not dlt2)

put it into the netbackup volume pool

Netbackup Client
To check things out do this:It could be a couple things. Mostly DNS, bp.conf, or something stupid. On
the client run this command/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -pn
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -server server name
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd ip ip_address
One of these usually fails and your able to fix it right off
1074 ./bpclntcmd -hn corpbu1
1075 ./bpclntcmd -ip
1076 ping
1077 ./bpclntcmd -hn corpldv1
1078 ./bpclntcmd -hn
1079 ping corpldv1
1080 ./bpclntcmd -ip

Command Line Tape Utility

February 12, 2008 in Solaris, Unix with 1 Comment
$ mt -f /dev/rmt/0cbn rewind Rewind tape drive
$ mt -f /dev/rmt/0cbn status Display status information about the tape unit

$ mt -f /dev/rmt/0cbn erase Erase the tape

$ mt -f /dev/rmt/0cbn bsf 1 Goto previous record
$ mt -f /dev/rmt/0cbn fsf 1 Forward record
$ mt -f /dev/rmt/0cbn eod Go to end of data
$ mt -f /dev/rmt/0cbn offline Unload tape
$ mt -f /dev/rmt/0cbn tell Find out what block you are at with mt command
$ mt -f /dev/rmt/0cbn retension Check retention
$tar cvf /dev/rmt/0cbn / backup the entire system to tape
$tar cvzf /dev/rmt/0cbn /bin only backup the /bin directory to tape and compress
$tar tvf /dev/rmt/0cbn view the contents of a tape
$tar xvf /dev/rmt/0cbn restore the entire contents of the tape
$tar xvf /dev/rmt/0cbn /etc/ only restore the file /etc/ from tape
$tar xvzf /dev/rmt/0cbn /bin restore and uncompress the directory /bin from tape
# tar -czf /dev/rmt/0cbn /www /home Backup directory /www and /home with tar command (z - compressed)
TAR Option:
c create a archive (write to tape)
t display files on archive (view only)
x extract from archive (read from tape and write to disk)
v verbose - display filenames
z compress files (using gzip)
f device name or file name to write to

How to restore LTO1 or 2 on LTO 3 Drive

October 19, 2007 in Netbackup, Tape Library with 2 Comments
For many reason, I re-post again about this issue; How to restore LTO1 or 2 on LTO 3 Drive
The procedure is as follows:
1. Inject the tape into the ACS library, then perform a robot inventory of the ACS library.
2. After the volume database is updated, the RobotType of the media will change to ACS and the tapes
should be recognized as hcart.
3. Run vmchange -new_mt <new density> -m <media ID> to change the density. <new density>
should be hcart3 for the LTO Gen-3 drive and <media ID> refers to the media barcode. An eg would
be vmchange -new_mt hcart3 -m dx0333
4. Run vmquery -m <mediaID> to check that the density have been updated to hcart3 from hcart.
5. Run bpmedia -changeden -new <density> -ev <mediaID>
6. eg bpmedia -changeden -new hcart3 -ev dx0333 Note: This command will take some time to
complete. Please be patient and let it complete on its own. If terminated halfway, strange things may
occur later.
7. Run bpmedialist -m <mediaID> to check that the density have been updated.
8. Run the normal restoration procedure to restore the data from the LTO Gen1 tapes using the ACS library.
9. Once, we have completed the restoration, the tape should be ejected from the ACS library to prevent it
from being used for future backups. If necessary, will need to execute the commands in Step 3 and 5 to
change the density back to hcart.

Netbackup - How do I expire, delete tapes from the database?

February 20, 2007 in Netbackup, Solaris, Tape Library
Tags: expire tape, Veritas Netbackup
First you need to make sure that there are no valid images on the tape that you want.
NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimmedia -mediaid -L
If there are no images that you need, expire the tape:
NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpexpdate -m -d 0 -host -force
This expires the images in the media database which resides specifically on the media server.
Verify that the images have been expired by re-running:
NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimmedia -mediaid -L
Now make sure that the tape is deleted from the volume manager on the master server. This step is
automatically run by Veritas twice a day, and if you have used bpexpdate the tape will be removed but you can
force it to take effect immediately:
volmgr\bin\vmquery -m
This gets some information on the tape such as its assigned date, pool number and status. If the status is
anything other that 00, that issue needs to be resolved first The most likely issue is a Frozen tape IT must
be unfrozen before you deassign it.
To unfreeze a tape:
NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpmedia -unfreeze -m -h
If the tape was suspended you can replace -unfreeze with -unsuspend
If you are unsure which media server the tape belongs to:
NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimmedia -L -mediaid
This step will deassign and remove the volume images.
Volmgr\bin\vmquery -deassignbyid
Finally delete the tape:
volmgr/bin/vmdelete -m

How to Configure Drive on Solaris for Veritas Netbackup

December 18, 2006 in Netbackup, Tape Library
Tags: Configure Drive on Solaris, Solaris, Veritas Netbackup
Understanding the SCSI Passthru Drivers
NetBackup Media Manager provides its own driver for communicating with SCSI-controlled
robotic peripherals.
This driver is called the SCSA (Generic SCSI passthru driver), also referred
to as the sg driver.
To manage the sg driver
Perform the following steps as the root user.
Understanding the SCSI Passthru Drivers

1. Determine if an sg driver is loaded by using the following command:

/usr/sbin/modinfo | grep sg
141 fc580000 2d8c 116 1 sg (SCSA Generic Revision: 3.4d)
153 fc7fa000 1684 49 1 msgsys (System V message facility)
2. Remove the existing driver:
/usr/sbin/rem_drv sg
/usr/bin/rm -f /kernel/drv/sg.conf
Install SG Driver
To install the driver run the following command:
Once the driver
has been installed, it is not necessary to reboot the system or run the sg.install
command during or after each system boot.
Configuring SG and ST Drivers
This procedure contains instructions for configuring the sg driver for SCSI
targets 0 thru 6 and 8 thru 15 for fast or wide adapter cards.
In this procedure, you execute to add these targets to the st.conf,
sg.conf and sg.links files. Adjust the -mt and -ml parameters to create the
range of targets and LUNs required by your configuration.
To configure drivers
Execute the script to add target IDs 0-6, 8-15, and LUNs 0-1 to the
following files:
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ all -mt 15 -ml 1
The -mt 15 parameter specifies themaximum target ID that is in use on any SCSI
bus (or bound to a fibre channel device).The -ml 1 parameter specifies the maximum
target LUN that is in use on any SCSI bus (or by a fibre channel device).
The file /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/st.conf
is used to replace the following seven entries in the /kernel/drv/st.conf file:
class=scsi target=0 lun=0;
name=st class=scsi target=1
name=st class=scsi target=2
name=st class=scsi target=3
name=st class=scsi target=4
name=st class=scsi target=5
name=st class=scsi target=6


Edit the /kernel/drv/st.conf file.

Place a # in column one of each line of the seven default entries.
The temporary file ./st.conf contains the entries that you need to insert into
Reboot the system with the reconfigure option (boot -r
or reboot -r).
Verify that the system created device nodes for all the tape devices using the
following command: ls -l /dev/rmt/*cbn
the new sg driver configuration.

/usr/bin/rm -f /kernel/drv/sg.conf
when run sg install
command sg.conf will copy to /kernel/drv/sg.conf
and sg.links will copy to /etc/
Verify that the sg driver found all the robots, tape drives,
The script /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/
adds the proper entries to the sg.links and sg.conf files. Before running the
script, make sure that all devices are powered on and connected to the HBA.An
example of the additional entries in /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.conf
name=sg parent=fp target=0 lun=0 fc-port- wwn=22000090a50001c8;name=sg
parent=fp target=0 lun=1 fc-port-wwn=22000090a50001c8;
An example of the
additional entries in /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.links
Preventing Possible System Problems
VERITAS recommends adding the following forceload statements to the /etc/system
file. These statements prevent the st and sg drivers from being unloaded from
forceload: drv/st
forceload: drv/sg
Other statements
may be necessary for various fibre channel drivers, such as the following example
for JNI drivers. This statement prevents the named driver from being unloaded
from memory.
forceload: drv/fcaw
SSO Configurations With More Than 16 Tape Drives
When the number of tape devices that are configured approaches 16, changes in
tape device status may not be visible to all media servers in a Shared Storage
Option (SSO) configuration. This is because the default maximum size of IPC
message queues may not be
large enough.
VERITAS recommends adding the following statements to the /etc/system file.
These statements increase the maximum number of messages that can be created,
and the number of bytes per queue. A reboot is necessary for the changes to
take effect.
set msgsys:msginfo_msgtql=512
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmnb=65536

Configure Netbackup Device (Robot & drive) on AIX

March 12, 2007 in AIX, Netbackup, Tape Library

Tags: Configure robot and drive, Veritas Netbackup
Hardware :
Sun Storagetek L40 with SCSI LVD/SE.
2 drive : Seagate LT01 and SDLT 320
SCSI ID : Robotic = 6
Drive 0 = 0
Drive 1 = 1

1. run command : lsdev C c adapter (to determine the logical indetifier for the SCSI controler)
# lsdev -C -c adapter
ent0 Available 10-80 IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020)
fda0 Available 01-D1 Standard I/O Diskette Adapter
mg20 Available 10-70 GXT130P Graphics Adapter
paud0 Available 01-Q2 Ultimedia Integrated Audio
ppa0 Available 01-R1 CHRP IEEE1284 (ECP) Parallel Port Adapter
sa0 Available 01-S1 Standard I/O Serial Port
sa1 Available 01-S2 Standard I/O Serial Port
scsi0 Available 10-60 Wide/Fast-20 SCSI I/O Controller (used for CDROM & SCSI Hardisk)
scsi1 Available 10-88 Wide/Ultra-2 SCSI I/O Controller (Tape & robotic)
sioka0 Available 01-K1-00 Keyboard Adapter
siokma0 Available 01-K1 Keyboard/Mouse Adapter
sioma0 Available 01-K1-01 Mouse Adapter
siota0 Available 01-Q1 Tablet Adapter
2. run command : lsdev C s scsi (to display the SCSI device files)
# lsdev -C -s scsi
cd0 Available 10-60-00-1,0 16 Bit SCSI Multimedia CD-ROM Drive
hdisk0 Available 10-60-00-9,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
rmt0 Available 10-88-00-0,0 Other SCSI Tape Drive
rmt1 Available 10-88-00-1,0 Other SCSI Tape Drive
Detected two drives, but robotic didnt detected.
3. to detect robot, run this command :
#cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver
#./install_ovpass {to install the SCSI passthru driver}
Then run:
#mkdev -c media_changer -s scsi -t ovpass -p controller -w id,lun
controller is the logical identifier of the drives SCSI adaptor, such as scsi0, scsi1 or vscsi1.
id is the SCSI ID of the robotic connection.
scsi_id is the fibre channel identifier for the N_Port address (D_ID) of the robotic connection.
lun is the logical unit number of the robotic connection.

# mkdev -c media_changer -s scsi -t ovpass -p scsi1 -w 6,0
4. run command : lsdev C s scsi (to display the SCSI device files)
# lsdev -C -s scsi
cd0 Available 10-60-00-1,0 16 Bit SCSI Multimedia CD-ROM Drive
hdisk0 Available 10-60-00-9,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
ovpass0 Available 10-88-6,0 VERITAS Media Changer {SCSI device driver for robotic}
rmt0 Available 10-88-00-0,0 Other SCSI Tape Drive {SCSI device driver for drive0)
rmt1 Available 10-88-00-1,0 Other SCSI Tape Drive {SCSI device driver for drive1)
5. make sure with the performing command: ./scan from /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/
#cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin
# ./scan
*********************** SDT_TAPE ************************
*********************** SDT_CHANGER ************************
*********************** SDT_OPTICAL ************************

Device Name : /dev/rmt0.1

Passthru Name: /dev/rmt0.1
Volume Header:
Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
Inquiry : SEAGATE ULTRIUM06242-XXX1619
Product ID : ULTRIUM06242-XXX
Product Rev: 1619
Serial Number: xxx
WWN Id Type : 1
Device Identifier: SEAGATE ULTRIUM06242-XXX
Device Type : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 3
Removable : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-3
Flags : 04
Reason: 00

Device Name : /dev/rmt1.1

Passthru Name: /dev/rmt1.1
Volume Header:
Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
Inquiry : QUANTUM SDLT320 5E5E
Product ID : SDLT320
Product Rev: 5E5E
Serial Number: xxx
WWN Id Type : 1
Device Identifier: QUANTUM SDLT320 xxx
Device Type : SDT_TAPE

NetBackup Drive Type: 11

Removable : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-2
Flags : 04
Reason: 00

Device Name : /dev/ovpass0

Passthru Name: /dev/ovpass0
Volume Header:
Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
Inquiry : STK L40 xxx
Vendor ID : STK
Product ID : L40
Product Rev: 0215
Serial Number: LLC0220xxx
WWN Id Type : 0
Device Identifier:
Device Type : SDT_CHANGER
NetBackup Robot Type: 8
Removable : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-3
Number of Drives : 0
Number of Slots : 0
Number of Media Access Ports: 0
Flags : 00
Reason: 00
# lsdev -C -s scsi
cd0 Available 10-60-00-1,0 16 Bit SCSI Multimedia CD-ROM Drive
hdisk0 Available 10-60-00-9,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
ovpass0 Available 10-88-6,0 VERITAS Media Changer
rmt0 Available 10-88-00-0,0 Other SCSI Tape Drive
rmt1 Available 10-88-00-1,0 Other SCSI Tape Drive
# lsdev -C -c adapter
ent0 Available 10-80 IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020)
fda0 Available 01-D1 Standard I/O Diskette Adapter
mg20 Available 10-70 GXT130P Graphics Adapter
paud0 Available 01-Q2 Ultimedia Integrated Audio
ppa0 Available 01-R1 CHRP IEEE1284 (ECP) Parallel Port Adapter
sa0 Available 01-S1 Standard I/O Serial Port
sa1 Available 01-S2 Standard I/O Serial Port
scsi0 Available 10-60 Wide/Fast-20 SCSI I/O Controller
scsi1 Available 10-88 Wide/Ultra-2 SCSI I/O Controller
sioka0 Available 01-K1-00 Keyboard Adapter
siokma0 Available 01-K1 Keyboard/Mouse Adapter
sioma0 Available 01-K1-01 Mouse Adapter
siota0 Available 01-Q1 Tablet Adapter
To ensure the driver device files are accessible after each system boot, the following command should be placed

in the systemstartup script:

7. If u get an error, maybe there caused by the SCSI connection.
to remove the SCSI passthru driver, run : ./remove_ovpass from /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver

Replace drive in SSO environment

April 2, 2007 in Netbackup, Tape Library
Tags: SSO environment, Veritas Netbackup
In case one of our customer had drive replacement its mean that serial number also change. So in order to
update the serial number in SSO environment. Heres the steps.
1. tpautoconf -report_disc , this command will list what device that had been missing or found.
2. tpautoconf -replace_drive drive_name path drive_path, this command will update the existing device [...]

Configure Netbackup Device (Robot & drive) on AIX

March 12, 2007 in AIX, Netbackup, Tape Library
Tags: Configure robot and drive, Veritas Netbackup
Hardware :
Sun Storagetek L40 with SCSI LVD/SE.
2 drive : Seagate LT01 and SDLT 320
SCSI ID : Robotic = 6
Drive 0 = 0
Drive 1 = 1

1. run command : lsdev C c adapter (to determine the logical indetifier for the SCSI controler)
# lsdev -C -c adapter
ent0 Available 10-80 IBM 10/100 Mbps [...]

Netbackup - How do I expire, delete tapes from the database?

February 20, 2007 in Netbackup, Solaris, Tape Library
Tags: expire tape, Veritas Netbackup
First you need to make sure that there are no valid images on the tape that you want.
NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimmedia -mediaid -L
If there are no images that you need, expire the tape:
NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpexpdate -m -d 0 -host -force
This expires the images in the media database which resides specifically on the media server.
Verify that [...]

Veritas Netbackup handy command

To release a tape if it is full...
\volmgr\bin\vmquery -m to check the tape and take note of the status at
the bottom...
\volmgr\bin\vmquery -deassignbyid ie. vmquery -deassignbyid 0x0
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpexpdate -m -d 0 (Expires a tape from the
Check which schedules do not cover drives/mount points from servers.
Grep these results for frozen tapes etc
Convert ctime to real date/time
\NetBackup\bin\bpdbm -ctime xxxxxxxxxx
Checks for errors encountered
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -problems -hoursago 24 -U
Lists the error code and resolution
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -S -r
Backup Status
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -U -backstat -s info -d mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc
-e mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc
Client Backups
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimagelist -U [-A-client name] -d mo/da/yr
hr:mn:sc -e mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc
Problems Report
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -U -problems -d mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc -e
mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc
All Log Entries
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -U -all -d mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc -e mo/da/yr
Media List
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpmedialist -U -mlist [-m media ID]
Media Contents
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpmedialist -U -mcontents [-m media ID]
Images on Media
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimmedia -U -client ([-mediaid media_ID [-m
media_ID NBU 3.2])
Media Log Entries
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -U -media -d mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc -e mo/da/yr
Media Summary
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpmedialist -summary
Media Written
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimagelist -A -media -d mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc -e
mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc
Volume detail
\volmgr\bin\vmquery -a
Check Robotics contents from the command line
\volmgr\bin\vmcheckxxx -rt -rn -rh


1. From a Windows command prompt change into the \veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd directory, or in a UNIX
console window, change into the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd directory.
2. Type bptestbpcd /? to list the command parameters.
3. Run the command bptestbpcd -client xxxx (where xxxx is a clientname) to test connection to a client.
4. To view further details, run the command #bptestbpcd -client xxxx -verbose (where xxxx is a clientname).
5. To trace through the connection process, run the command bptestbpcd -client xxxx -debug (where xxxx is a

This is an amalgamation of NetBack Up tips and tricks that can be used when administrating Vertais/Symantec
Master Server Daemons/Processes
Request daemon: bprd
Scheduler bpsched: (started with bprd)
Netbackup database: manager bpdbm (started with bpsched)
Job Monitor bpjobd: (started with bpdbm)
Media Server Daemons/Processes
Communications daemon: bpcd
Backup and restore manager: bpbrm (started with bpcd)
Tape Manager: bptm (start with bpbrm) Bar code reader: avrd (start with ltid)
Disk Manager: bpdm (start with bpbrm) Media Manager: ltid
Remote device management/ controls volume database: vmd (started with ltid)
Roboticdaemon (one on each media server) talks to tldcd: tldd (start with ltid)
Robotic control daemon talks to robot directly via scsi: tldcd (start with ltid)

Master Server
Information about backed-up files: image - /opt/openv/netbackup/db
Storage Unit, Global Configuration, Catalog backup configuration: config - /opt/openv/netbackup/db
Backup Policy information: class - /opt/openv/netbackup/db
Job status information; jobs - /opt/openv/netbackup/db
Netbackup logs with error & status information: error - /opt/openv/netbackup/db
Info on volumes, volume pools, scratch pool and volume groups: volume - /opt/openv/volmgr/database
Media Server
Tracks assigned volumes (media with data): media - /opt/openv/netbackup/db
Info on devices managed by media server: device - /opt/openv/volmgr/database
Netbackup: Directory structure All files/directories relative to /usr/openv/netbackup
bin/: Commands, scripts, programs, daemons, and files required for Netbackup operations.
bin/admincmd: Contains various programs used by Netbackup internally. Generally, you shouldn't be messing
with these programs.
bin/goodies (UNIX only): Contains scripts and information that may be useful to the backup administrator.
bp.conf: Netbackup configuration file. See Netbackup Admin Guide for details. Client: Netbackup client s/w
that gets installed on the clients.
db: Netbackup databases.
exclude_list: List files/dirs to exclude from UNIX backups globally.
help: ASCII help files used by Netbackup programs.
include_list: Subset of the excluce_list to include in backups on UNIX clients
logs: Detailed activity logs for Netbackup processes. Appropriate subdirectories must be created for this logging
to work.
release_notes: Self explanatory version Version and release date of the s/w.
Log and Information Files
Netbackup and Patch versions: /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/version

Media Version: /opt/openv/volmgr/version

Patch Level history: /opt/openv/netbackup/patch/patch.history
Buffer size: /opt/openv/netbackup/db/config/SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS
Number of buffers: /opt/openv/netbackup/db/config/NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS
Network Buffer Size: /opt/openv/netbackup/NET_BUFFER_SZ (default = 32)
Java GUI authorisation: /opt/openv/java/auth.conf
Catalog type: (binary or ASCII) /opt/openv/netbackup/db/config/cat_format.cfg
Netbackup & media manager parameter files: /opt/openv/netbackup/bp.conf & /opt/openv/volmgr/vm.conf
Corrupt Database image files (5.0 and above): /opt/openv/netbackup/db.corrupt
Debug info for the vmd daemon: /usr/openv/volmgr/debug/daemon/log.ddmmyy
Debug info - processes request vmd: /usr/openv/volmgr/debug/reqlib/log.ddmmyy
Debug information for xvmadm: /usr/openv/volmgr/debug/xvmadm/log.ddmmyy
Netbackup Activity Logs (table shows on what system the log is on):
Log Master Slave Client | Log Master Slave Client
Admin X | bpdm X X
bp X | bpdbm X
bparchive X | bprd X
bpbackup X | bpsched X
bpbkar X | bptm X X
bpbrm X X | xbpadm X
bpcd X X X | xbpmon X
bpdbjobs X |
Netbackup: Volumes/Pools/Groups
Volume: Any individual bit of media - tape, optical disk, etc.

Volume Pool: A logical grouping of volumes to be used for a specific application. For instance, Oracle backs up
to a certain pool, the OS to a different pool, and product code to a third pool.
Volume Group: A logical grouping of volumes based on physical location. Whereas the pool is used for actual
data, the group is used for administrative work. If you wanted to move all the volumes from one robot to
another, you can either move the volumes one at a time or, if they're all in the same group, move the group.
Server Commands
Check license details: /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/get_license_key
Start Netbackup: netbackup start /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/initbprd (master) OR /opt/openv/volmgr/bin/vmd
Stop Netbackup (does not disconnect GUI sessions): netbackup stop
/opt/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -terminate (master)
/opt/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbm -terminate (master)
Stop Netbackup and kill all GUI sessions: /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bp.kill_all
Start the Admin GUI: /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/jnbSA
Start the back up archive and restore GUI: /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/jbpSA
Scan for tape devices: sgscan (solaris); ioscan (HPUX)
Display all Netbackup processes: bpps -a
Lists servers errors: bperror -U -problems -hoursago
bperror -U -backstat -by_statcode -hoursago
Info on error code: bperror -statuscode [-recommendation]
Reread bp.conf without stopping Netbackup: bprdreq -rereadconfig
Check database consistency: bpdbm -consistency 1; bpdbm -consistency 2
Check for the following lines: Bad image header; Does not exist
Netbackup Recovery
Device catalog is intact: bprecover -l -m -d dlt (listing)
bprecover -r -m -d dlt (recovering)
Device catalog is gone or corrupted: bprecover -l -tpath (listing)

bprecover -r -tpath (recovering)

Disk backups: bprecover -l -dpath (listing)
bprecover -r -dpath (recovering)
Volume Commands
Tape Drive and Inventory Commands
List drive status, detail drive info and pending requests: vmoprcmd [-h]
List the tape drive status: vmoprcmd -d ds
List the pending requests: vmoprcmd -d pr
Control a tape device: vmoprcmd [-reset][-up][-down]
List all changes in the robot(but do not update): vmupdate -recommend -rt tld -rn 0; vmcheckxxx -rt tld -rn 0
Empty robot & re-inv (using barcodes): vmupdate -rt tld -rn -rh -vh -nostderr -use_barcode_rules -use_seed
Tape Media Commands - cont
List all pools: vmpool -listall -bx
List tapes in pool: vmquery -pn -bx
List all tapes in the robot: vmquery -rn 0 -bx |grep 'TLD' | sort +4
List cleaning tapes: vmquery -mt dlt_clean -bx
List tape volume details: vmquery -m
Delete a volume from the catalog: vmdelete -m
Change a tapes expiry date: vmchange -exp 12/31/06 23:59:58 -m
Change a tape's media pool: vmchange -p -m
Media commands
List the storage units: bpstulist -U
Freeze or unfreeze media: bpmedia [-freeze][-unfreeze] -ev
List media details: bpmedialist -ev

List media contents: bpmedialist -U mcontents -m

List backup Image Information: bpimagelist -backupid
Expire client images: bpimage -cleanup -allclients
Expire a tape: bpexpdate -d 0 -ev -force
List all netbackups jobs: bpdbjobs -report [-hoursago]
Move media from one media server to another: bpmedia -movedb -newserver -oldserver
Tape/Robot commands
List tape drives: tpconfig -d
List cleaning times on drives: tpclean -L
clean a drive: tpclean -C
change a drives cleaning frequency: tpclean -F
set a drives cleaning time to zero: tpclean -M
Move tapes within robot using robtest: robtest
Commands that can be used are as follows:
s s (show slots)
s d (show drives)
s I (show load port)
m s250 d5 (move tape from slot 250 into drive 5)
uload d5 (unload tape from drive 5)
m d5 s250 (move tape from drive 5 to slot 250)
m s250 i1 (mov tape from slot 250 to load port 1)
List load port tapes: echo "s i q" | tldtest -r /dev/sg/c0t4l0
List all slot contents: echo "s s q" | tldtest -r /dev/sg/c0t4l0
List tape drive contents: echo "s d q" | tldtest -r /dev/sg/c0t4l0
Move a tape in s100 to drive 1: echo "m s100 d1" | tldtest -r /dev/sg/c0t4l0

Move a tape to load port 1: echo "m s100 i1" | tldtest -r /dev/sg/c0t4l0
Archiving Commands
list archive info: bpcatlist -client all -before Jul 01 2006
bpcatlist -client all -before Aug 01 2006
archive and remove images: bpcatlist -before Jul 01 2006 | bpcatarc | bpcatrm
restore archive files: bpcatlist -before Jul 01 2006 | bpcatres
Client commands
test client connectivity: bpclntcmd [-ip ]
bpclntcmd [-hn ]
bpclntcmd [-pn]
bpclntcmd [-sv]
Misc NETBACKUP commands
List backup servers: cat /etc/hosts
Display policies: bpplist [policyname] [-L | -U] [-allpolicies] [-byclient client] [-keyword "keyword phrase"][verbose]
bpadm -> p -> b or r -> l
List the tapes in the scratch pool: vmquery -bx -a | grep TLD
Backup file list: bplist -C -t -k -s mm/dd/yyyy -e mm/dd/yyyy -l -R /
Add a client: bpclient -add -client pan-panpss1-backup -current_ip_addr -WOFB_enabled 0
Suspend Backups: bpplinfo -set inactive
Unsuspend Backups: bpplinfo -set active
Check if drives are down: vmdareq (only run on backup media servers)
Check # of files & size of backup: bpcatlist client
Clean tape drives: Shutdown daemons; DCT cleans drives; reset mount time
Get mount time: tpclean l Get drive names: tpconfig dl; Reset mount time; tpclean M

List Contents of Archives: bplist -C -s -e -l -R -t 13 -unix_files /

Some Websites that have more information
This is a good all around site with lots of information:
How to run specific reports on the command line that are found in the Motif and Java Graphical User
Backup Status: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bperror -U -backstat -s info -d mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss -e
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
Client Backups: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -A -d mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss -e mm/dd/yy
Problems: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bperror -U -problems -d mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss -e mm/dd/yy
All Log Entries: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bperror -U -all -d mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss -e mm/dd/yy
Media List: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedialist -U -mlist
Media Contents: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedialist -U -mcontents -ev
Images On Media: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimmedia -U -mediaid
Media Log Entries: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bperror -U -media -d mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss -e
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
Media Summary: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedialist -summary
Media Written: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -A -media -d mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss -e
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
Backup server error check
1) Check /var/adm/messages (or /var/log/messages on linux) on the backup server to identify any backup related
messages in the logs. These will generally indicate any hardware issues:
Log into the server: ssh xxxxx THEN sudo su Check to see if the backup server is running: bpps a
Check to see if backup jobs are still running: bpdbjobs | grep i Active

Check the error log to identify any backup related messages in the logs. These will generally indicate any
hardware issues: cat /var/log/messages
Checks syslog for the day, removing unwanted stuff: cat /var/log/messages | grep -vE "ucd|repeated|session|
2) Check the Veritas Error Dump report to identify any unusual errors:
bperror -U -problems or| bpadm; reports; problems
3) Check the Veritas Backup Status report to ensure that all of the customer backups succeeded: bperror -U
-by_statcode -backstat | egrep -A50 -E "^\ {0,2}[1-9]"
4) Check the Veritas Media report to identify any newly failed media: tpconfig -l
Format the output and display: tpconfig -l | awk ' /drive/ {print $8" "$3" "$4" STATUS:"$6}' | column -t 5)
Ensure there is an ample supply of available media in the Scratch Pool. Record the number of available tapes in
the ticket as a reference for later:
This lists all of the tapes on the server: vmquery -bx -a
This lists all of the tapes in the scratch pool: vmquery -b -pn ScratchPool-0
This command displays the results in a formatted line: echo -e "EISI scratch tapes available: \t\t`vmquery -b -pn
ScratchPool-0 | grep TLD | grep -E "^0" | wc -l` \t`vmquery -bx -a | grep TLD | grep -E "^0" | wc -l`"

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