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Lesson One Day One

Daily Topic: ELA Oceans

Common Core Standards:

Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events
o Reading Standards for Literature, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, #7
With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and
suggestions for peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed
o Writing Standards, Production and Distribution of Writing, #5

Objectives: TSW complete a journal writing about a time they have been to the ocean, or what
they think the ocean would be like (if they have not visited the ocean before). TSW participate in
rug time, reading books about the ocean and talking about what they know and what they would
like to know. TTW create an inspiration map with the students with what they know about the
ocean and what they would like to know. TSW read books about the ocean and complete a
fotobabble about something they learned about the ocean from that book.

TTW have the students write in their journal about a time they have visited the ocean. If
they have never visited the ocean, the student will write about what they think the ocean
would be like. TSW also write what they know about the ocean already, and what they
would like to know about the ocean.
After completing the journal writing, all students will come to the rug. TTW create an
inspiration map with the students. The inspiration map will include what they know about
the ocean and what they would like to learn about the ocean.
TTW read the following books to the students:
o Hello Ocean by Pam Munoz Ryan
o Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea by Jan Peck
Next, TSW split into groups of three and complete a fotobabble. The groups will
complete a fotobabble together, with each student participating.
o For the fotobabble, TSW pick from the following books:
Commotion in the Ocean by Giles Andreae
Wish for a Fish: All About Sea Creatures by Bonnie Worth
A Swim Through the Sea by Kristin Joy Pratt
o After reading their chosen book, TSW take a picture of the cover, then use
fotobabble to say something they learned from the book. (Each fotobabble should
have three comments, one from each student)
When all students have completed their fotobabble, they will all come to the rug and
present their work.




special needs
o work directly with them
o Translate to their native language
o Offer a more advanced activity once they complete the other activities

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