Guillermo Tello Ibrahim Trawally

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Journal therapy


What is it?
Journal Therapy is the act of writing down thoughts

and feelings to sort through problems and come to

deeper understandings of oneself or the issues in
ones life.
Kind of like an equation..

Where and Who?

The therapeutic potential of reflective writing didnt

come into public awareness until the 1960s, when

Dr. Ira Progoff.
New York, 1960

Benefits and theory's

Journal Therapy is reported to have a lot of benefits.

It has been used effectively for grief and loss; coping

with life-threatening or chronic illness; recovery from
addictions, eating disorders and trauma; repairing
troubled marriages and family relationships;
increasing communication skills; developing healthier
self-esteem; getting a better perspective on life; and
clarifying life goals.

Practicing journal therapy.

It is used in professional fields too. Professional

career such as Although there are many

psychotherapists, and teachers and even doctors
uses it.

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