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Families Staying Fit

What your growing child needs to eat:

My Plate shows families how to

eat better and make better food
choices. You should focus on
fruits, vary your veggies, make at
least half your grains whole, go
lean with your protein, and get
your calcium rich food.

Calories: 1200-2000
Protein: 3-5.5 ounces
Fruits: 1-2 cups
Veggies: 1.5-2.5 cups
Grains: 4-6 ounces
Dairy: 2.5-3 cups

Calories: 1200Protein: 3-5 ounces
Fruits: 1-1.5 cups
Veggies: 1.5-2 cups
Grains: 4-6
Dairy: 2.5-3 cups

Why is physical activity important?

Ways to get physically active:

Do activities as a family like walking,

bike riding, or hiking
Join a sports team
Take a nature walk
Walk your dog around the block
Go swimming
Have fun!

It helps you sleep better at night

Have stronger muscles and bones
Prevents high blood pressure and
risk of diabetes
Makes you feel better about

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