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Eqs Journal Second Nine weeks

What reflected the change in art during the renaissance?

Naturalism reflected the change. Artist began looking at natural things and
slowly reduced biblical art work. When the biblical art began to decrease and
realism and naturalism started, it also showed the church losing power over
the people.
Why did a rebirth of classical knowledge lead to major challenges/reform in
the Church?
Since the church used God to explain the unknown, when people looked for
answers elsewhere the church slowly began losing power and Political
standing. The church was decreasing in power and later on lost all control
over economic or political stand points.
Should cultures look for ways to enhance or restrict blendings as interactions
I personally feel like we should blend our cultures and share all the unique
ideas from other ethnicities. We can still keep our cultures alive even with
people blending with another person from a different culture.
What are examples of nationalism as a unifying force? As a dividing force?
Nationalism in America during the world war, unified the women to work in
factories while the men were determined to fight in the war.
Nationalism in Germany during world war 2 caused an attempted genocide of
Jewish dissents. It caused fear and chaos to surface.
Why did Europe seem to lead the world into the Industrial Revolution?

Should nations manipulate relationships with other nations for their own
No, manipulating shouldnt be allowed because if you had to manipulate
someone for your own intentions, the intentions are probably bad. Peace and
Treaties should be in place more often than not.

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