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To: Ms.

From: Deven Bryan
Date: 13 April 2015
Subject : MWA #2
My topic for MWA #2 is to discuss the rhetorical appeals, and patterns used in
the trailer for the upcoming film Pitch Perfect 2. My angle is to show how the appeals
and patterns support the film by showing how good it will be. The purpose is to
persuade my audience into agreeing that the film is going to be a good film is you like
comedies, like the first movie. The tone I used was casual, as if I was talking to an
acquaintance. The audience is people who like comedies, and people who liked the
original Pitch Perfect. My main points were to talk about the appeals, and patterns used
in the film, and give specific examples throughout my assignment.
My process was relatively easy after I made the outline assigned in LSA #4. The
outline helped me to organize my thoughts, and know how I wanted to organize the
paper. I wanted the ethos to go first to show the readers the facts first, then the
emotion, then definitions. I felt like that would allow my readers to assess the analysis I
had given. I got my ideas from watching the trailer what felt like a hundred times to
make sure I caught enough appeals to make a valid analysis. The parts that went well
for my analysis were giving the examples of pathos, ethos, and logos. This was easy
because of the outline where I previously listed all my points. A parts that I struggled
with was making my thesis more specific. Originally, my thesis said something along the
line of Throughout the trailer for Pitch Perfect 2, the directors successfully showed
rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos) to make excite the viewer. This thesis was
not direct because I had other parts of my thesis scattered around in other sentences.
Then, I changed my thesis to Throughout the trailer for Pitch Perfect 2, the directors
successfully implemented rhetorical appeals and patterns, to make excite the viewer,
and show that the sequel is going to be just as good, if not, better than the first.. Even
though this is lengthy, it completely gives all my points I was trying to make in my
analysis, I also struggled with how to tie in the patterns with appeals. The patterns
seemed to just be randomly thrown in at first, then, after revision the patterns were more
easy to follow in the analysis.
The given SLO to was improve your fluency in the dialect of Standardized Written
American English at the level of the sentence, paragraph, and document. I made
progress toward this by reading my draft out loud so my paper was easy to follow. I feel
like I make progress toward this SLO every time I write. This SLO is one I feel like
students work on from the start in grade school. The writing process and language can
always improve, and there is always room for growth. I feel like all activities that involve
writing help to expand as a writer. In class activities that help me toward to SLO are
actually peer analysis. When some reads another persons work I feel like it is

To: Ms. Larsen

From: Deven Bryan
Date: 13 April 2015
Subject : MWA #2
sometimes easier to point out where they can expand, and what they should reconsider,
or rewrite. Also, another activity that helped was the outline we did for LSA #4, because
it helped me to be organized so I could write my paper in a way that made sense and so
my analysis was clear.
I have no questions for my reader at this time. I would like my readers to focus
on my examples of pathos, ethos, and logos to see how I prove my thesis. I would like
feedback on how the paper flows, and if I was able to tie in my patterns efficiently.

To: Ms. Larsen

From: Deven Bryan
Date: 13 April 2015
Subject : MWA #2
Pitch Perfect 2 Rhetorical Analysis
Pitch Perfect 2 is a sequel about a group of acapella singers called the Barden
Bellas get suspended from being an acapella group at Barden University, and the only
way to get back in is to win the global competition. The Global competition has never
been won by an American team before. Throughout the trailer for Pitch Perfect 2, the
directors successfully implemented rhetorical appeals and patterns, to make excite the
viewer, and show that the sequel is going to be just as good, if not, better than the first.
The sequel appears to be full of girl power, comedy, and excitement from what is shows
in the trailer. Even if you have not seen the original comedy packed movie, from the
trailer it seems that you will still be able to enjoy, and understand the movie.

This trailer gives the viewer a lot of ethos, or credibility to support how good the
sequel is going to be. In the trailer of Pitch Perfect 2 the same cast from the previous
Pitch Perfect is shown. This contributes to the rhetorical pattern of cause and effect
because it is a sequel using the same cast. Another ethos example of the cause, and
effect pattern is how the sequel shows Fat Amy played by Rebel Wilson who has been
known to play a comedic character like her character in Pain & Gain, and Night at The
Museum: The Secret of the Tomb. Next, the trailer shows the same plot, and storyline
as seen in the previous movie. If you have not seen the original, the main character
Beca, played by Anna Kendrick, joins the Bellas and refreshed their style of acapella.

To: Ms. Larsen

From: Deven Bryan
Date: 13 April 2015
Subject : MWA #2
The Bellas then go on to win the acapella competition, beating the Troublemakers for
the first time. The pattern supported here is narrative because it proposes the problem
for the Bellas which is competing to win another, more significant, battle for the Bellas.
Scenes from the first Pitch Perfect are shown in the beginning of the trailer for the new
sequel. These scenes show the Bellas taking the victory in a previous acapella
competition. This supports the cause and effect pattern since it shows previous scenes
from the original Pitch Perfect. The Bellas sing When Im Gone in the beginning of the
trailer that was song in the original movie. This pattern is classification because the
song is recognizable from the original so it pulls viewers in, because as soon as you
hear that song in the trailer you know it is a sequel.

Pathos is shown throughout the trailer, mostly in the form of comedy. Pathos is
the emotions, and feeling shown in the trailer. Throughout the trailer, the Bellas are
singing songs in acapella. This follows the pattern of description, specifically sound,
because you hear the Bellas harmonizing in acapella. In the second half of the trailer
the song Into the Jungle is played in the background, which is meant to excite the
viewer. Description is used here because you hear the song. The scene in the trailer
when Fat Amy, barrels down the staircase, and says Nailed it when she gets off the
ground. This pattern is cause and effect because it shows how funny this sequel will be
compared to the original. Fat Amy also has several other funny scenes shown
throughout the commercial.

To: Ms. Larsen

From: Deven Bryan
Date: 13 April 2015
Subject : MWA #2
Logos is shown in the trailer as well, but not to the extent of pathos, and ethos.
Logos is the facts shown in the trailer. For example, the judges say The world
championships of acapella, where every four years the best from around the globe
come to compete for world domination. Clearly, the winner does not actually rule the
world, but I imagine they rule the world of acapella. This pattern is definition because
they are telling you what the world championships are. The Bellas are told that No
American team has ever won in the world championships. The pattern shown is
narrative because this is a problem for the Bellas since they are American. This
example could also be pathos because when it is said in the trailer, the judges are
laughing about it, and saying every other country hates us so they will never win.

Pitch Perfect 2 is made up for ethos, pathos, and some logos to draw viewers in
to see the movie. The movie seems to have a lot of credibility that is will be equally as
enjoyable as the first one. Also, is seems that the movie will show a lot of comedy from
actors like Anna Kendrick, and Rebel Wilson. Im excited to see if the Bellas are able to
overcome their problem and be the first American acapella team to win the Global
Competition. I cant wait to see the sequel because I thought the original was hilarious!

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