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Alisha Bernal

Artistic Statement
Dance IV-6

Dance is more of a lifestyle rather than just a hobby. My inspiration for dancing is mostly to
make someone proud. Another reason would be to demonstrate what I feel and my
emotions through movement inspired by my life experiences. The main reason I dance is
because dancing gets my mind of things. Although I am not the best dancer I still like to
work my hardest and achieve at what I can do in dancing, and when I do not achieve I try
harder. I think being so dedicated and never giving up on a hobby or something that you
spend most of your time doing even though you aren't the best can benefit you in life
because I believe it will benefit me later in life. So another reason I dance is because I
believe it will benefit me later on in life. One of my pieces that I choreographed is called,
"Okara Ihu". This piece is based on a Hawaiian myth called The Half Faced Ghost of Old
Pali Road. The piece is more of a creepy kind of dance. My inspiration for this piece was
that I wanted to do something that I knew had a good story and I knew I would be able to
add on to the story through movement. Although it was a creepy myth I do not consider my
movement creepy at all. I consider my movement very flowly. My inspiration for my
movement needs to come from a story or something that has a meaning behind it. Most of
the movement I use in my dances comes from words or names being spelled. I think my
movement is a mixture of contemporary jazz and ballet. ~ When in doubt, Just dance it out

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