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Discourse Analysis

Checklist for coherence

1. Is my text about the same individuals?

2. Are the different individuals connected to the main ones through relations of inclusion,
membership, part-whole, possession or association?
3. Are the properties of individuals expressed as predicates and attributes relevant to the
4. Is the text about the same period or is it about several periods. If the letter is the case, are
the periods connected in any way?
5. Are the facts, events, ideas ordered logically? Do they follow a certain logical or natural
pattern? If not, do I have a certain purpose for ordering things abnormally?
6. Is the context correlated with the information patterns specific of the topic? (Frames,
schemas, scenarios)
7. Are the sentences consistent with the topic of the section, paragraph?
8. Are the sentences placed according to the superstructure of the genre.

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