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The Bible tells a story

that a terrible God dictated

the drama of two brothers
, the righteous and the traitor

Mean and cowardly Abel

, the servant his master
Cain did not enter the game
revealed that Curse you

, thundering voice of his judge

Our Father, which deprived us of Eden

Cain broke with a gesture

his yoke of bondage
fled the implacable eye
carried his own cross

Pursued by breaking a law

, he does not understand and does not have the

Sufriras, moriras
this is the will
but there are still here
Sons of Cain

The lineage of the fugitive

, grew and multiplied
the sign that marginalizes
and never delete

I curse, cry the children of Abel

at the right hand of his master the power

Sufriras, moriras

this is the will

but there are still here
Sons of Cain

Maybe men we are

at once Abel and Cain
maybe one day destroy
the darkness that is in my
the destination
is not marked in faith
I chose to be what I will always be

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