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Rape of Nanking Monument

Rape of Nanking was a nightmare that never should have occurred. The memorial
represents the lives lost in the event. Those 300,000 civilians should have a memorial to
remember the horrid deaths of children, men, and women through the city. Because the Japanese
announced their denial of the event, the memorials are the effort to remember and educate.
Memorials teach students of the inhumanity and how to prevent an event like this. The best way
to prevent this horror from recurring is to be proactive, not reactive. Memorials preach the legacy
of every man, woman, and child who will not be forgotten.
Monuments and memorials to this event are found in the original city of Nanjing where
survivors and tourists can come to mourn. The most famous memorial is the The Nanjing
Massacre Memorial Hall. This museum is vast and overwhelming. All though the statues are not
life like, they are hard to see. The emotions for the statues give a heavy atmosphere of suffering.
The statues in the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall are very literal. Our statue will focus more
on the peoples emotions, broken and hopeless. Our monument will be formed to do what
humans cannot. It will stand for centuries to come, tall and bold. It will reflect the literal and
emotional suffering. Memorials are made to remind future generations of history and our
memorial will not let them forget. It will stretch their minds, stain their memory, and touch their
hearts. Our memorial will move the hearts of the future generations and teach them to speak up
and fight.

The civilians of Nanking would benefit most from the monument because it represents
their history. They share the connection of the city and the memories that scar their thoughts.
Memorials give the civilians the identity that they had lost. Survivors have the right to have a
place for their love ones to be remembered. Instead of this massacre being skimmed through like
facts in a textbook, and not being known as a genocide. People should acknowledge the hundreds
of thousands of lives lost. The impact will stay with them forever, but our memorial could be the
closure that they never had.

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