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Hunter Shirey

UWRT 1102
Multi Genre Project
For this project I decided to make three internet memes that rightly express the topic I am
doing for my inquiry paper. I chose to do memes, because I grew up seeing them on the internet
and I was well aware of the process in making them. I also picked memes, because they have
made me laugh for years and I like to believe I have a good since of humor. I dont want to say I
took the easy way out in doing this project, but I really did not know how to create any of the
other types of genres.
The rhetorical devices we were taught, ethos, pathos, and logos, is truly apparent when
you look at the memes I created. For ethos I had to pick popular memes. If I just took a random
picture and put words on it, nobody would understand what Im trying to do. The memes that are
popular are easier for the viewer to connect the meme to the joke. They have seen it in the past,
they have laughed at it in the past, and therefore, they will have a much stronger connection to it.
For pathos it is simply the fact that they are funny. If the meme does not make you laugh in any
way shape or form, then there will be absolutely no connection. The purpose of the meme is to
be funny. Many of the not so funny ones can be seen with thousands of downvotes across the
internet. With logos, you can make a simple joke that everyone can understand and really make a
connection with the viewers. I have seen many memes that I could not put together and did not
get the joke. I did not feel any connection with these memes, however, the ones would did get the

memes really seemed to have a good connection. I have seen many memes that I did not
understand get thousands of upvotes. The jokes I came up with to put on the meme came from
these three rhetorical devices as well as the picture.

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