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Big Era 6 Chapter summary Questions.

Name: Kaiya Sutton Date: March 2, 2015 Hour: 7

1. In terms of population, urbanization, technology, and economy, Europe was not as important a region as
some others in the world before 1500. What factors do you think contributed to Europe's growing
importance in these respects after 1500?
After 1500, Europe got ahold of many valuable materials. It developed better guns than the rest of the world
and started producing useful items that it could trade the rest of the world with and gain profits. Also, the
Renaissance sparked the creation of new arts, which contributed to the economy.
2. Define the Columbian Exchange and explain why far more plant species, animals species, disease
microorganisms, and people flowed from Afroeurasia to the Americas than in the opposite direction in the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?
Afroeurasia had far more developed civilizations, and the people who lived there had greater technology.
The people of Afroeurasia went to and from America to trade goods, but Native Americans and colonists
didnt leave.
3. What are some of the important ways in which the discovery of large quantities of silver in the Americas in the
sixteenth century affected the world economy and large regions such as China, India, or Europe?
Silver was a very valuable mineral that other countries would pay highly for. So when it was discovered and
began to circulate, people began to pay for it, and money circulated too.
4. Would you agree or disagree that economic inequality grew in the world during Big Era Six? Offer
evidence to support your position.
I agree, economic inequality grew in Big Era Six when trade began to grow. New technologies permitted
civilizations to trade greater quantities and pay higher sums. Different areas valued certain items
differently, some were willing to pay more, losing them their money, some were not willing to pay, but
traded away more than they should have, which lost them money.

5. "The Scientific Revolution was a logical outcome of Afroeurasia's total legacy of scientific and
philosophical creativity." Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
I definitely disagree with this statement. Science did not reach its peak in Big Era Six, technologies
were still not advanced enough. I would argue that The Scientific Revolution is still yet to come.

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