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Lay 1

Sarah Lay
English 10600
Brittany Biesiada
February 4, 2015
The Unusual Case
I still cant believe it. My name is Franklin Conner. I live in the Washington D.C. area
and am the partner of the great Detective Killian Burke. Burke is known all over the world as the
most famous detective. He can solve any crime that is placed in front of him. He is so good, that
he really doesnt need me as his partner. Im actually surprised I got the job, but he has been
really supportive of me. He lets me come to the crime scenes with him and lets me look for clues
that he might of missed, usually there arent any, but still it makes me feel important.
I have been working with Detective Burke for about fourteen years now. I started
working with him right out of college. I actually saw him working on a crime and he noticed me
watching and asked if I wanted to help him. I couldnt believe that the great Detective Burke was
talking to me, let alone wanting me to work with him. I have been working with him ever since. I
have never really had a difficult case, until the one that I just finished took place.
2 Days Earlier
I got the call around five oclock in the morning on September 18. It was Robin Mills
from the Sheriffs office.
Hello, I answer groggily as I pick up the phone.
Franklin, its Robin, theres been a mass murder at the Neon Moon. Get a hold of Burke
and meet me there in a half hour.
Will do, I replied before hanging up the phone.

Lay 2
Yawning, I sit up in bed. I dial Killians number and wait for him to pick up.
Hello, answered Killian after the second ring.
Killian, its Franklin. I just got a call from Robin. He says there has been a mass murder
at the Neon Moon. He wants us to meet him there in a half hour.
Will do, Killian replied as he hung up.
Stretching, I get up and start to get ready for my already busy day.
30 minutes later
Pulling into the parking lot of the Neon Moon, I start to think about what a possible
motive behind the murders could be. Neon Moon is one of the most popular bars in Alexandria,
Virginia. It is a commonly known as a hangout for college students on weekends and holiday
breaks, but middle age people can also be seen in there every once in awhile. Getting out of my
car, I watch as Killian pulls into a parking spot.
Good morning, I state as I stroll over to his car as he climbs out.
Morning, Burke replies. Have you been inside yet?
No, I just got here, I answer as we walk toward the entrance of the bar.
Do you have any thoughts on why someone might do this? He asked pulling the door to
the Neon Moon open.
I was thinking in the car maybe a jealous friend. Or a I stop midsentence as I take in
the scene of about ten civilians. There was a mixture of college students and waitresses strewn
across the floor. There were pools of blood all across the floor from the victims.

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As we were taking in the gruesome scene, Sheriff Robin Mills and Sheriff Emma Jones
walk up to us. It sure is sick, Sheriff Mills says standing next to us.
Are there any witnesses? Detective Burke asks while looking away from the victims.
Not that we know of, Sheriff Jones replies. We got the call from a bystander around
4:30. His name is Jericho Adams. He said that his car broke down so he came in here to ask if
anyone knew the number of a local tow truck company. But when he came in he saw this and
called us.
Is he still around? Burke questions. I want to ask him a couple of questions.
Right now he is at the police station, Mills responds. We have already questioned him
though. He didnt know anything about what happened. I truly believe that he was just an
innocent bystander who happened to be the first to notice the bodies.
Still, I would like to question him before you let him go. Burke comments to Mills and
says to me, Come on, Franklin. Lets go look for some clues.
Are you feeling alright? I ask Burke while we leave Jones and Mills at the entrance.
Of course, just a little tired. Why?
Just wondering, I reply. Something is definitely up with him, I think to myself as we
start to look for clues. He never questions someone if the police have already questioned them
and dont think that they are involved in any way.
I think it would be best if we split up and look, Burke announces as we get closer to the
Sounds good, I reply as he walks towards the tables and I head to the bar.

Lay 4
For the first couple of minutes, I dont find anything that could be useful. As I start to get
up, I notice a black pen behind one of the barstools. I pick it up and recognize it immediately.
Puzzled to how it got here I slide it into my pocket, looking around to make sure nobody notices.
After taking another glance around the bar and the body of the bartender, I conclude that there is
nothing else useful here, so I head back towards Detective Burke.
Find anything? I ask as I walk up behind him.
He must not have heard me, because he jumps really high, which is strange because he
always hears everything.
Just a set of keys, Burke replies as he turns around to face me. Looks like one goes to
a car and the other is a house key.
Those could belong to anyone here.
Im thinking they belong to our little friend, Jericho Adams. We should head on over and
have a little chat with him.
Ok, but Mills said that they already questioned him and dont think he was involved in
When have they ever been right about anything?
Most of the time, I think to myself. Why is he acting so weird today?
Hey, is that a bullet? I ask pointing towards something very small near the side door of
the bar.
Yeah, it looks like it. Burke replies picking it up. Did you see any other bullets

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No, this is the only one.
Well, we will just have to keep our eyes open for more bullets and a gun that it could
have come from. Anyway, did you find anything helpful?
Nothing. Whoever did this, sure doesnt want us to find out.
Well, thats usually how it is, Burke chuckles as we head to his car. But we always
figure it out one way or another.
Killian pulls into a spot right in front of the police station. Getting out of the car we walk
into the station in silence. I start to think of the case so far. So far the only things we have found
are one bullet and a set of keys. Who could be so evil to just go into a bar and kill those innocent
people? What could possibly be a reason behind it?
We need to speak with Jericho Adams. Burke says interrupting my thoughts as we
reach the front desk.
He is in the first interrogation room, the receptionist answered looking up from the
papers she was going over.
We walk down the hall to the first interrogation room. Burke opens the door and we go
inside. Jericho Adams? he asks walking over to the table.
Maybe, whos asking? he replies.
My name is Detective Burke and this is my partner Franklin. We are here to ask you a
couple of questions about the murders at the Neon Moon.
I already told them, I didnt have nothing to do with it, he replied, coldly.

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Well thats what Im here to find out, Burke replied sitting down. What kind of car do
you have?
What does my car have to do with any of this? I told ya already. I didnt do nothing. I
was just minding my own business, when I found them dead bodies.
We found these keys at the crime scene, do you recognize them?
Well yeah, those are mine. How in the world did you get those? Those were in my car.
SEE ONE OF THOSE WARRANT THINGS! Jericho yelled standing up and knocking down
his chair.
You need to calm down, Burke replied calmly. I did not break into your car. I went
into the Neon Moon and looked around for clues and came across them.
I dont know. I was hoping you could clear that up for me, Burke commented calmly.
Im not talking to you. You are going to make everyone think that I did the crime. And I
didnt. I didnt kill no one.
Im not saying you did. All Im saying is I need to hear where you were last night.
I already told those other cops. I was coming back from my girlfriends house; we just
had this big fight you see. She doesnt think I do enough stuff around the house, which is a big
lie. I do more in a day than she has done her entire lifetime.
I dont need to know why you were at your girlfriends, Burke interrupts.

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Well fine. Anyways I was coming back from my girlfriends and I get right outside of
that bar and my car starts to act funny. I pull over just as it stops running. So I go inside and see
all them dead bodies. I get out of there as fast as possible and call the police.
Is that it?
Yep. Like I told you and those other cops, I am innocent.
Well see. You are going to have to stay here for a bit longer, Burke tells him as we
walk out of the room.
The ride back to the Neon Moon is completely silent. We didnt learn anything new from
our chat with Jericho, but I didnt really think we would. So now we our back to square one, with
only two clues and no suspects or witnesses. We pull into the lot and we both get out.
You should go home. Im going to have one more look around and then call it quits for
the day. Burke says breaking the silence.
Are you sure you dont need any help?
Im sure it wont take very long. Go home and get some rest so we can have a fresh start
Ok. See you tomorrow.
45 minutes later
I just finished dinner and was getting ready for bed when I got the call.
Its Burke. I found the gun. Meet me at the station.

Lay 8
I hang up the phone and cant believe my ears. Hes found the gun? Where did he find it?
I quickly put my clothes back on and race to my car. As I drive to the station numerous questions
keep running through my mind, but I know I will have to wait until I get there for them to be
I find a spot near the door to the station and quickly hop out. I rush inside to find Burke
sitting on one of the chairs.
He stands up when he sees me coming, Lets go to one of the interrogation rooms
before you start asking questions.
We walk into the second interrogation room which is the closest one that is unoccupied.
Burke barely got the door closed the door before I started to fire off questions.
Where is it? Where did you find it? How did you find it? Who does it belong to?
Slow down. The gun is right here. He replied pulling it out of his coat pocket. After
you left, I started to look around the bar. I had just concluded that there were no more clues there
and then I had a thought come to me. I should search his car. He never told me what type of car
he had, so I called Rachel and asked her to look up his license plate information for me. She told
me his license plate and then I walked around the parking lot until I found his car. Then I
searched it and found the gun stashed under the front seat. And before you ask, I know its the
same gun because I took one of the bullets out and compared them.
So, I guess the only thing left to do is to arrest him.
Thats right, he says standing up. Like I said before, never believe the cops, when they
say someone wasnt involved.

Lay 9
We go into the first interrogation room where Jericho is waiting for us. Jericho Adams,
you are under arrest for the murder of ten civilians. You have the right to remain silent. Anything
you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If
you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you, Burke calmly states while putting
handcuffs on him.
We found the gun underneath the seat of your car, Burke says pulling it out again.
HOW TO SHOOT A GUN! Jericho yells frantically.
Tell it to the judge, Burke says leaving the room.
Jericho turns to me with a look of complete fright on his face, You have to believe me. I
didnt show those people. I have never seen that gun before. Please.
I hurry out of the room while Officer Hood takes Jericho away.
Burke wait up. I yell as I hurry to catch up to him. I dont think he did it.
He did, now end of discussion, He replies not even looking back.
30 minutes later.
After feel humiliated by Burkes outburst, I return home and change back out of my
clothes. I lay in bed thinking about the case. The only clues we found at the scene were a set of
car keys and a bullet. The car keys belonged to Jericho, who insists that they were in his car. I
continue to remain puzzled as I think of the case over and over again. Maybe I should go search

Lay 10
Jerichos car to see if I could find anything that would prove him not guilty. I pick up my phone
and dial the station.
This is Rachel, the receptionist says as she picks up the phone.
Rachel, its Franklin. I was wondering if you could give me the license plate number that
you gave Killian earlier.
I didnt give Killian a license plate number. She commented.
Are you sure? He says he got one from you.
He must be mistaken. I didnt give him one. Sorry.
Its ok, I reply as I hang up the phone.
I lay back down to think about this new set of information that I was just given. Killian
had lied to my face about getting a license plate number from Rachel, but why? Im just about to
give up and go to bed when a light bulb goes off in my head. I jump up and rush to my coat that I
threw onto the back of the chair when I got home. I reach inside and pull out the pen that I found
at the Neon Moon. Jericho didnt do it.
I get dressed the fastest I have in my entire life. I run to my car and speed to the Sheriffs
station. I barely have the car before I jump out and run inside.
Where is Robin? I practically yell at Rachel.
In his office, she answers, looking confused.
I run down the hall to his office. I barely have the door open before I start yelling again.
You have to let Jericho go, he didnt do it!

Lay 11
What? How do you know? I thought Burke said that he was guilty? Robin said
standing up.
Thats the thing; Burke did say he was guilty. I dont believe him though. He said he got
a license plate number from Rachel, but when I called her she said she never gave him a license
plate number. Also, this morning when we were looking for clues, I found this by the bar, I
explain pulling out the pen.
Um, thats a pen. How is a pen supposed to make Jericho innocent?
The pen belongs to Burke. Its his favorite, and he never goes anywhere without it.
What are you saying?
I give a big sigh before continuing, Im saying, I think Burke is the guilty one. I think
Burke is the one who killed those people.
Why would Burke kill those people?
I dont know, but he has been acting weird all day. He is the one who found the gun,
which he says he found in Jerichos car. Jericho never told him what kind of car he drove and
Rachel never gave him the license plate number so how else would he know which one is
I think we should go talk to Burke before you continue to accuse him of the murders.
We drive over to Burkes house separately. Even though I dont want to be, Im positive
Im right. Im positive that Burke is the one who killed those people. I dont know why he would
do it though. He has spent the past twenty years of his life trying to stop all the crime in the

Lay 12
I park in the street and get out of my car. I meet up with Robin and Emma and we walk
up to the front door. I knock on the door and wait for Burke to answer.
Hey, Burke says clearly puzzled as he sees us on his doorstep. Whats going on?
We need to talk, I reply stepping forward.
Ok, he replies stepping back as he lets us come in. Whats up?
We had to let Jericho go, I tell him.
WHAT! Why?
He didnt commit the crime.
I told you, he did. Now who is in charge, you or me? Go find him and lock him up.
We cant do that. He isnt one who killed those people.
Then who did?
You, I say as calm as possible.
Me? Lets be real, he chuckles.
You know Im right.
Well lets say you are right, why would I risk my life to kill people I dont even know.
Thats the one part I was hoping you could clear up for me.
You arent going to drop this, are you?
No. Im right, arent I?

Lay 13
Fine. Yes I did kill them. Happy Now? Mr. Nobodyevernoticesme? You finally got to
solve a mystery by yourself. You must be so proud.
Why? Why kill all those innocent people?
Because Im tired of being known as the good guy. Im tired of being the guy everyone
comes to just solve a simple mystery. I want a little adventure in my life. My whole life I have
been nothing but good. When I was little, I always did what I was told, because I didnt want my
parents to get mad at me. Then after college I went onto be a detective, because I thought it
would be cool to be like Sherlock Holmes. Boy was I wrong. Sure, it was fun at first, but then it
was just the same thing over and over again. I never do anything besides solve crimes anymore.
Im tired of it. I just wanted a change in my life.
Well you got it, Franklin replies. Why didnt you just take a vacation and go
somewhere or change jobs?
Honestly, I didnt think about that. I just thought of all the guys that I put behind bars.
I have one more question. How did you make it look like Jericho did it?
The keys were really in the bar. I didnt know whose car they went to. But when you
found that bullet, I knew I needed to plant the gun somewhere. After you left I walked around the
parking lot until I found the car. It didnt really take that long. The door was wide up and the
hood was popped up. I placed the gun underneath the seat and went back into the Neon Moon. I
waited for like ten minutes and then went back out and grabbed the gun and called you.
I see, I state. Well, Killian Burke, you are under arrest for the murder of the ten
civilians. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you

Lay 14
in the court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be
appointed for you.
Can I ask you a question?
How did you figure it out?
I found this underneath one of the stools at the bar, I answer pulling out the pen. At
first I didnt really think it meant anything, but I called Rachel at the station about two hours ago
and asked for the license plate number that she gave you and she said she hadnt given you one.
Also, you have been acting strange all day. Next time you want to commit a crime, you might not
want to act weird around your partner who is around you every day.
You know Franklin, you really are a great partner, but you are an even better detective.
Thanks, I reply.
I give him a small smile and walk away. I know I should feel a little proud for finally
solving a crime by myself, but I dont. I feel terrible. I just proved that my colleague and mentor
of fourteen years was guilty of committing murder. Part of me wished that I hadnt figured it out.
I know that makes me a terrible person, but I cant stand the thought of Burke sitting in a jail cell
for the rest of his life.
I turn and watch as Sheriff Mills pulls away with Burke in the backseat. I no longer have
a partner to work with. I will now be the one people call when there is a crime that needs to be
solved. My life has just changed a lot, whether I was ready for it or not. I get into my car and
slowly drive away.

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