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Is American Society Manipulated by New Media Television?

Media communication, particularly television, has long played a vital, and
often pivotal, role of popular culture in American society. Frequently shaping
cultural viewpoints, significantly influencing our social identities, and
intrinsically presenting & guiding societys interpretation of messages and
images both positively and negativelythat, in the end, oversees how we
define ourselves individually/collectively and how we define others;
subsequently molding what our society thinks and does.
While television media has always held a form of governance in society,
todays new media, however; not only reshapes cultural viewpoints but
seemingly serves as a superlative hierarchal conduit of powercontrolling
societal messages presented across varying platforms ultimately controlling
its audience (society: people). This cemented pseudo appearance of an
egalitarian society of media democracy, in actuality, serves only as a statue
of new media governance shared only by a select few. The choice few
leading in media supremacy critically manipulates new media messages that
are monumental in aiding big media conglomerates to easily capitalize on
new media commercialization. This effortless capitalization of new media
commercialism, in due course, establishes a repetitive cycle rolling out a new
media economic vehicle that drives a revolving wealth that grows ever
As such this research will examine new media television images and its
influence on popular culture in American society. Additionally, this research
will question visual message(s) of new media television and explore potential
manipulation our society.
A website will host this individual research project and will include YouTube
The expectation for this project is to determine whether images in new
media television present perceived freedom(s), or if popular culture in
American societys acceptance (and advancements) of new media television
make us willful participants of being led to embrace manipulative
interpretations of images and messages by those in new media control.

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