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Gilliam 1

Tatum Gilliam
Mrs. Garrett
ERWC, Period 7
April 22, 2015
Transcript and Attendance Reflection

My four year transcript is a pretty good representation of my capabilities. The grades on

my transcript are basically all As and Bs. The grades I am most proud of are my two Bs for
both semesters of physics I took my junior year. Science isnt my best subject and I wasnt doing
very well on the tests and I ended up falling behind to failing grades both semesters but I was
able to push through and work really hard to get those grades up. The grades that I am most
disappointed in are my three Cs. I have one in chemistry, AP Stats, and PreCal. I am
disappointed because Im not that type of person that would just settle for that low of a grade but I
was really struggling in those classes. I honestly kind of got disappointed at how difficult
precalculus was and sort of which really makes me disappointed in myself and I wish I would
have tried harder than I did. If there was any course I could retake I would probably retake
chemistry because I was very close to getting a B by less than one percent. I think if I would
retake the class that I would be able to get a higher grade. I believe I would be able to get that B.
If someone were to look at my attendance I think they would see how important being at school
is to me. I have missed less than 10 days this entire year this year. My attendance is at ninety
eight percent. I think that will show people how important my education is to me.

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