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Bollettino di Geofisica
teorica ed applicata

An International Journal of Earth Sciences

Guest Editors: Reynaldo Charrier, Francisco Herv, Emanuele Lodolo,

Marco Menichetti, Maria Pia Rodrguez, Alejandro Tassone.

International Geological Congress

on the Southern Hemisphere
Scientific Contributions
of the Geosur2013
25-27 November, 2013
Via del Mar, Chile

Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia

e di Geofisica Sperimentale

001-364 GeoSuf 2013 1

ISSN 0006-6729

11-11-2013 9:14:03

Responsibility for all statements made in B.G.T.A. lies with the authors

Cover design: Nino Bon, OGS

Typesetting: Luglio Fotocomposizioni, Trieste (Italy)

Printing: .............
Authorized by the Tribunale di Trieste, n. 242, September 17, 1960

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Alejandro Peralta*1, Rodrigo Gonzlez1, Violeta Vliz1, Hans-G. Wilke1, Lster Olivares1,
Andrew Menzies1 and Pedro Saldvar1
(1) Departamento de Ciencias Geolgicas, Universidad Catlica del Norte. Avenida Angamos 0610.
Antofagasta, Chile.
* Presenting Authors email:

Several geological structures related to long-term deformation processes are exposed in the Domeyko
Cordillera. The uplifting of the Sierra de Varas (2450 25S) has been explained by two different theories,
namely 1) Late Cretaceous Early Paleocene EW compressive stage associated with thrusted and folded
Mesozoic rocks (Amilibia et al., 2008) or, 2) Late Eocene Early Oligocene Incaic transpressive faulting
related to oblique subduction (Niemeyer & Urrutia, 2009; Mpodozis et al., 1993, Reutter et al., 1991). In
addition, a superimposed Neogene deformation event has been recognized from geomorphological features
(Soto et al., 2005). Thus, the deformation events that explain the Precordillera construction is not yet clear.
The aim of this work is to show the preliminary recognized deformation events affecting Jurassic rock of
Profeta Formation nearby Quebrada El Profeta.

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Geological record in western Sierra de Varas

Pre-Jurassic basement rocks outcrop in the north-south core block of Sierra de Varas (1 in Fig. 1): Permian
granites, La Tabla Formation (Garca, 1967), and andesitic Bardas Negras Formation (Chong, 1973).
Jurassic marine rocks from Profeta Formation (Chong, 1973) are exposed in the western hillside (2 in Fig.
1). This sequence was formed in a Jurassic back-arc basin from the actual Coastal Cordillera since the
start of the Andean Cycle (Coira et al, 1982). It is folded forming a kilometric sincline from Hettangiann
calcareous rocks outside to Oxfordian gypsum and Kimmeridgian limestones in the core (Bogadanic,
1983). Aluvial gravel of Pampa de Mulas Formation (Chong, 1973) are deposited unconformably upon the
Jurassic rocks (3 in Fig. 1) and it represents the relief erosion formed during Incaic deformation (Maksaev,
1990; Mpodozis et al., 1993).
Three EW structural transects crossing the Jurassic rock outcrops were conducted (4 in Fig. 1), recording
stratication planes (S0), faults data and cross-cutting relationships between geological structures. Ardill
et al., (1998) and Bogdanic (1983) was employed like stratigraphic background during structural data
collection. All the structural data was ploted in stereographic diagrams in Stereonet 8.02 (Allmendinger et
al., 2012) to analyse the geometry of folding. The faults kinematics were obtained by desplaced stratigraphic
markers and the kinematic analysis of data fault by Right Dihedral Method (FaultKin 6.0.0; Marret &
Allmendinger, 1990; Allmendinger et al., 2012).

Fig. 1 - Simplied geological map of study area.

Symbology: 1) Paleozoic-Triassic rocks; 2) Jurassic
Profeta Formation; 3) Cenozoic rocks; 4) transects
(A: Quebrada El Cangrejo; B: Quebrada Aguada del
Minero; C: Quebrada Aguada del Profeta); 5) thrusts;
6) oblique-slip (sinistral-reverse) faults; 7) reversereactived oblique-slip faults. I, II and III correspond to
stereographic plots in Fig. 2.

Deformation structures in Profeta Formation

Three types of structures were recognized affecting
Profeta Formation rocks:
a) Thrust and folds. Westward vergence thrusts
and related folds were recognized affecting the
Jurassic marine sequence (5 in Fig. 1). The thrust
has low angle ramps and most faults took place on
stratication planes, strongly controlled by gypsum
beds in Oxfordian rock. The fold axes have NNE
orientations and dipping 7 to 10 (I in Fig. 2).
b) Oblique-slip (sinistral) faults. These are a set of
NW trending faults cutting the Jurassic rocks, thrusts
and folds (6 in Fig. 1). Some of these strike-slip faults
are covered by unaffected Pampa de Mulas Formation
gravels (Oligocene-Miocene age). Two main faults
of this set bound a lense-shape block of Jurassic
rocks of Profeta Formation. The sinistral kinematic
of these faults is identify by 1) drag folds with ENE
axes dipping 50 to 60 and locally superimposed to
subhorizontal folds (II in Fig. 2); and 2) sinistral slip
in the eastern fault that separates Jurassic rocks from
Paleozoic-Triassic rocks (III in Fig. 2). These sinistral
faults have a minor reverse dip-slip component.
c) Reverse reactivated strike-slip faults. The western
fault separate Profeta Formation rocks from Pampa
de Mulas gravels. This Cenozoic deposits are cut
by reverse reactivated strike-slip faults that affected
the Jurassic rocks block and show metric vertical
displacements of basal unconformity (7 in Fig.
1). These vertical displacements are progressive
eastward to hill slope.

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Fig. 2 - Examples of stereographic plots for deformation analysis in Profeta Formation rocks. The plots numbers
corresponding to map locations in Fig. 1. Poles of stratication planes (S0) with cylindrical best-t to dene axes of
Profeta Formation rock showing I) a thrust-related fold and II) a drag fold related to sinistral faulting; III) P-T axes for
sinistral fault in hillslope fault by Right Dihedral Method analysis.

Discussion and conclusions

Based on the results of structural data analysis it is concluded that the deformation in Quebrada El Profeta
area cannot be assigned to a single deformation event. It is suggested that three main deformation events
affected Jurassic rocks of the Profeta Formation:
1) EW shortening. This stage of thrusting and folding of the Mesozoic rocks before Oligocene deposition
of Pampa de Mulas Formation. Amilibia et al., (2008) suggest this deformation occurred since the Late
Cretaceous to Paleocene periods. In some outcrops in Sierra de Varas and Sierra de Argomedo, Paleocene
volcanic rocks from Chile-Alemania Formation is not folded by this deformation suggesting this event
would be restricted to the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary correlated with the K-T deformation recognized
in the Precordillera between 24-27S (Cornejo et al., 1993 in Cornejo et al., 2003) .
2) Sinistral duplex related to transpressional stage. These fault set dene a lens-shaped block and it cuts the
previous thrusts and folds in Jurassic rocks but does not affect the Oligocene Pampa de Mulas Formation.
Transpressive structures like Profeta duplex have been associated with the Incaic deformation stage during
Late Eocene to Early Oligocene in a context of oblique convergence (Maksaev, 1990; Reutter et al., 1991;
Mpodozis et al., 1993; Niemeyer & Urrutia, 2009). However, this transpressive stage locally folds the
Mesozoic sedimentary rocks; therefore, it is necessary to distinguish and separate the pre-Incaic folding
from transpresive fault-related folds.
3) Post-Miocene EW shortening. This deformation reactived some of the previous oblique-slip faults and cut
off the Oligocene to Miocene Pampa de Mulas Formation dening a progressive eastward uplift of blocks.
This shortening would be related to the post-Miocene uplift of the Precordillera (Soto et al., 2005).
Both the Late Cretaceous and the Incaic deformation stage have a wide development of structures
accommodating most of the strain in the Jurassic rocks. The post-Miocene deformation is of a lower
magnitude than previous deformation stages and has rejuvenated the partially eroded relief.
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