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Colombian internal conflict

Is it correct to eradicate Colombian war by supporting the war itself?

Economic effects
Obligatory military service
Drug trafficking
Poor people
Rich people
Lack of economic opportunities
Social and cultural effects
Way of thinking
Political effects
Political parties

Thesis statement:
Colombian war is based on social issues which should be solved instead of
creating more war.
Economical effects
It is rich people who create war and poor people who have to fight and die in the
war because of their bad economic situation.
The economic status doesnt have to do with the act of choosing whether to go
to war or not, since you are the one who decide whether to go or not.
Supporting ideas
Most of the soldiers who are in the army couldnt pay for the military license,
and many members of the guerrillas are country people who are looking for a
better economic situation or are obligated to fight.
Social and cultural effects
War, drug trafficking and some other social issues are the result of the culture
(education received), which causes people to overvalue things like money, cars
and do whatever to get them.
People can decide by themselves how to think, act and what to do with their
lives without being affected by the culture.
Supporting ideas
Things like music and TV shows are the things that educate people and create
the culture of the country and no people themselves.

Political effects
Corruption, bad management of the countries resources, and the war between
the political parties create more war in the country and less opportunities for
people to get decent life.
The quality of peoples life doesnt depend on the political situation of the
country, but on peoples willing to become successful.
Supporting ideas
It is unfair that people have to look for different kind of jobs to survive while
corrupt politicians get a lot of money by doing nothing regarding the benefit of
the country.


Is it correct to eradicate Colombian war by supporting the war itself?

By: Mauricio Garca Vargas
In Colombia, guerrillas and other kind of armed groups have used Colombian social
issues as an excuse for them to take advantage of drug trafficking, of course, they
are just demanding a better country. In fact, war apart from an excuse is also a
consequence of social issues, and if we want to eradicate war, at first we have to
eradicate all those social issues. What would be the excuse of armed groups if we
have a country with social justice? What kind of person would like to work as a killer
or as a drug dealer if they can apply for better jobs?
Colombian war is fought by poor people who are those who go, fight, die and in the
best situation, stay alive without a leg in a war which was created by rich people. It
sounds like a good political strategy to solve the problem of poverty, does not it?
Although some people can say the economic status does not have to do with the
act of choosing whether to go to war or not, it really has to do with it, since most of
the soldiers who are in the army could not pay for the military license, and many
members of the guerrillas are country people who are looking for a better economic
situation or are obligated to fight.
War, drug trafficking, and other social issues in Colombia are also the result of the
culture, but what is the problem, lack of culture or the culture itself? the real
problem is the culture, since it tells people how they should act and think, besides
the fact that it makes people to overvalue things like money, cars, and to feel forced
to do whatever to get those things, even to join the guerrillas or to become a drug
dealer. People still think they can think by themselves without being affected by the
culture, but the real education is not received in school, you are educated by the
culture; music, TV shows and the way people around you think, create the
perception of life you have. War is also part of the culture.
It is important to point out that Colombian war started as a political war, and it is still
a war between all political parties (even the guerrillas). Moreover, there is a lot of
corruption, and a bad management of the countrys resources. Is not it hard to get
a decent life in a country immersed in war and rule by individual interests? and
those who think the quality of peoples life does not depend on the political situation
of the country, but on peoples willingness to become successful should take into
account that it is unfair that people have to look for different kind of jobs to survive
while corrupt politicians get a lot of money just by doing nothing regarding the
benefit of the country.
In conclusion, Colombian internal conflict is never going to be solved if we go on
just supporting the army and overlooking the real important things like changing the
culture, creating equality, and eradicating corruption. If supporting the army is a
good solution to end the conflict, why has not the conflict ended after 50 years of
war? This just tells us that we have to change the strategy to eradicate war.

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