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In some countries today young people are less respectful and polite to others.

What could be
the reasons behind such behavior? What can be done about it?

Respect and politeness are some values that must have and anybody , anywhere and all the
Young people behaviour is fragile. If the parents dont take care and teach them these values,
they will never know how to be respectfull and polite to others. The parents are the main source
of education in familly and they must give an example to young people in familly, outside, with
others.If they dont , maybe they will never be able to fix the damage because kids see parents
behaviour and their instinct are to follow and it is wrong to follow a bad behaviour. Also school
enviroment is a place when young people learn things. There are some factors that can
influence young people.Even they are respectfull and polite, there maybe are some kids that
they dont have these qualities and easly, they can change the good ones. Not all the schools,
even that are an educational institute, give good example and good type of behaviours.
Well, its hard to change something and all the young people to be respectfull and polite.There
are so many families in one country that are not like an usual familly with kids, and dog, and a
house, and a healthy atmosphere . Some families are having trouble with different things and
that trouble can`t be fixed right away, and maybe that can influnece the kids enough. The
parents must focus on their child education and even the problems persist , they have to take
care for their child to not be affected by these problems. They must have patiance and a good
willing of teach them the right values to became one of the citizen that their country needs. The
schools must have an educational system that strategy to involve these kids in different activites
or workshops that can develop in a good way.

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