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1st semester

Prvi filmovi (Movie begins 1 5)

Cabiria, 1913
Fantomas, 1913
Vampire, 1915
The Cheat, 1915
Birth of A Nation 1915
Intolerance, 1916
Terje Vigen, 1917
Broken Blossoms, 1919
Die Puppe, 1919
The Last of the Mohicans, 1920
Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, 1920
Der Mude Tod, 1921
Nosferatu, 1922
Manslaughter, 1922
Nanook of the North, 1922
Greed, 1924
Der letzte Mann, 1924
The Marriage Circle, 1924
Lady Windermere's Fan, 1925
Stachka, 1925
Brononosec Potemkin, 1925
Mati, 1926
Gold Rush, 1925
Metropolis, 1927
Berlin: Die Symphonie der Grostadt, 1927
Sunrise: A Song Of Two Humans, 1927
Konec St Petersburga, 1927
Underworld, 1927
The Docks of New York, 1928
The Crowd, 1928
La Passion de Jeanne D'Arc, 1928
Bchse der Pandora, 1929
ovjek sa filmskom kamerom, 1929
Zemya, 1930
Der Blaue Engel, 1930
propos de Nice, 1930
nous la libert, 1931
Tabu, 1931
M, 1931
Trouble in Paradise, 1932
Shanghai Express, 1932

The Bitter Tea of General Yen, 1933

Dezertir, 1933
Zro de conduite, 1933
L'Atalante, 1934
It Happened One Night, 1934
Triumph des Willens, 1935
The Fury, 1935
Tokyo no yado, 1935
Niniwa Ereji (Osaka Elegy), 1936
Modern Times , 1936
Quai des brumes 1937
Le Grande Illusion 1937
La Regle du jeu 1939
Stagecoach, 1939
Wizard of Oz, 1939
Gone With The Wind, 1939
Great Dictator 1, 2 1940
Grapes Of Wrath, 1940
Citizen Kane, 1941
Double Indemnity, 1944

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