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21 Things 4 Teachers

Katie Cocozza
Communication !

Skype Assignment:!
1. Watch the Skype tutorial, then download Skype and create a username (ID) and a
password that you will remember. Check with your school technology department to find
out if access is blocked in your district. You may need to do this assignment on your
home computer.!
2. Plan a connection between your classroom or a group of your students with any of
the following: another classroom outside of your school, an expert in your community
relating to a topic of study, or an expert outside of your community who can enrich your
curriculum through a virtual meeting via Skype. !
3. Take a screenshot of the Skype conference and post it in your Digital Portfolio with an
explanation of the experience.!


Being on Skype with a fellow classmate and future teacher was awesome and

very helpful. We discussed several different teaching theories and how we can use
technology to help our students be more organized and creative when it comes to
saving their assignments and collaborating with other students and teachers through
several different website opportunities we can provide for them. By using Skype,
teacher and classrooms can collaborate with other classrooms in order to enrich our

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