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Description of Awards for CHE Night

Student of the Year

This award goes to the most outstanding student of the whole chemical engineering
batch. The student must have consistent high grades throughout the year, must
have been responsible with all of his subjects and duties as a student, and must
have a good impression from the professors.

Best Dressed
This award goes to the person who gave the most effort in wearing the most
fashionable and stunning outfit for the evening. He/she must wear the outfit with
dignity and confidence and must project it perfectly.

Outstanding Officer
This award goes to the Chemical Engineering Society (ChEn) officer who has been
the most responsible, active, helpful, and the one who has contributed the most in
every way possible.

Early bird
This award goes to the person who has shown eagerness in attending Allure by
arriving at this event before everyone else.

Belle and Gentry

This award goes to the gent and lady who have allured everyone present with their
charms and wits. They have shown confidence and pride in being chemical
engineering students and serve as a model to others. Moreover, they are The
recipients of this award will be determined by the majority's vote.

Professor award
This award goes to the professor who demonstrates quality teaching skills and finds
ways to stimulate his/her students to learn. He/she is accessible to the students and
is constantly challenging them to give their best. He/she teaches the importance of
what they learn in chemical engineering beyond books and calculations. The
recipient of this award will be determined by the majority's vote.

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