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Long time ago, several years after the existence of Barangay Bucalan, many people
visited the place to witness its hot spring. One day, a group of friend named Sergio,
Basyo, Karyo, Basing and Marsing agreed to go to Brgy. Bucalan. Theres no other means
of transportation, so they have to walk. Because of its long distance, the girls felt tired.
Basing said Manong Basyo, we have to take a rest but you have to go ahead. Okay, but
we will wait you in a place where we can prepare our foods, Sergio answered. The boys
continued walking.
After a few minutes, Basing and Marsing started to walk again. Oh no! tere are two
ways. Where will we pass by? Basing asked. Maybe here, look there are footsteps,
come, we will pass this way answered Marsing. They walked too far but havent seen the
boys yet. They havent noticed that they reached out the other side of the mountain.
They were confused because the girls did not come. As they continue walking, boys,
look, there are two girls at the top of the mountain, they are wearing the same color of
Basing and Marsings clothes, isnt it? thats true Basyo answered., were on the other side below the mountain shouted Basyo.
The girls were already tired, so they chose not to proceed to Brgy. Bucalan. When
they returned , they told the story to their neighbourhood that they did not able to reach
Bucalan, instead they were on the top of the mountain which they found their friends
below the mountain, which means giumbawan in Cebuano.
Years passed, the term giumbawan become guibawan and remains the present
name of the said place, Sitio Guibawan.

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