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OPINION ESSAY eseul de opinie

1. In introducere trebuie sa apara:- descrierea sau prezentarea pe scurt a

problemei puse in discutie+ opinia personala. Expresiile necesare pentru redarea
opiniei sunt: In my view; to my thinking; to my mind; from my point of view; in my
opinion; I think; I consider; asa far asa I am concerned; I believe.
2. In cuprins trebuie sa apara 2-3 paragrafe pro si contra.
Primul paragraf incepe cu: Firstly; to begin with; to start with+ argument.
Se mai folosesc: however; but; nevertheless; nonetheless, besides, moreover;
Al doilea paragraf va incepe cu : secondly+ 2 argumente; Also, For
instance, needless to say
Al treilea paragraf: ;, in contrast, on the other hand;
In concluzie vor aparea urmatoarele formulari:

taking all these into

consideration/ account; all things considered, for the above mentioned reasons;
all in all; Finally; on the whole+ o reluare a problemei expuse in introducere.
Consideram ca trebuie sa faceti un eseu de opinie asupra urmatoarei
teme: Education is the basic need of society.
Introduction: To be educated means to have responsibilities both ins
social and moral domain of life. Education is considered one of the basic need of
the society because without it, we cannot fulfill our dreams.
Main body (cuprins): Firstly I think that it is very important to be
educated. However to be an educated person is very hard. Moreover if

Secondly I think that education is the key to succeed. A society that is not
ruled by educated people is not a good society. For instance without education
we would live in a chaos. Needless to say that
Concluzii: Taking all these into consideration I think that the education is
the most important in a society. All in all to be well educated comes both from
family and school and it is an integrative part of our life.

Profesor indrumtor: Malia Anamaria, Liceul Energetic Nr.1 Trgu Jiu

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