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IELTS MAXIMISER EDUCATIONAL BOOK SPEAKING Sample Interview Questions WITH ANSWERS & TEACHER'S GUIDE FOR & AGAINST — PROS & CONS CAUSE & EFFECT Highly recommended forall candidates preparing for Writer: Alireza Memarzadeh Contents: Part 1 Tips of patt 1 3 General (laterview) General (Questions) 8 Daily routines (Interview) ° Daily routines (Questions) 5 Family (Interview) 10 Family (Questions) 6 Friends (Interview) 0 Friends (Questions) 9 Home (Interview) 2 Home (Questions) 2 Neighbourhood (Loterview) 2B "Neighbourhood (Questions) m Holiday (Interview) 25 Holidey (Questions) 8 Hobbies, like and dislikes (Interview) 2» Hobbies, like and dislikes (Questions) 38 Hometown (interview) 3” Hometown (Questions) 0 ‘Country (Interview) 41 Country (Questions) 2 Health (Interview) “4 Health (Questions) 4s Food (Interview) 46 Food (Questions) a vir Shopping (interview) Shopping (Questions) ‘Colours snd seasons (Interview) ‘Colours snd seasons (Questions) Volunteer (Interview) Volunteer (Questions) Education (Interview) Eudueation (Questions) Languages (Interview) Languages (Questions) Job (nterview) ob (Questions) Personality (Interview) Personality (Questions) 100 MY questions Part 2 Tips of part 2 85 100 Topic cards 9 ‘Topic cards |, Deseribe bow to use a piece of equipment. 102 2, Describe a member of your family who are very close to 103 3. Desexibe someone that you admit 104 4. Deseribe situation when someone didn’t like you, 105 5. Deseribe ausefill website that you have visited. 106 6, Deseribe a gif you have received that was important to you, 107 7, Deseribe a room that you like. 108 8. Describe an exam experience you bad. 109 9. Deseribe a popular person who lives in your neighbourhood. — 110 10. Talk about your favourite five time activity. ut 11, Deseribe dish tha you know bow to make 12 12, Tall bout the best city/eounty that you have been to, 113 13. Describe your favourite pie of clothing na 14, Tall about one of your friends us 15. Describe the process of geting a jb in your county. 16 16, Deseribe a serious problem in your hometown/eity 7 17, Talk about your favourite actorfactess, us 18, Talkshout a fetval oreatonal haiday in your country. 119 19, Deserie an occasion when you had an enjoyable mea 120 20. Describe a place wire you xo shopping for clothes 1 Linking words and phrases m2 | Tips of part 3 100 Absolutely Essential Topics (A- 1. Acciders Acid rain Aiton Adoption Advertsing zing Agriculture is Ar pllation Animal testing an Astrology stomation Brain drain Bribery Chatty Chit care Chik labour Chitdhood Chileen’s education iy life timate Computer games Computerisation 25. Country ite 26, 2. 8 ™», 30, u 32, B 4 38. 36. 3. 38 39, 40 4 2, 43, 44, 45 46 a. 8 49, 50. Citur hetage Caiture Cait shock Diet Disaity Distance leaning Divorce Doping Education Eneray nvicnment Fame Family Pail es Famine Fashion, ething Fear Festivals Field rips Film Friendship Generation gap Global warming Globalisation su 2 3. 4 58. 56, 37, 88, 9, a, 61 @ a. 6 66. 7. 8 8. 0, B. 7A Happiness igh rise buildings Hiswory Hobbies Holiday Home schooling Honielessness Housing Iiteraey Industria relations (the) intemet Jobs Juvenile dlingueney Langage Law Lifeexpectaney Marriage Mase media Memory Migration Modern lite Music Naural disasters Noise polation 76. n 18. ”, Obesty ver pnuaton Paretg Personally Pass | Poverty | Public anspor | Recycling | Salts | schoo dpe | ‘Smoking, } Space exporaton | ‘Sport | sporting seats 90. Sportsmanship sires Success Tra Ww ‘Unemployment ban sprawl Violenee ‘Water pollution Zoos Critical thinking General Tips Self Assessment Teacher's Guide 195 19 203 204 PART 1 INTRODUCTION AND INTERVIEW ‘TIPS OF PART 1 Speaking tes Part 1: Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes) ‘The examiner will introduce himself or herself and confirm your identity. You answer general questions about yourself, your home, your job, your interests and a range of similar opie areas ree DOS AND DONTS: Be aware of question types; the areas covered are fairly predictable so practise at home recording ideas onto a tape recorder, Kecp in mind that examiners can assess what they hear, They will expect you to speak up so don’t give one or two word answers. Make suite to relate your answer to the imerviewer’s question, First, answer the question then give “Added Information’. Examiner: Do you have any plans for going to university? Candidate: That's for sure. I'd like to major in chemical engineering. Examiner: Do you like swimming? Candidate: Yes, do, but I don’t get mich time 10 go swimming these days. In general, good answers have ‘main and supporting ideas’ = Love swimming because it's so relaxing, Bevides, it helps me be in shape. Main idea ipporting idea 1 Supporting idea 2 Use appropriate linking words. e.g. Because, Besides. Hove swimming because it's so relaxing. Bevides, it helps me be in shape. Linking word 1 Linking words 2 Ifyou can’t think of a word, simply paraphrase it He's a reliable person. e's the sort of person you ean always trust depend on, ‘She's so punctual, She's never late; abvays on time. 4 Partt + Reply by offering full and appropriate response in each case. Always add some extra information to your answer; you are unlikely to get a second chance to answer them, but don’t anticipate related questions. For example, if you are | asked what your job is, a suitable answer would be: | = Lwork for'a market research company. We do market research for companies that are planning to develop new products = NOT J work for a market research company. We do market research for | companies that are plarming 10 develop new products. My job is very demanding. I requires strong communication and interpersonal skills io get the right results. The best thing about my job is the team that 1 work with, My work starts ai 9 am and finishes at 7 pm. ‘As this sounds like a “leaned answer" and the examiner's next question might be: How do you like your job? OR Tell me about your working hours. + In order to present yourself in the best way possible, you should try to sound positive about your past, present and future. + Listen to the questions carefully and make sure you answer the question answer the questions directly and to the point. + Itisimporiant to relax and speak confidently. + There area number of expressions used to express your feelings, I'm very interested in. seems fantastic ~ I'mfond of.. = Lam keen on. ‘That sounds tike fan — would be really rewarding/ a tot of fun ~ 2. Sounds more interesting than ~ sn is s0 absorbing ~ [find it realy helpful — seems prety dificult = is rather complicated ~ so was rather diffeutt was much more dificult in compared with. ~ «sounds kind of boring doesn't interest me ~ Tobe honest, I don't enjoy = Fve lost interest in IELTS MAXIMISER [GOLDEN IDEAS] “Thetis no right or wrong answer For this kindof test Chek the most appropriate answer, underline the key words, and try wo keep the ideas in your mind. GENERAL 'm [..Js Your examiner, Could you tell me your name please? Well, my (full) name is [..) Alternative answe © My first name is [..]. Ibis a very common name in my country and my farnily name is (..), 1D My firstname is[.] means [...] and my sumame is... Twould appreciate if you called me [..) 1 Your answer: xaminer: What would you like me to call you? Candidate: Please call me [..] Allernative answers: D [... please 1D Your answer: Examiner: Could you give me your identification please? Candidate: Oh, sure, here it is. Alternative answers: D Here you are Yep! Here you go. 1 Your answer: Examiner: How did you get your name? (Candidate: Um... as named after my grandfather. Alternative answers: D Welt, Jas named by my mother, you know, ors vi 1 Your answer: sasctc Examiner: Does your name have a special meaning? “ Candidate: Yes, it does. The English equivalent of my first name would be something like [..] and also my family narne means [J 6 Alternative answers: D1 No, I don’t think so. i's just a name of a (an Iranian) poet writer/ete, 1 Your answer: Examiner: Is your name important to you? (Why?) Candidate: Yes, itis. Names can make unconscious impression on people Alternative answers: 1 No, I don't think it can-do anything for me.I befieve that I myself should deterrine my future irespective of what my name is. Actually, | try to do this by acquiring more qualifications and working hard, 1D Your answer: Examiner: How old are you? ‘Candidate: I am (...] years old. In other words, I was bom in 1980. On the third of March 1980, to be exact, Alternative answers: 1 rm[...J years of age. 1 was born in 1980. GB Your answer. coms Examiner: Could you tell me where you are from? (Where do you come from?) ~~ diate: I was horn in [..] ety, you know, one ofthe largest cities in my country. L moved to [ feity just five years ago. Alternative answers: Las bom in [Ja small town inthe south of my county, bot | grew up in [..] ety Thai from a coastal city wih lovely weather in the north of my countrys called.) 11 come from [..] city. You know, a beauifil city with a great climate, My parents have been ving ther for the past twenty years oF 30.1 grew up there. 11 [..) city. You know...2 busy ety with a population of over one million people. But actually, I ive about twenty kilometres out of town ona small farm. 1 Lam from a smal village in the mountains; along way from the capital sity of my county 1D Your ansve How long have you lived in [...1?,” Since Twas ten Alternative answers: 11 When 1 was a child; atthe age of 10, my parents moved to [...] besause of my father's job. We have been living here since 1990, 1 Ten years in oil D Your answer: Examiner: What is/are your goal(syambition(s) for te future? ~ ‘Candidate: | hope I'l have made a career move and taken a management position by the time I°m thinty five. I thnk, at present, studying management isthe right thing to do. Pat 2 Alternative answers: i Saving enough money to buy an apartment. Most of my income is spent on rent 1D The future is always uncertain, yet | know what I want to do. My goal is to run a company of my own someday. Barre, {wad ke bs tpn cancer papedte iy ebning RuRToERy agian One goal I'd like to have reached by next year is to have my own business. In fect, { intend to use my university education practically Di possble, °d like to continue my education in one of the English-speaking countries. Di My ambition is being able to speak Spanish fluently. I'm really interested in Spanish Janguage. 'm bound to leam it. 1D Improving my computer skills. In my job, being familiar with office programmes is a must D Well, in the next three months, T hope I'l have completed my university degree, and hopefully working as an accountant. D Travelling around the world. I certainly need a lot of money to do that. Scemingly, the ‘ances are pretty slim. 1 Your answer: Examiner: Tell me about your military service. Candidate: {completed my military service inthe Air Foree just five years ago. Alternative answers: 1D Acuity | was exempted from military service because of my poor eyesight 1D Lam doing my military service as an officer in [J 1 Your answer: Examiner: What was your military service like? “ Candidate: Pretty hard. I served ina remote area far from my hometown. Alternative answers: . I should admit that 1 was very lucky to serve in my own wasn’t very har. D Your answer: xaminer: Do you think your military service helped you become more mature? Candidate: Oh, very much so. Although i was hard, it helped me develop my character and discipline Alternative answers: ot een ey gi iy ta 1 Your answer: 8 Part GENERAL Questions 1, Have you got or had any nicknames? 2 How do you like your name’? If you could change your name, what would it be? Why? ‘What is the most common name in your country? ‘Why have you chosen to live overseas? ‘What country do you want to live in? ‘What were the best years of your life? ‘What were the worst years of your life? 9, Ifyou had three wishes, what would they be, and why’? 10, What are your short-term goals? 11, How do you intend to achieve your goals? 12, What important goals have you set in the past, and how successfil have you been in achieving them? 13. What do you hope to accomplish within the next ten years? How do you seek to fulfil these goals? 14, What personal factors da you consider most important in evaluating yourself ot your success? 15. How have your dreams and goals changed through your life? 16, Ifyou could re-live your last 10 years, what changes would you make? 17. As you look back on your life, what accomplishments do you take the most pride in? 18, How would you compare yourself today and yourself with five years ago, in what ways are you the same or different? 19. How would you fel if you failed to achieve any of your goals? 20, Tell me about some of your recent goals, and what you did to achieve them? 21. Describe the most significant success that you had in the last two years, 22. Tell me about something you did that now you wish you had nat done. | DAILY ROUTINES Interview Examiner: Tell me about a typical day in your life, Candidate: I have a hectic lifestyle. During the week I usually get up at 6:30 a.m, you know, 1 am an early bird. [go jogging for about 30 minutes then | usually get dressed and have breakfast around 7:30. OF course, | sometimes skip breakfast [leave home at about 8 a.m and get to work by 9 a.m. take a lunch break about 1:00 pm. Er... for Tunch, I usually heat up a frozen meal or order a takeaway. [leave work around 7.00 pam and get home by 8:00 p.m. Most nights Igo to bed at about 11:30 p.m. 1 think the best way to get the most out of day isto use your time efficiently Alternative answers: D thave very free and easy lifestyle. I usually get up late, around 10:00, Er... have lunch about 2:00 pm, in most the evenings, Igo walking with my friends. I usually have dinner around | 1:30 and go to bed at about 2:00 am. Maybe f should change my lifestyle and break he habit of staying up too late ‘getup around 7:00 a.m and work trom 8:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m. get home fairly late; about 930 and I'm usually in bed by 11:30 p.m. Perhaps my life isn’t very exciting, but I like it Your answer... aon esta hat do you usually do at weekends? Since I live alone, at weekends, I usually stay at home and do the household things like doing the laundry, ironing and vacuuming, 's your cil routine like? How do you feel and react when this routine is interrupted “some reason? Would you like fo change anything in your dally routine? you eld, what wonld you like to change in your diy routine? ow do you usually schedule your time? ow many hours per day do you usualy slesp? a 10 Part FAMILY Inierview Examiner: Can you tell mea litle about your family? Candidate: Well, Ihave a brother and a sister. lam the eldest, my brother is the youngest and iy sister isthe second child Alternative answers: 1 I have a lange family. I have three brothers and two sisters, Iam the youngest. One of iny brothers still ives with my parents. My other siblings have all married and moved to thei own homes, DI come from a big fa youngest DI come from a retatively large family. Ihave an elder brother and three younger sisters. OF Well thee are five of us altogether including my grandparents, 1D have one brother and one sister. I'm the midalle child Di rman only child. {Live with my parents Your answer: | ly of six children. 1 have three brothers and two sisters, E'm the Examiner: Where are your parents from? Candidate: Um... they were both born and raised in (...], a city in the west of my country. Alternative answers: D1 My mother is from a city called (and my father is originally from ...] city 1 They are from... ity located in the east of my country 1 Your answer: Examiner: Do you live with your parents? Candidate: Yes, 1 do. I live with my parents Alternative answers: D1 Lused to live with my parents until two years ago, but now, I live on my own, D0 At presen, | live with my aie: Th ag i pe gin 1D Your answers ss sneer ndidate: Yes, lam. I married three years ago. Alternative answers: D Yes, Lam. Next month I will have been married for ten years. Dl Well | got engaged three months ago and I'm getting married next month, | O Your answer: .... petabemcnne reat erence | pat “Examiner: Do you have any children? Yes, Ido. I have a daughter, She is three years old, ermative answer a No, I don’t. But we are planning to start a family as soon as we have our own house. Your answer: et; Tell me ubout your grandparents, I Acuity, ary yocsipmrne pau eg tn Fe el hty years of age, fortunately still hale and hearty, and young at ‘art. Wow! She used to tell me dots of heart-warming stories when | was a child, but a Hy ei Sv rope ning ny amie miner: Do your grandparents live with you? te: Yes, my maternal grandmother does. She's been living with us for ten years. She is ee ea at ly, miner: How would you deseribe your father’s character? He is so thoughtful and open-minded, As a matter of fhet, he has many good qualities and has been always a model of behaviour for me.I think his life has been an inspiration to me on many occasions, mnative answers: has a magnetic personality, very dignified assertive and so sympatheti fo describe him, should say he is so hardworking and serious, and I 9 Hite "disiplined al times, J] Your answer: Exuminer: What is your mother like? date: It’s really difficult to deseribe her in words, but the only thing I can say now is that she has a heart of gold; extremely kind-hearted and devoted to family. She has done incredible things over the years for all members of my family. enative answers: look more like my father, mainly in my eyes and facial features. OF course, my hair is darker and curlter, but in character, I take after my mother more, 1 suppose. 2 Alternative answers: 1 In terms of appearance, | ook more like my mother, but in character, ’m more similar to ry father. 1 Your answer: Examiner: Who are you closer to, your mother or your father? Candidate: Um... I's a difficult question, in ct, T adore both of them, Er... but maybe I'm more compatible with my mother. We are mentally very close Alternative answers: Er... both. Despite the fact that we are from different generations, and age gap exists between us, [get on with them very well. So I can’t say which one I am closer to, as I love both of them. 1D Your answer: Examiner: Do you often argue with your mother or Father? Candidate: To tell the truth, sometimes T do, OF course, after arguing, I ask them to make up with me. Alternative answer 1D Not really. My parents are so understanding and Thave the greatest regard for them, Our parents lave us, that’s what.r...called ‘unconditional love" and we should always respect them, 1 Your answer: a Examiner: Are you going to bring up your children any differently to the way your parents did? Why? Candidate: Yes and no. Let me explain, I believe my parents raised me well, and gave me a ood education. If I could do the same for my children I would be happy. Maybe I ‘would be a little more flexible. For example, I believe my parents were tunreasonably strict at times. I would try to keep a balance between discipline andl Aeibitty Alternative answers: DF intend to raise my children in the same way 1 was brought up, O Your answer: . oe isonet Examiner: Do you get on with your brother/sister well? ‘Candidate: Oh, that’s for sure. My brothersister and I get along so well. We are mentally very much alike. | usually share my secrets with my brother/sister Alternative answey 1D Although my brother/sister and I are characteristically kind of different, we get along very well O Of, yes, totally, My brother/sister and I are so like-minded. We have a lot of things in cominon, 1 Yes, so well. Although there isa ten year age gap between me and my brother/sister, we get along very well. We spend most of our time we share the same interests and have dots of fun together. 2 att Alternative answers: 1 in terms of appearance, [look more like my mother, but in character, I'm more similar to my father. 1D Your answer: Examiner: Candidate: ‘Who are you closer to, your mothet or your father? Um... I's a difficult question, in fact, 1 adore both of them. Er... but maybe I'm more compatible with my mother. We are mentally very clos. Alternative answers: Er... both, Despite the fact that we are from different generations, and age gap exists between us, I get on with them very well. So I can’t say which one I am closer to, as I love both of them. 1D Your answer: Examiner: Do you often argue with your mother or father? Candidate: To tell the truth, sometimes I do. Of course, after arguing, I ask them to make up with me. Alternative answers Ci Not really. My parents are so understanding and 1 have the greatest regard for them, ur parents love us, that’s ‘unconditional ove" and we should always respect them, 1 Your answer: Examiner: Are you going to bring up your ehildren any differently to the way your parens did? Why? Candidate: Yes and no, Let me explain, I believe my parents raised me well, and gave me a good education. IFT could do the same for my children 1 would be happy. Maybe would be a litte more Mexible. For example, 1 believe my parents wee unreasonably strict at times. I would try to keep a balance between discipline and fe Alternative answe 1D Fintend to raise my children in the same way I was brought up. 1 Your answer: Examiner: Do you get an with your brothersister well? Candidate: Oh, that’s for sure, My brother/sster and | get along so well. We are mentally vey rmuch alike, I usually share my secrets with my brother/sister. Alternative answers: C1 Although my brother(sister and {are characteristcally kind of different, we get along very well 1 ON, yes, totally, My brother/sster and 1 are so like-minded. We have a lot of things ir 1 Yes, so well, Although there is ten year age gap between me and my brothersster, we ge slong very well. We spend most of our time we share the same intrest ‘nd have lots of fun together ” wy sect vests burt 3 D1 Yes, very much, We are very close the same tastes. For instance, we both like documentaries, and neither ofus ever watches chat shows, 1 Oh, ves, of course. In spite of our age difference, we do get along well, 1 Your answer: .. Examiner: Do you spend a lot of time with your siblings? Candidate: Yes, exacily so. Leome from a very close-knit family. We're so dependent on each other, and spend lots of time together Allenative answers: 1D Unfortunately not very much, Um... wish could. Actually, we don’t live in the same eity 1D Your answer: saminer: What is the most important quality of your brocher'sister? Candidate: The most remarkable quality of my brother/sister is having 4 sense of humour, ‘e’she is really fun to be with. I think he/she has @ great talent for making people laughs always ready to crack jokes. Alternative answers: CO Histher determination for sure. He/she is so decisive and hardworking. His’ her lifestyle has insiled a Jot of eontidence in me, O Your answer: Examiner: In what ways are you similar to your brother/sister? Candidate: In fact, we are very similar in character, for example, we are both outgoing, Alternative answers: 1D We are very similar in personality, and have lots of things in common, For instance, we ‘enjoy the same sort of sports and music. 1 Your answer: Bxaminer: In what ways are you different from your brother’ sister? Candidate: We are torally different in character, for example I'm outgoing whereas heishe tends to be more reserved Alternative answe 1 Uim...we are rather different in, for example T have dark skin while i has far skin, and also he‘ste is slightly taller than me. O We are so unlike that no one would think we are brothers/sisters. For example, my Iyihersister is very tall and athletic, but Lam average-height. Your answer: Examiner: What does your brother/sister look like? Well, hevshe is about my height, sort of thin tt... wears histher hair up. U for someone who is over fit. Altornative answers: 0 My brotherisster is nearly as tall as Lam, but a bit slimmer, He’she is so nice-looking, and has fine delieate features; round and smiling face. He’she is a carbon copy of my mother! cishe fis a full end of tir n.hevshe still has a very youthful appearance ir... he/she has inherited my mother’s good looks. 4 Part OF My brotherisister and | look very there's a striking resemblance, He/she is medium has straight black hair and brown eyes. We are so alike that people often get us muddled up; like two peas in a pod! DF Your amswers .......sssssssceeoee ‘Examiner: How do you usually help your family members with housework? (How is housework usually shared in your family?) Candidates | usually help my wife with the housework and the children with their school assignments, Alternative answers: 1D To help my parents, 1 usually do the shopping and household errands. 1D Ido the cooking ironing and so on 1D 1 asually take care of the houschold affairs by doing the shopping 1D Although responsibilities haye been relatively divided in our home. We willingly help one another. T mean there is great sense of cooperation in my family. For example, everyone helps with the washing up. 1D Your answ Examiner: Who does most of the shopping in your famity? Candidate: mother, she usually does most of the shopping, but my father and 1 do some shopping from time to time Alternative answers: 1 usually do the stopping inyself. 1D Your answ Examiner: Do you like being an only child? Candidate: Um... not really, | think | would be happier if I had brothers or sisters, you know, sometimes I fee! lonely, Alternative answers: 1D Yes, why not! Perhaps the reason is that I get all my parents’ attention. When you're an only Sm eri feet 1D Your answer: es - - Examiner: What would you like best about living in an extended family? Candidate: Well, the best thing that 1 like about living in a large family is enjoying family gatherings, um... you never feel lonely st all because there is always tots of interaction, Alternative answers: C1 I would say fee! D1 Your answer: secure, being supported and sympathised. Examiner: How often do you see your family? ‘Candidate: If you mean my immediate family, prety frequently; three or four times a week. Bat i'you mean my extended family, not very often; maybe ance or twice & month ily of Alternative answers: {D Un....oughly once a month, I's a matter of distance. 1D Actually live with them. Being with my family gives me a wonderful sense of well-being D Your answers... > ” Examiner: How often do you havea family get-together? Candidate: Mainly on hoiisays, Alternative answers: 1D Fainly rogularly, at wevkends, D Your answer: Examiner: Are you happy with you married life? Candidate: Yes, very much. I have a good partner and feel truly blessed with my family life Alternative answer D Yes, indeed. 1 1D Your answer: 1ve a good life and owe it all fo my wife husban uuminer: Do you think you are compatible with your wife/husband? (Why do you think so?) Candidate: Yes, absolutely, We have a lot of things in common; @ well-matcived couple. We enjoy the same things and have the same ideas, and generally were jst made for ich other. Alternative answers: 1D Un... lke most married couples, we have had our own ups and downs, but We usually have the same perspectives and interests, Successfull marriages don't occur, they are seated. From my point of view, the real seeret of any successful marriages is to “forgive and forget’. 1 Yes, I'm happy with my life in spite of the fact we sometimes get into trouble. In my view, “give and take’ is an important element of any successful marriages. 1D Your answer: Examiner: Would you like to live with your parents after you get married? Candidate: Um... I don’t think I prefer to stand on my own fect. Altermati No. 1° prefer to be, you know, in my own self-contained place. 1D Your answer: FAMILY Questions 1. Do you live in « nuclear family or an extended family? Do you have any siblings? Have you got any twins brothers! sisters? How close and warm is your family? How much do you remember fram your granciparents? How many aunts and uncles do you have? How many first cousins do you have? {Is there anyone in your family who is not related but considered part of the family any way’? Have you got any members of the family living with you? How many children do you have/want to have? What hope or fears do you have for them? 10, Do you have any “black sheep’ in your family? (A person who is strongly disapproved) 11, What do you like best about your famity? 12, How would you describe your relationship with your parents? 13. Do you think your parents understand you? 14, How was your relationship with your parents while you were growing up? 15. Did your mother or father ever tell you what their childhood was like? 16, How is your relationship with your siblings? 17.Do you share your personal secrets with your family? 18, Who do you usually speak to when you have a problem? 19, How much influence do you have on your family? 20. Who is the bresdwinner in your family? 21. Who takes the greatest responsibility for bringing up the children in your family? 22. Whe does most ofthe household chores in your family? 23. What job do you least enjoy doing in the house? 24. Do you have any particular rules in your family? 25. Do you enjoy spending time with your family’? 26, How much time do you usually spend with the members of your family? 27. How often do you have a family get together? 28. Have you ever had a big family reunion? On what ovcasions does your family get together? 29, Which of your relatives do you spend the most time with? Part 17 30.Do you have much contact with your distant relatives? Ifso, when’? 31. Are there any special times in the year that you spend with your relatives? Do you socialise \with them at other times? 32-Tell me about one of your family’s important traditions. 33 Jn-what ways are you proud of your ancestry? 34,Do you have any in-laws? Do you get along well with ther? 48. How did you meet your spouse and what attracted you? 36, What kind of person do you want to get married to? FRIENDS Imerview Examiner: Who is your best fiend? (How would you deseribe him/her?) Candidate: My best fiiend’s name is [..]. We've known each other for about ten years. To describe him/her I should say he/she is so understanding and he’she also has a great sense of s0 lively and full of fun; always running around and laughing. Alternative answers: O The name of my best friend is [... Im fact, he/She’s a distant cousin of mine. He/she is a nue friend in all senses of the word, He/she is such a supportive person that I can always count on. You know, when a problem occurs, he’she is always ready to back me up. 1D Your answer: ace : Examiner: Why do you call this person your best fend? Candidate: Because of his/her unique qualities. “A fiend in need isa fiend indeed.” He/she is really supportive and always willing to help me out when a problem comes hohe is such a caring person, 1 always treasure his/her friendship, Alternative answers: Lega hinvher as my bestfriend because he/she is the kind of person you can always rely ‘on, Hehe is really and trly encouraging and helpful think very highly of hiner 1D Your answer: Rraminer: Name three words that can be best used to describe your best friend Candidate: | would say “inspiving’, ‘conscientious’ and ‘understanding’ Alternative answers: | would say ‘outgoing’, “trustworthy” and ‘thoughtful’. 1 Ur... fet me think. “articulate, ‘supportive’ and “cheerful” 1 Well, | would think ‘dignified’, ‘aetful’ and ‘perceptive’. I think the best words would be “loyal,” ‘bright’; and ‘genuine’ 1 Maybe I should think for a few seconds. Er... ‘energetic’, lively’ and * full of Tie’ 18 Part C1 t's an interesting question, Words like ‘moti best describe his ster personality, 1D Your answer: .. i jon’, “perseverance” and ‘creativity” would Examiner: Do you have alot friend? Candidate: Yes, quite a few. I have friends from all walks of fife. Of course, some of them are only casual friends like my friends at work, but I also have some intimate friends. Alternative answers: OF Yes. You could say a load of friends! In general, 1 prefer to socialise with all people who are around me, that’s why [have so many friends, Ci Er...not lot, only a few friends. I prefer having a few close friends to having many causal friends. Perhaps, itis because of my personality type 1 Your answer: Examiner: In your fee time, would you prefer to be alone or to be with fiends? Candidate: I tend to be with my friends, At work, I spend most of my time alone in my office, so after work, I unjoy the company of my friends. [ often invite my friends over, ‘we chat the whole evening, | wish I had a larger circle of friends, Alternative answers: It depends, for example, sometimes I prefer to be with my friends and sometimes I just want to relax without anyone disturbing me, 1 Your answer: i Examiner: What does friendship mean to you? Candidate: In a word, “rust, Alternative answers: O Friendship means a lot to me, | feel a good friendship isa blessing and a gift from God. ‘Truly good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget C1 Lean hardly define the word ‘friendship’ as it goes further than a simple sentence, but the ‘only thing that I can say is that itis the source of inspiration, affection and encouragement, 1 A good friendship is priceless. It is lifelong, and worthwhile job. Its truly the basis of | any good relationship. It can he defined as a harmonious relationship between two people 1D Tome, friendship is a sweet responsibility; never an opportunity. 1 Thue friends are like diamonds, precious and fare, False fiends are like autumn leaves found everywhere, 1D A mutual relationship. Within a good friendship, we feel totally free. There is no need to pretend anything because we know we are accepted as we are. 1D Your answers... Examiner: If you had to choose three words to describe your roommate, what would you say? Candidate; Well, it is a difficult would say ‘sociable’, ‘considerate’ and “helpful, Alternative answers: 1D I would think ‘diligent’, ‘agreeable* and a little “bookish? 1 Let me think independent-minded”, ‘introspective’ and has a ‘competitive spi Yee ADS iii NL ELLE pact 2 FRIENDS: Questions 1, In general, what are friends for? Talk about your best friend. How long have you known him/her? How did you got acquainted with each other? ‘What makes this friend closer than your other friends? ‘What do you lke best about your friendship? What a ‘What qualities help you to have good relationships with your friends? your expectations of your friend? 2 3 4 . 6, What are some of the ways your bes! friend has influenced your life ina positive way? 1 8 4 In what ways are your fiends important to you? 10, What influence do you have over your ‘tiends? F 11. Tow do you choose your friends? 12. What kind of people do you make friends with? 13. Are your friends mostly your age or from different ages? (Why?) {4Hlave you got many fiends? Are they easual acquaintances or close friends? [5.15 the ime you spenel with your friends as much as the time you spend with your family? 16, Do you usually see your friends during the week or at the weekends? 17. What kind of things do you and your friends If. Did your fiends ever get you in trouble when you were younger? we 10 do together? 19, Have you remained friends with people from your childhood? 20. What is your longest friendship that yout have had”? 21, What do you do to maintain a friendship? 2. Talk about a friend you used to have, but now you have lost touch with, 23. Do you think itis better to have a lange group of friends ora few close friends? 24, Do you have any English speaking friends? 25, Have you got any long distance friends? How do you keep in touch with your pen pals? Examiner: Can you describe your home? Candidate: I live on the top floor of a building, It’s quite small; about sixty square metres, t has one bed room and a small living room. Everyone says it’s too small but I think its just the right size for me. . Alternative answers: OD Well, we have @ two-roomed flat. um... two bedrooms and a small sitting room overlooking the yard. In spite of being small, I think itis very cosy and convenient. 1D Our flat is medium-sized, Um... we have two bedrooms, a study and a living room. Di We live in a flat in the old scetion of the eity. It was once a three-story house that wis converted into several flats. Now ten families live in our building. We live on the thitd floor. We have three spare bedroom also serves as a study. There is a large living room and a kitchen with a small balcony overlooking a street. Dur fiat is kind of smatl for four people. Its about sixty meters. Of course, we are used to it ‘We share a ganten with other residents in the block. Di Your answers ...cssese Examiner: What is your favourite room? Candidate: My favourite room would have to be our sitting room, Since itis north-facing. itis brighter than the other rooms, Secondly, the balcony of our living room overlooking a beautiful flower bed full of climbing roses. Alternative answers: Dkr would have to be our living beeause I have tried to ereate an inviting atmosphere by using different combination of colours. Tt is so lively, and tastefully- decorated. | always try to keep it neat and tidy. 1D Probably our living room, Because we often gather together there, after we come home from work. 1D Our family room. It's a comfortable and well-tit room with w pleasing décor. 1s traditional- ooking with lots of antique furniture. There is a rocking chair in the comer of the room. 1D Your answer: Examiner: Describe your sitting room. Well, I's L-shaped, quite spacious and airy. It is so bright and we get a lot of sunlight; there are windows on two sides of the room. There is a fireplace in the corner of the room and wallpaper is matched with the furnishings. We have a TV, sofa ..and bookease in our sitting room Alternative answers: D1 We have a rug, a set of chairs and a dinner table and a TV set there. Fr...the floor of out seg os open iol cpt, Rc et ln tes, 1D Your answer: «ss. sit sink som sor. arge pit art 2 Examiner: Where do you live? Candidate: Well, that is not so easy to the weekdays [ live in the dormitory of my university, but over the weekends, | live with my parents in a small town called [...]. At present, I really do not know which one to call my home. Alternative answers: G At present, I am sharing an apartment with a couple of friends, It is in a city called (...). has three rooms; one of the room is mine. 1D five on the outskirts of [...J, a city close to [ it's just 30 kilometres west of (ocdeity 1 liive in an area called [...]: a densely populated area ofthe town, 1 Your answer: 9 Examiner: What do you like best about the place you are living?” Candidate: Er...its location. Our flat is very welislocated. We have easy access to most major motorways. Alternative answers: Os green space for sure. | live in a house overlooking a large garden. It has made our home so beautiful Dis location. It’s perfectly situated between two main streets called [...] and [...] so there are {o's of stylish shops and boutiques close to our home, D Your answer: .. Examiner: How far is your home from your workplace? Candidate: We live in one of the suburbs of the city. My workplace is about ten kilometres away from my home. It usually takes me about half an hour or so to get to my work. Alternative answers: O My home is quite close to my workplace. I can walk there in about fen minutes, D Your answers... Examiner: What would you like to change in your home? Candidate: Well, I would like to do up our sitting room. I think the walls need painting... and if I can afford, I'll refit the kitchen, change the cabinets and have the floor tiled. Now it’s in poor condition Alternative answers: OI would like to redecorate our guestroom and use livelier colours, {D1 thins 1 should rearrange the furniture inthe siting room. ‘variety isthe spice of life.” D | would certainly enlarge our sitting room. That's kind of small, 1 Adaing an extension to our living room fo remodel my home, I guess. Fortunately, there is, room for that. D Your answer: Framiner: Would you prefer living in a house ora flat? Candidate: On balance, living in a flat is more convenient and secure, On the other hand, the maintenance costs of having a house are usually 2 art Alternative answer TF Although most apartments in big cities enjoy modem facilities, 1 still prefer living in « house. In my opinion, house-living provides more comfort and independence. Secondly, one ‘of the common problems of flat-living is that not all residents of flats consider the rights of other neighbours OF Your answer: ssc — see 7 Examiner: What is the most important feature that you consider when you choose a house or apartment? Candidate: Well, a house should basically meet the personal needs of the owner. To me, its facilities are the most important ofall. Alternative answer 1 Welt, personally speaking, price is the most important aspect, however I consider the things like age, style and location. D0 Your answers Examiner: Do you live with your parents? ‘Candidate: Acivally, [used to, but now, I'm living on my own, Alternative answers: Yes, Ido, Hive with my parents, 1 Your answer: Examiner: Describe your dream house, Candidate: Er...let me think, the only thing that comes to my mind is that it would be somewhere on a hillside overlooking a beautiful lake with lots of rooms. The ‘window ofthe siting room would be like a framed painting, Alternative answers: 1 Um... 1f 'could choose my dream home, | woiuld say somewhere out of town with a good climate. It would be quite roomy, with a large yard and the view of mountains; a place remote from the noisy cities where yeu can experience the beauty of nature. Et..1 can't think of anything else now. C Welt, it should be a rambling, well-decorated and stylish penthouse with good facilities in a guiet residential area, 1 Ofcourse, I believe home is where the heart is. describe my dream house, I should say a country house in an elevated position, overlooking a lake 1 Your answer: sina HOME Questions 1. How many rooms are there in your apartmenv/house? 2. What do you consider to be the most important room in your home? Does your home have a yard? If yes, what is it like? ‘Which room do you spend most of your time in’? $, Do,ou like the place where you live? How long have you lived there? 7. How long do you expect to continue living there? '§. Where do you think you will be living five years from now’? “9 Describe a (an imaginary) room that you would like to spend time in. NEIGHBOURHOOD Deseribe your neighbourtiood. ididate: [live in a quict neighbourhood in the north of [...] ety. Fortunately, there are plenty of public facilities in our neighbourhood, such as centres and libraries. “Alternative answers: 1D Live in [...] city. Even though it is a very large city, we live in a part that is like a small village, We know everyone there. There is a very large park just in front our is bus slop so we can easily gor anywhere in the city 11 live in a neighbourhood which is quite close to the city centre. It’s so convenient for ‘hopping. There are many shops, restaurants and 2 variety of businesses 1 Your answer: Examiner: How long have you lived ther indidate: I have lived there since I was te tum... for ubout eighteen years, ave you noticed a lot of changes during that time? Candidate: Yes, | have witnessed lots of changes: beyond recognition, t's a much nicer place to live now than it used to be. Also, over the last few years, the municipality of our city has planted trees everywhere, 1's much greener now. Above all, the transport facilities of our area have been considerably developed. Alternative answers: Not really, unfortunately, our neighbourhood has been kind of overlooked D Your answer: Faaminer: Do you like the place where you live? Candidate: Absolutely, the main reason is that i i right inthe heart of the city and whatever I need is just outside the door. Alternative answers: D1 Of, sure. We live in a quiet neighbourhood, there is no noise at all, more imporiantly, neighbours are very nice and friendly. D1 Uim...not very much, the reason is that, unfortunately some of our neighbours are inconsiderate and noisy. 0 Your answer: sree Examiner: What do you think your neighbourhood/area is missing? Candidate: Um... a community centre, [ think. Alternative answers: C Er... medical centre, unfortunately, there's no hospital in the immediate vicinity. D Your answer: .. zi Examiner: What are your neighbours like? Candidate: We have good neighbours. Most of them look out for each other ancl are always willing to help. In other words, there is @ sense of belonging in our neighbourhood. Alternative answers: Gi Generally speaking, the people who are living in our building are warm and friendly. C1 Noisy, gossipy and selfish. With neighbours like that who needs enemies! 1D Your answer aie ie Examiner: How would you describe 2 good neighbour? Candidate: In my opinion, a good neighbour respects the rights of other neighbours and possibly makes contributions to the development of the neighbourhood, Alternative answers: D1 Tomy view, a good seighbour is elf ‘considerate and caring, Your answer: NEIGHBOURHOD, Questions 1. What do you like best about your neighbourhood? ‘How do you think your neighbourhood could be improved? How safe is your neighbourhood compared with other areas? ‘What do you like best about your neighbourhood? Isthere anything that you don’t like about your neighbourhood? How do you think your neighbourhood could be improved? Can you describe the neighbourhood you grew up in? 6 Put G1 Pd like to talk about the Traditional Bazaar of Tehran (city); the focal point ofthe city, Is ‘great place to stroll through and shop around; there are lots of shopping opportunities in thet ‘market, The best way to explore the Bazaar of Tehran is simply to wander its labyrinth of streets and alleys. Its architecture rooted in Iranian lifestyle. You know, it’s more like a should be cateful not to get lost. It is said that if you wait long enough there, you"ll meet everyone you've ever known! 1 Yes. The bazaar of Tabriz (city) located in the city centre and considered as an important place far commerce. It consists of some sub-bazaars or traditional markets in various fies including the bazaar for gold and jewellery, shoe and many other ‘businesses for other goods. 1D Azadi sport complex’. It is located in the west part of Tehran (city) and has a seating capacity oF 100,000 spectators. Most ofthe top matches of Tranian leagues are held ther. DD Well, “Azadi square’. Let me explain, it is in the west of Tehran is the first landmark that visitors come across when arriving from the Mchrabad airport. This structure has a beautiful exterior; made of white marble is very tall, maybe forty meires high or so. Its architecture has become an icon for Tehran (city). 1 ‘Milad Tower’ itis situated in the north west of Tehran and can be easily seen fiom anywhere in the city. I's strikingly beautiful especially at nights. As fae as I know, it is the world's fourth tallest free standing structure. OF There is a very large forest park located just outside Tehran called “Chitgar’. It has hiking ‘and cycling,.. It has a purifying effect on the air quality of Tehran (city) too. 1 1d like to talk about *Valiasre Avenue’; the longest street in the Middle-East as far as 1 know. It is « tree-lined street which runs fiom south to north and divides Tehran (city) into western and caster parts. 1's the hub of many business activities. There are numerous shops, cool restaurants, parks and cultural centres situated along this avenuc. OO There is a very popular climbing path in Tehran (city) called “Tochal’. The trail is divided into seven stations. On Fridays, you see lots of people walking, mountain climbing or using the cabin ear, What | like most about *Tochal’ isthe penoramic views of Tehran (city). The views are absolutely spectacular. Er... you ean enjoy the mountain air and the scenery. As far as [ know Tochal is the closest ski resort to Tehran, I'd recommend anyone t0 go to there 1 Darband is a great mountain resort, ‘The trail is usually crowded at weekends. The path is lined with cafes, tea houses, drink stalls selling goodies like, tamarind, dried fruit, fresh raspberries, cranberries, mulberries and so on. You can enjoy its fresh and unspoiled air in al four seasons. 1D Your answer: Examiner: What do you like most about traveling? Candidate: Visiting new places. Traveling to different places is one thing, exploring these places is quite another. It’s always thrilling to get to know new and exotic places Alternative answers: 11 1 would say visiting different places and meeting new people. These are the things I'd definitely be fascinated by. 1D What | like most about traveling is visiting new places and trying new foods, It can be both exciting and pleasurable, O Architecture is something I'd be enthusiastic about. Looking at buildings is one of my favourite things to do in a new city. C1 Its relaxation. T have a busy life. The only time I can really switch off is when I'm on vacation, ath of ike a ‘ough “live and think. Traveling to other places is always a priceless opportunity which promotes, -eass-cultural understanding D Your answer: tant fields ber Fxaminer: What kind of holiday do you like best? (Why) udidate: | like sightseeing a lot because it gives me an opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of other cities and counties. Ea ernative answers: fist ike earmping a fot. To my view, camping isa great way to get close to nature, ture sates en ‘Which would you prefer, traveling alone or traveling in a group? ihe Traveling alone appeals to me more. Actually. I usually travel to get away from my daily routine you know, to get peace and quict. ‘king kernative answers: i ‘The more the merrier. I much prefer traveling in a group, especially with good ot _conversationalists where I can enjoy my journey and simply share the tasks, tiato D Traveling in a group sounds to be more fun, you with entertaining travelling fa ‘companions. BTR RB WEE asso vsssocnscessnenisin “ided ising The uaminer: What method of travel do you enjoy most? (Why?) 1 e ’¢ prefer traveling by train because in my country, trains are more comfortable to so sei some sleep at night, besides, traveling by train allows us to visit more places. tive answers: this Traveling by air. What | like most about traveling by air is getting to different places fast. ified like sensing the sudden changes in social atmosphere and climate. had By airplane, because itis the fastest and safest mode of transport. adore traveling by ship. The reason is that it gives me a great feeling of serenity and peace ofmind. D Traveling by car can be a good choice provided that you travel with family members or -lose friends, One more point is that you can simply stop by to take rest the een. fete 1 Your answer: 7 ra ‘Bxaminer: In your opinion hav can we cope with culture shack? (What would you do to ‘overcome culture shock?) both + A good way to deal with culture shock or elash of eultures isto avoid having regaive stereotypes about other cultures a “Alternative answers: Di That's an interesting question. In my opinion, the best way to avoid culture shock is not to think ubout the cultural bebaviour of your country as ‘righ’ and other people's as ‘wrong’ HOLIDAY Questions |. Haye you ever been abroad? IF yes, how many countries have you been to? 2, Ifyou could take « holiday anywhere in the world and money weren't a consideration, where would you go? . How often do you go on holidays? How long do you usually spend on holiday? What is something you would never travel without? ;. Who is the person you would most like to go abroad with’ go on holiday with? 3 4 5 6. How would you overcome your homesickness if you lived abroad? 7. Ifyou lived abroad, what would you be most nervous about? 8. Who is the first person you would call or e-mail after arriving somewhere new? 9. What do you find difficult about travelling? 10. Where did you spend your last holiday? 1. Would you feel insecure about travelling alone? 12, How many foreign countries, (if any) have you been to? 13. Describe your family’s favourite holiday destination 14, Deseribe your bestworst holiday. 15. Have you ever been ina difficult situation white travelling’? 16. Would you rather visit foreign countries or travel within your own country’? 17. Talk about the most beautiful place that you have ever been to. 18, Would you prefer to go to a place where there are a lot of people or to a place where there are few people? 19, Talk about your favourite holiday resort or pienie spot. 20. What do you usually do when you are on journey/ pienie? 21. Have you ever gone backpacking? 22, Do you preter summer holidays or winter holidays? 23. Would you prefer to stay at a hotel or camp while on holiday? Why? 24. Which one would you prefer, one long holiday or several short holidays in a year? 25. How do you like taking a self catering holiday? 26, Do like tours organised by travel agencies? Have you ever taken a package Holiday? 27, What is the most interesting gift or souvenir you bought while you were on a joumey? HOBBIES ies, sts Imerview miner; What do you usually do in your free time? (What is your favourite pastime/ hobby?) (Why?) date; I'm 50 busy that I can hardly make any free time. If I ever had fee time, I would probably do many different things 10 fll my spare time, including playing sports, listening to musie and going out with my friends tive answer B Well, 1 do lot of things in my spare time, but mostly I listen to music; classical music. Tipuls me in a goo! mood. D Fm an avid reader. 1 spend my free time catching up on studying my university books. In _iny view, it’s important to spend time productively B Well, 1am fond of photography, especially landscape photos It’s great fun. 1 My favourite hobby is painting. [Tove colours and I do some oil and watercolours in my free time. 1's a hobby that I get absolutely engrossed in. [usually lose track of time and paint for lure. [particularly like to do landscape. It's great to be able to capture a scenery on your ‘sanvas, D Iusially do crossword puzzles in my free time. Mental activites help sharpen memory Ido various things in my spare time, but cooking is my passion. I took a cooking class just “two months ago. D Tobe hones, all my friends say that I'm a real ‘mouse potato’, perhaps Tam, But you can _ salle a ‘movie butt too. [spend lots of time surfing the internet looking for film reviews. B Love hiking. | belong to a hiking group we go to different places almast every weekend. 1's not an expensive leisure activity, and you don’t need much equipment for it, all you “need isa pair of hiking boots and strong legs for walking. It's a great way to keep fit and Jealihy in this way. B {go rock climbing for fun, I love its challenge. Its thrilling Ihave itchy fet; just want (© travel to different places. You can always fearn a lot when travelling. D {usually go camping with my friends ithe spit moves me. My favourite camping destination is an area which is amazingly lush and green, you know, camping allows me to gctanay from stress and preaceupations. Tove anything that involves being active and being outdoors. I usually go walking in my spare time, I think walking is a great way to decrease daly stress. 11 'ma bird of passage! a real outdoor type. I never ever stay indoors, I usually spend my free time outside enjoying the nature. Sometimes, | do need R&R (Rest &Reereation) to let my hair own! 1 Ihave a fondness in gardening. Maybe you'd like to know why. To me, gardening is a great ‘aay to spend quality develop patience and relieve stress, It also gives me piiysical exercise, and I feel rejuvenated while gardening. ma real fitness freak. I go to the gym to work out almost everyday. I do different kinds of cexeris. It reffeshes my body and mind. 30 tl C1 I'ma fitness fanatic! | work out everyday for a couple of hours to keep fit keep sy spirits up. OJ go running with friends on alternate days. In a job that is largely sedentary, it’s important to stay physically healthy. CO Well, in winter, J usually go skiing, and in summer, [fend to go outdoor swimming, such leisure activities help us cope with mechanical life. C1 I'ma keen swimmer. I love swimming and lazing by the pool. It’s so relaxing. Drm erazy about skiing! In fact, ’m a ski instructor and give lessons. T first went with my father when I was ten years old and I've been skiing ever since. I'd recommend anyone to g0 forit OF Well, I'm very sporty, but my most favourite sport is table tennis, | would play everyday if could, but...well.. usually end up playing about once or twice a week. 1 Inmy spare time, | participate in community service activities. It helps me meet people from all walks of life, thereby help to develop my interpersonal skills, 1 Pd rather indoor hobbies like doing crosswords, playing chess and so on, You know, doing such things help me concentrate better. 1 [am keen on DIY activities (Do it yoursel). I love repairing, decorating and things of the same kind, I think itis a very good hobby for those who want to make the best use of their time. 1 Love playing the piano. I really do, I'm pretty good at it. I ean pick up a tune instantly on the piano, Playing the piano gives me a sense of peace, 1D There is no hard and fast rule on ow I spend my leisure time or weekends. I do things as they come. Sometime I go out with my friends, and sometimes I just flip through magazines to fill my free time. C1r'm imo collecting antique furniture in a big way. In fact, my collection is my most treasured possession. I'm even thinking of tuming it into my job. It would be quite « lucrative business, 1D Lcottect coins for pleasure, To me, culture of other countries. Df really take pleasure in collecting stamps. You know, 1 took up this hobhy when | was a school student. @ word, my stamp collection is my pride and joy. For me, it brings back lots of good memories D1 I'ma philatelist.'ve been collecting stamps for five years. I also collect posteards and coins from all over the world. I've made load of new friends through this hobby. 1 Your answer: 5 rs collecting is a great way to learn about history and Examiner: Why have you chosen stamp collecting as your hobby”? ‘Candidate: Stamp collecting is a hobby which provides enjoyment and education. When you collect stamps, you can Ieam more about the world, one more point is that you can meet new friends through your hobby. Italso helps me have a common interest With others, Most importantly, this hobby teaches me some sort of self- and how to be organised. Alternative answers: 1 Leonsider stamps as works of art; colourful, well-printed and well-designed. Stamp collecting is a good way to increase general information about other countries. D1 Your answers... ocsoeeneos Candidate: Sure, I did, My favourite game was chess. My grandfather taught me how to play. In my view, childhood is the most formative period of life, ative answers: DO, sure. 1 was very noughty when | was a kid; a ball of fire, really. 1 was fond of playing hide and seek. [t was always alot of fun. My friends and I used to play almost every day. TD Yes. Ihave vivid memories from my childhood. | used to board games, yo-yo kite-fying, miner: Do you like visiting art galleries? (Why/ not?) idate: Yes, to a great extent, I'm a real art Jover. From my perspective, museums have an sportant role in preserving our historical heritage. es, lot They are certainly of cultural value. But rarely go to such places these days, I'm _ more involved with university exams. + Do you like going to amusement parks? (Why /not?) Yes, a lot In my opinion, theme parks provide fun and thrills forall members of family, Moreover, such pluees promote family outings native answers: 1 Very occasionally. Once a year, maybe 2 Part! DNo, 1 don't. You know, such places are usually crowded. I'd much prefer natural where I can enjoy the scenic beauty, 1 Your answer: Examiner: How often do you go to the cinema? Candidate: I'm 4 real cinema-goer. Maybe six times in a month. 1 usually follow the latest films. Alternative answers: 1D Not very often. Only when my favourite actors play lead roles. 1D Pretty often. Four times or so ina month, OT go to the cinema whenever I can. It depends whether there’s something worth watching or not. I'm quite picky about what to see. 1D Your answers... Examiner: When did you last go to the cinema? Candidate: Pretty recently; just afew days ago. Alternative answers: O Three months ago, { guess. O Your answers... Do you like watching films? (Why /not?) ‘Candidat ‘es, I do, especially, romance films. Alternative answers: 1 Um... Itusually depends on the typeof the film DD Your answers scenes ae Examiner: What kinds of films do you like? ‘Candidate: I am very keen on comedy films. Most of them are amusing and hilarious. Alternative answers: 17 I particularly like action films because most of them are dramatic and gripping. You know, action-packed films are full of adventure and exciting events. 1 Mend to go for horror films, especially the films directed by [...; you know, a director of ‘considerable meri 1 Lam very much fascinated by comedies. First ofall, most comedies are great fun, Secondly, they seldom have violent scenes, above all, comedies often contain brilliant acting by famous actors. 1D Your answers... Do you like science fiction films? (Why /not?) ‘Not really, because of the excessive special effects which ane usually used in such films and also the plots are usually overdramatic, Alternative answer TD Oh, of course, such 1D Your answers. lms usually increase imagination power, puminer: What sort of television programmes do you like watching? (Why?) sandidate: [like sitcoms alot because they are usually humorous and entertaining. native answers: like soaps. Most of them are good fun. D1 tend to watch documentary programmes. The reason is that, most documentaries are tlucational and often have items about nature. In other words, there is always something ew to be learned D My favourite type of TV programme is documentaries because | usually learn a great deal shout diferent subjects. For example, when you watch a programme related to animals, you tanearn about their habitats, survival and that sort of thing. I don’t usually miss them. 1D Almost all types of TV programmes, but mainly news. I usually keep up with world affairs by watching news. GD Realty TV shows. They aren't scenario-based. You can see natural scenes and behaviour. My favourite programme is [...}; a top-rated TV show. news, also enjoy round-table talks Fuuminer: Do you lke listening to music? didate: Yes, music means a lot to me. I enjoy almost all types of music. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without music. Music always brings comfort and pleasure to us. Alternative answers: D Independs on the type of the muse, I particulary like classical music. I have a large collection of classical CDs, D Yes, Ido. Infact, a ove of musie rans in our family. 1D Yeah, it helps me unwind after a busy day. Your answer: . esniane gain miner: What kind of music do you enjoy most? music that has such soothing melodies. The Iyris are usually deep and meaningful, mative answers: BK ike pop music very much. The reason is that pop music is usually lively and makes me feel more energetic, | Well, ike almost all types of music, but I don’t care for traditional music. It makes me feel ‘ered or something. I guess classical music is my favourite. B Oh, sure, Tam really into music, particularly classical music. To my mind, classical music is ‘the most expressive type of music in terms of the range of feclings that it ean convey; élasscal music usually has slow rhythm and pleasant melodies, Infect, | enjoy almost all kinds of music exeept loud and obnoxious music, These songs are’ really 30 my taste, 1D Almost all types, except electronic music. To be frank, this type of music is not my cup of ‘choose what to listen to, according to my mood. Sometime and sometimes ‘populir music Your answer: Examiner: Has your taste in muste changed? Candidate: Yes, to a great extent. I used to listen to folk music, now I’m more attracted to classical music. Thave quite a few DVDs at home. Alternative answer No, I don't think so, Classical music hes always been my favourite type of music. 1D Your answer: ..... pase ieee ei Examiner: Who is your favourite singer? (Why?) (Candidate: I'm a eal admirer of [.|; man of many talents. He is gifted with e superd singing voice. In my apinion, he is the mast perfect singer in all aspects... m knowledge, voice flexibility, style of singing and ...umn... stage performance. You know, his last album had huge success, I believe he deserves his reputation. Alternative answer 1D Jama big fan of... He's blessed with a wonderful singing voice, T think he is perfectly able to convey all the eriotions that are necessary in a performance of a song, His best-know song is [...J: a massive hit which was released last year in [...] album, He is regarded as & representative of the youth of his generation. 1 My favourite singer is (,..}: 2 great singer with velvety voice, I Jove the texture of his voice From my point of view, his style of singing is really emotional, His music has wide appeal He has kept his fans enthralled with his voice for many years. All these years, the quality of his voice has never wavered always sweet, always divine, 1D [...1. Although his music is sort of individualistic and may not appeal to everyone, 1 adore his style. [believe his music is am integration of tradition and new technology, One met point is that his knowledge of music is impressively extensive. 1D Your answer: ... Examiner: Do you like reading? (Why /noi?), (What kinds of hooks do you enjoy reading”) ‘Candidate: Oh, certainly. Reading is the best way to enhanee our knowledve. I's very {important from that point of view. I usually rea [...] magazine, you know, & scientific magazine with a weekly circulation of over 10,000. Alternative answers: 1D Lenjoy reading quite a range of books, but mainly autobiography, the reason is that | just enjoy reading about famous people’s lives, and the adventures they’ve got into. In fact, you get 10 know these people, their works and what they have done fiom another perspective, ‘and sometimes it can be quite different from what you might hear about them by the medi, 1D Yes, Ido. believe that all of us should devote enough time to reading. When you read books, you acquire new knoxsledge which in turn broadens your views on important matters 1D Your answer: Examiner: Do you enjoy reading novels? (Why /n0t?) Candidate: Yes, | do. The main reason is that | can usually get away from my daily grind by’ following the plot of the novel and getting involved in the ebaraeters and th dreams. Alternative answers: I No, realy. You know, most of them have too many characters and are very complicated to follow. Ol Your answer: miner: Do you like reading fiction? (Why /not?) te: Yes, Ido, especially poetry fiction, You ean always find pithy and enlightening points in such books. They also enhance imagination. D Uim...On a case by case basis. For example, | like the books written by [..}. He/she is ‘simply a writer of great imagination and originality. His/her works are very highly regarded, _ and appeal to every taste. HOBBIES ks Diss Questions ‘What activites do you like doing in your free time? (What are your interests outside your = studies?) How did you start doing this activity at first? How did you become interested in? | How often do you do this hobby? | Do you need any special equipment for it? . Do you belong to a club or an interest group related to this hobby/activity? 6 Who do you usually spend your spare time with? ‘Wh hobby would you take up if you had more time? ould you prefer indoor hobbies er eutdoor activites? sthereany kind of entertainment you don’t like? Do you like leisure activities that requite teamwork? Have you given up anything you used to doin your free time? What kind of hobbies and talents have you developed, ether asa child or as an adult? | Wht kind of things did you enjoy doing as a kid? & What type of art do you appreciate most? Doou enjoy watching fins? ‘What is your all-time favourite film? 19. What is the latest film you have seen? 2) What are some of the good films you have recently seen? J] Ate there any kinds of films you dislike? What is the scariest film you have ever seen?

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