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Daniel Mitchell

p.5 Mr. Downes

AP World History
From Human Prehistory to the Early Civilizations
Humans are tool users and tool makers, differentiates them from other animals.
Making of toolsH&E (Tools allowed humans to manipulate their environment)
The building of cities was as a result of the development of agriculture H&E (Settlement Patterns)
Main point: development of agriculture, civilization, and other technologies happened separately in
one civilization from another
The many possible forms of communication promoted cultural diffusion (CUL interactions of
different cultures through cultural diffusion) but didnt affect societies enough to justify that as the
cause for so many similarities between separate civilizations
There were three ways of communication in early human history: Trade, Migration/invasion, and
Diplomacy/Military, but all were quite sporadic
Human Life in the Era of Hunters and Gatherers
o Up until 9000 BCE, hunter gatherer civilization dominated human life.
o Because of hunter gatherer civilizations, people migrated all over the earth. Without it, population
of humans wouldnt have spread around the world nearly as quickly.
o Humans developed and accomplished much in 1/4000 of the worlds existence (about 2.5 million
o Humans have wars (POL- conflict between people groups), babies are dependent, back problems,
and knowledge of death (knowledge of death may have sparked thoughts of religion? CUL) all
things that may be drawbacks to the human.
o Humans also have opposable thumbs, which allow for manipulation of environment (H&E) and a
high sex drive which promotes successful reproduction, are omnivores (so arent too dependent on
either meat or vegetables to survive, and allows for humans to settle in so many different climates
H&E settlement patterns)
o Most of our human history was spent in the PALEOLITHIC (old stone) AGE (which ended in 12,000
BCE with the founding of agriculture H&E: settlement)
o Used only simple tools fashioned from rocks we found
o Hunter gatherer society was the only way, because no agriculture
o Tamed fire 750,000 years ago
o Brains increased in size as time passed
Late Paleolithic Developments
o Survival of the fittest meant that all other types of human (homo erectus, etc.) died off
because they werent best equipped to live
o HOMO SAPIENS (most modern type of human) developed around 240,000 years ago
o It has been so successful (evolutionally) that no other types of humans have advanced from
the homo sapiens
o People who hunted game and gathered from plants didnt have enough food to support large
amounts of people. Each human needed at least 1 sq. mile of space to survive, and
population grew very slowly. (H&E environment affects human population/DEMOGRAPHY), or
specialize jobs (ECO-job specialization/occupations)
o Women worked jobs that were different from the men, but were still considered equals (SOC)
o By later Paleolithic period, better tools and communication were developed
o They also developed religion and started making art/murals to ease the thought of inevitable
death (aha! Just as I said above. But CUL)
o At the same time, but in different places, people developed religion, beliefs, and languages
o Greatest achievement of paleolithics: spread of population across the planet! (H&E
settlement patterns/migration)

Daniel Mitchell
p.5 Mr. Downes
AP World History
Other notable achievements: fire, clothing which helped fuel the above stated achievement
when migrating in colder environments (H&Efire and fur to keep warm, able to survive cold
environment, and also settled there)
o When the last ice age ended, the MESOTHELIC (middle stone) AGE began (from 12,00 to
8,000 BCE)
o People started to make tools out of natures resources and sharpen them, developing better
weapons, tools, needles. (H&Etechnology, tools to combat environment/CUL devel. of
technology) They also made log rafts for transportation (ECO), started fishing and made pots
to store food instead of just searching for it every day (H&E, ECO). Started to domesticate
animals (ECO- a move towards sedentary agriculturalist society)
o Because of better tools, there was more food, so a population growth (H&E demography).
o This rise in population led to the formation of larger clans, and more wars. Skeletons from
this time show bone breaks and hacks in skulls, which is evidence of inter-clan wars. (POLstate building of clans, plus conflict between clans)
o In total development, the Mesothelic age came to a close, and gave way to the NEOLITHIC
(new stone) AGE which was important because it was the agricultural revolution!!!!
Neolithic Revolution
o Neolithic lasted from 8000 BCE to 5000 BCE and was important because of the development of
sedentary agriculture, the domestication of plants and animals, and the building of villages, (H&E:
farming, interacting with environment to start agriculture, settlement) (ECO: new economy, from
hunter-gatherer to farming) which would later grow into vast civilizations (POL: beginning of permanent
location state building).
o This was a change of ideas and philosophy as a whole (CUL)
o Because of agriculture, people were able to settle and focus on building specialized jobs within the
economy (ECO), making a government/political system (POL), and develop more intricate
beliefs/religion to be part of their culture (CUL).
o The Neolithic rev. may have occurred because of easier conditions to grow cereal grains following the
end of the ice age, as well as the scarcity of large game, which required alternate food sources like
grain. (H&Eenvironment affecting human patterns)
o Population during the Neolithic revolution skyrocketed because groups could now use farming to create
surplus food, allowing for the support of more people (H&E demography)
o By 9000 BCE cows and pigs were being raised and breeded. Farmers also had discovered dairying.

Geography of Early Agriculture

o Farming was originally developed in the fertile crescent, but also developed independently
in india, Africa, Europe, and china.
o Although the Neolithic revolution was revolutionary, it didnt happen in one large uprising, it
gradually happened over time.
Patterns of Change
o Settled agriculture led to easier spread of disease (H&E-disease)
o People turned into either farming or herding societies depending on their environment
o Some herding ones were found in central asia, where the climate is nearly to hash to
cultivate farming. (H&E)
Further Technological Change
o Around 6,000 BCE, the first potters wheel was invented. This marked be beginning of high
quality pot production for food storage. (CUL- technology)
o In about 4000 BCE, people started using copper as part of their tools, and by 3,000 BCE the
BRONZE AGE was in full swing. People started to metalwork and use metal tools in
replacement of stone ones. (Bronze Age was from 4000 BCE to 1500 BCE when bronze was
replaced by iron.

Daniel Mitchell
p.5 Mr. Downes
AP World History
o Neolithic tribes would often use a technique called SLASH AND BURN FARMING, which consisted of
burning down trees and foliage to make a soft, loamy soil (H&E- manipulating environment for their
o They would use the soil until the nutrients were depleted, then start farming a different plot. By the
time they had gotten back around to the original plot, it had been a two or three decades, and the
soil was fertile again.
o Herding tribes would often travel in groups called bands, with strong ties to family and kinship
(group/state buildingPOL) (Family based societies, labor divided by gender, SOC)
Settled Societies
o Major agricultural regions settled permanently and developed long-term housing, wells and
irrigation, and other multigenerational advances that werent done before because of the
possibility of moving so quickly. (CUL- philosophy changed from temporary everything to
permanent villages) (H&E- permanent settlement, usually along rivers/lakes?) (ECOpermanent change from hunter gathering to sedentary agriculture)
o CATAL HUYUK was founded about 7000 BCE. Was a large city, about 32 acres. Houses were
mudbrick and wood (CUL- architecture/technology). Houses were decorated with religious
mural art (CUL- art and religion). Seems like men were depicted as strong hunters and
farmers, while women were maintaining order and fertility (SOC- differentiation between
male and female roles). Some people in the village had special privileges for religious
ceremonies (SOC social stratification).
o Catal Huyuk had established trade with outside villages, but seemed to be mostly selfsufficient, producing all their own goods. (ECO-trade/self-sufficient economy). The trade
seemed to be more of a peacekeeping diplomacy with the surrounding villages (POLdiplomatic action taken by civilization).
o By 5500 BCE, Catal Huyuk had established such a strong economy that they were able to
extremely differentiate their occupations. They had farmers and a military, they also had
skilled merchants like toolmakers and jewelers. (ECO- trade/jobs/strong economy leading to
specialization) Some families rose up and filled the role of a government in the city. They
helped the city rule over the surrounding villages, which it had jurisdiction over. (POLdevelopment of governance)
Defining Civilization
o CIVILIZATIONS are cities or states that are economically stable enough to form divisions of
labor like farming, merchants, and manufacturing (ECO-divisions of labor between
occupations), and socioeconomic hierarchy (SOC-having social stratification between
classes), or have developed a government that is not based on solely family ties (POLgovernance establishment). In all civilizations, however, they can rule a fairly large section
of land successfully.
o Most civilizations developed a system of writing. The first writing was CUNEIFORM, which is
written using wedge-shaped imprints on clay tablets. It weas developed in the Middle East
(maybe Sumeria??) around 3500 BCE.
o Writing is important in a civilization because it allows for the political structures to keep
records and send messages (POL- advancement in politics). It also allows for tax systems
and labor contracts to be made. (ECO- taxes and labor). Also, writing could be used to store
knowledge of science or religious beliefs (CUL- writing, records of religion).
o Many nomadic societies were not able to create a civilization. They were referred to as
barbarians by the civilized peoples (SOC- social distinction between classes. Although
derogatory, this is an example of class distinction). NOMADS are societies who move around,
typically herd animals, and traveled along the fringes of civilization.

Daniel Mitchell
p.5 Mr. Downes
AP World History

In civilization, many divisions arose among the population. There was less dispersal of
wealth, so there were higher and lower economic classes. There was also the establishment
of slavery or caste systemswhich were rigid social classes that sorted people from servant
to king. In hunter gatherer societies, men and women were nearly peers. However, in
civilization, men were far superior to women. (SOC- all socio economic classes among
civilized people)
Nomadic societies seemed to treat people with more respect than the civilizations. They also
had many technological and cultural contributions to society. So nomads, although
uncivilized were not all bad. (the Mongols were amazingly powerful, and they were
By the time 3500 BCE rolled around, there were four initial centers of civilization: the Middle
East, Egypt, India, and China. These areas were densely populated around river valleys (H&E
settlement patterns; need for water for agriculture, transportation, and drinking)

Tigris Euphrates Civilization

o Writing, laws, city planning, architecture, trade, and currency are all things that we use
today that were derived from the first civilizations. MESOPOTAMIA (meaning between the
rivers) was the area between the Tigris and Euphrates. The first civilization arose from here.
They used bronze and copper and also used the wheel. They established intricate irrigation
to support their agriculture. They had complex political structures comprising of multiple
o The SUMERIANS (people in Mesopotamia, made city-states, designed writing, showed up
around 4000 BCE) invented writing by about 3500 BCE. They had cunei form (previously
o Their alphabet used to be as much as 2000 symbols, but over time it was reduced to around
300 symbols. Scribes were trained to write (special job, ECO), and recorded government,
tax, religious, and scientific information on the clay tablets they wrote on. (like in BEER from
6 glasses)
o They had statues, temples, and frescoes for religious purpose. They also had towering
ziggurats that were architectural shows to the gods. (CUL- art, sculpture, architecture,
religion. Their religion was also a gateway for other religions, Judaism, Christianity, etc.)
o The sumerians made CITY STATES, or small civilizations governed by a king for each city.
(POL- state building, government)
o The sumerians fell to the BABYLONIANS, who united all of the city states under one rule.
(POL- conflict and then political unity). One of the main kings of Babylonian rule was
HAMMURABI. He is said to have introduced the most famous set of laws. It is argued to be
one of the first codes of law. (POL- lawmaking) (SOC-king expresses power over subjects)
Egyptian Civilization
o Egypt was another center for civilization. They were built along the Nile River, and had a
PHARAOH, or a god-king. The government exhibited extreme control over the people and the
economy, being able to construct complex irrigation systems, and huge PYRAMIDS (burial
sites for kings, religious purposes, monumental architechture-CUL) that seem impossible to
build without modern tools.
o The Egyptian people traded and interacted a lot with the kingdom of KUSH (ECO-trade, CULcultural diffusion) (located in Nubia by the southern nile) The Kush invaded Egypt on multiple
occasions as well. (POL- conflict
o The Egyptians wrote with artistic writing called hieroglyphics, and had influential
architecture. (CUL- writing, art, architecture.)
Indian and Chinese River Valley Civilizations
o INDUS RIVER VALLEY was the area surrounding the Indus river, which finds its roots in the
Himalayas. Harrappan civilization was located here.

Daniel Mitchell
p.5 Mr. Downes
AP World History

By 2500 BCE, there were many planned cities along the Indus, including MOHENJO-DARO,
and HARAPPA. They both had extensive architecture, and grid planning.
It is hard to learn about this society, however, because their writing cant be deciphered.

The Great Cities of the Indus Valley

o The planned cities were in a square grid format, and were surrounded by wall for defense
(POL- evidence of conflict)
o They had a citadel in the centers. These citadels were fortresses in time of unrest and
community centers during peaceful periods. The government was housed there, as well as
assembly halls, bathrooms and tubs, and even food storage.
o The cities had an advanced agricultural system that collected wheat, rye, peas, rice, and
cotton. These goods were saved and traded on ox carts to surrounding peoples.
o There is clay art to depict daily life in these cities. (CUL- art)
o They had distinct classes, and were dominated by a priestly high class. (SOC- class
dsticntion) They also worshipped many gods and goddesses. (CUL- religion)
o The decline of these great cities came because of natural disaster as well as invasion from
outsiders. (POL-conflict!)
Early Civilization in China
o Chinese civilization was centeres around the YELLOW RIVER or the Huang-He, a river in
o China developed in near complete isolation but still developed nonetheless.
o They had IDEOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS which were characters for writing that were combined
symbols. They represented a whole phrase or idea, and were advanced writing systems. The
only drawback is that it had so many symbols, that it was hard to write. (CUL-writing)
o The SHANG was the first Chinese dynasty, and ruled with a bureaucracy in the urban areas,
but many of the agricultural areas were ruled with more of a feudalism. (POL- governance)
o Their nobility was highly involved in religion (just like in Egypt!!!!) And they had rituals
and sacrifices to their many gods. There were some people called ORACLES who were
ordained to prophesy from the gods. There were also SHAMANS who carries out everyday
religious responsibilities. (SOC- high class in religion) (CUL-religion!!!)

The Heritage of the River Valley Civilizations

o Many river valley civilizations decline around 1200 BCE because of inability to rule, economic
collapse, invasions, or natural disaster.
o Early civilization provides a basis for an unthinkable amount of things in our lives today.
Heritage of Early Civilizations
o Math, philosophy, government, and currency have all been derived from Early Civilizations.
They still have an impact on us today, thousands of years later.
New Societies in the Middle East
o A people called the PHOENICIANS were a seafaring people who arose around 1300 BCE, and
were prominent around the Mediterranean. They created the first phonetic alphabet. It is the
basis for Greek and latin alphabets. (CUL- Writing systems, cultural borrowing) They also
improved upon Egyptian numerical system and spread their influence around Europe, Africa
and Asia because of their extensive sea trade (ECO-sea trade) (CUL- cultural diffusion) (H&Eusing water and wind to travel and trade)

Daniel Mitchell
p.5 Mr. Downes
AP World History

A small middle eastern group developed their own religion called JUDAISM. The jews are
arguable the most influential of small middle eastern groups. They developed the first
MONOTHEISTIC religion, meaning a religion with one god. Their religion was a basis for many
other religions, including Islam and Christianity. (CULTURE- RELIGION)

Assessing the Early Civilization Period

o Overall, the river valley civs created basic building blocks for society that are still used
today. Examples are writing, mathematics, politics. Although they declines their impact lived
on and influence succeeding people as well as us today. From the start with migratory
neolithics all the way to the cities expressing governance at a regional level, the humans
developed cities, trade, and writing, which contribute to their creation of civilization.

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