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I was so happy.

I was sixteen years old and my parents had given me the key
for my first motor cycle, with much reluctance and a lot of warnings. I was so elated
that the warning over my head. My first motor cycle! Boy, isnt life grand, I though. I
was so excited I just want to ride me to my friend Alis house, and show him my
brand new shiny, blue motor cycle.
Now, Ridzwan, .remember what we told you? No racing, no going over the
speed limit and just use your motor cycle to go to school and back. said my
Yes ,Mum of course. was my reply. Of course I would not break the rules. After all
school was three kilometers away and between there and home, it was a straight
road. I told her that I would be very careful. After all, I had my driving licenses and
was a fairly responsible boy.
Can I go over to Alis house now? I just want to show him the motor cycle, I said
Mum was quite reluctant. Alis house was two kilometers away and the road
to his house was busy. After much persuasion and promises, she finally allowed me
to go and, once I was on the blue motor cycle, my excitement just look over.
I forgot all about my mothers warning and my promises. The freedom I felt
went to my head. It was such a great feeling. Here I was riding my own motor cycle
without a care in the world! At first I rode fairly and slowly but once I got used to the
motor cycle, I felt I needed to speed. First, I rode at seventy kilometers an hour and
ten ninety.
By now I was so excited and happy I did not even look at the side road .A car
was coming out from a side roads and the next thing I knew I crashed right into it.
The thing happened so fast and I did not even know what I hit until I fell off the
motor cycle and into the nearby drain. Luckily it was not a rainy season, so the drain
was not full. I lost consciousness for a few minutes because my head was hit the
side of the drain.
When I regained
consciousness, I was lying on a stretcher. My head hurt
and I could not move my arms. The pain was so excruciating me almost passes out
again. Luckily I had not broken my legs. But my motor cycle! What happened to my
brand new motor cycle? I tried to sit up but was told by a paramedic to lie down
quietly. He gave me and injection and they carried me into a waiting ambulance.
That was how I spent the rest of my birthday-in a hospital ward. You can bet
that my parents were not pleased at all. In fact, my father told me I was very lucky
to be alive and they decided to take away my motor cycle until I learn to be more
responsible. My motor cycle was sent to a workshop for repairs. The front wheel had
to be replaced. Otherwise it was in good shape. Except for a slight dent to the driver

was not hurt at all. It fact he was quite understanding and did not report the
accident to the police. It was a lesson I would never forget.

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