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Boot, Max. Invisible Armies. London: W W Norton & Co, 2014. Print.

Cesaire, Aime. Discourse on Colonialism. New York: MR, 1972. Print.

Keppler, Joseph, Jr. American Imperialism. 1904. Print. N.p.
Kipling, Rudyard, John Beecroft, and Richard M. Powers. Kipling: A Selection of His Stories
and Poems. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1956. Print.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: U.S. Territories. Perf. John Oliver. HBO, 2015. Show.
Lenin, Vladimir Ilich. Imperialism, the Highest Form of Capitalism. Moscow: Progress, 1982.
Nacu, Andrei. Colonialisation, 1492-1945. Digital image. N.p., 22 Mar. 2007. Web. 3 May 2015.
Picasso, Pablo. Demoiselles DAvignon. 1907. Oil on canvas. MOMA, New York.
Polamalu, Troy. "Polamalu: "All Americans Should Be Concerned about the Plight of American
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Sambourne, Edward L. Cecil Rhodes. 1892. Etching. N.p.
Singer, Andy. How to Spread Democracy. 2012. Print. N.p.
Willam, Rogers. "The White Man's Burden." McClure's Magazine 12 (February 1899).

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