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Useful expressions for conversations and discussions- Conversation success

Unscramble the sentences below:

1. 'm/ a/ rep./ sales/ I/
2. I/ important/ At/ the/ on/ moment,/ project./ very/ 'm/ a/ working
3. come/ a/ small/ outside/ town/ I/ Bucharest./ from
4. the/ city./ I/ live/ capital/ in
5. worked/ for/ 've/company/ for/ same/ the/ I/ three/ years.
6. interested/ in/ I'm/ making/ new/ contacts.
7. 'd/ in/ reconsider/ my/ I/ balance/ like/ work-/ life/ to/ future./ the
8. job./ since/ in/ I/ 've/ I/ lived/ got/ this/ Bucharest
9. In/ change/ ,/come/ my/ technology./ opinion/ the/ from/ biggest/ has
10. Sorry/ that/ could/ please?/ you/ repeat/ ,/ ,
11. again?/ that/ can/ Sorry,/ you/ say
12. know/ certain,/ don't/ I/ for
__________________________________________ but I'd expect things to change for the better.
13. job-/ temping/ think/ 'd/ to/ I/ prefer/ I/ sharing.
14. I/ techology/ part./ that/ think/ played/ important/ would/ an

15. the/ I'd/ of/ agree/ latest/ with/ changes./ because/ that
16. that/ interesting!/ Switzerland.../ sounds
17. you?/ How/ about /
18. I/ this/ mean,/ because/ know/ it./ I've/ I/ tried

1. I'm a sales rep.

2. At the moment, I'm working on a very important project.
3. I come from a small town outside Bucharest.
4. I live in the capital city.
5. I've worked for the same company for three years.
6. I'm interested in making new contacts.
7. I'd like to reconsider my work-life balance in the future.
8. I've lived in Bucharest since I got this job.
9. In my opinion, the biggest change has come from technology.
10. Sorry, could you repeat that, please?
11. Sorry, can you say that again?
12. I don't know that for certain, but I'd expect things to change for the better.
13. I think I'd prefer temping to job-sharing.
14. I would think that technology played an important part.
15. I'd agree with that because of the latest changes.
16. Switzerland... that sounds interesting!
17. How about you?
18. I mean, I know this because I've tried it.

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