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Lifetime Wellness Application Paper

Name: Juan Damian

Course: HLAC 1450- Hung Gar Kung Fu Date: May 4, 2015

Write a Paragraph (at least 4 sentences) on Questions 1-3 (4 is Optional).

1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this class?
One of the ideas I learned about lifelong wellness through this class was the idea of not only
keeping a physically healthy body, but also a healthy mind. The body, as well as the mind, should
be at its peak to maintain the best performance possible. Without having or keeping up with a
good and healthy brain, you wont be able to be at your best physically. Its not just about the
body, it also about your brain.

2. How was learning about and applying lifelong wellness concepts impacted
your life (home, school, work, etc.)
It has given me a better understanding of how much effort I want to put in everything I do.
Learning the Code of Ethics of the Sim Lum Club that Professor Bill Smith teaches outside of
class taught me some values about learning and giving your best effort when I am engaged. I
have done so with practicing the techniques, studying, at my work place, and when doing other
activities and it has giving me a better sense of achievement when I reach the end. Giving my all
no matter what and doing it sincerely has helped.
3. What is your intention to continue to exercise and why?
The person works best when the body is at its best. I do not allow myself the time to work
out and after taking this class I have begun to do in and outside the classroom. I want to stay in
shape and practice the martial art not only for myself, but to protect and help my family. I have
fitted time in my schedule to get some exercise and stay in shape as well as signing for soccer
and Kung Fu again in the next few semesters. I will get myself to become the best that I can be.
4. General ideas for improving the course.
Nothing. The class is at its best and is taught by the best.

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