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Review for Exam One

Religion 100
Review terms from selection one (Young) in the An Intro to Rel text
Make sure you know how Marx, Otto, Freud and Tillich each defined religion review the study questions.
Abington v. Schempp court case
- The issue
- Conclusions
1st Amendment material on religious expression (establishment and free exercise clauses, neutrality,
separation of church and state)
The relevance of studying religion
- reasons it is relevant
- Palestinian Israeli conflict
- religious pluralism
Faith Development
- Fowlers definitions of faith and faith development
- basic understanding of each stage (know the nickname, not the technical name of each stage)
- implications
Arguments relating to the existence of a supreme being
- ontological
- cosmological
- moral
- divine designer
- personal experience / revelations
Problem of Evil / Pain
Theodicy Problem
Types of evil
Two ways of responding to evil
Responding to evil as a problem
Responses of major world religions
Defining religion
- kinds of definitions for religion or approaches to studying religion
- Literal meaning of religion
- Tillichs definition and Youngs (Selected Reading) definition
Notes on authentic religion
Inauthentic religion

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