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As result in the autumn of 1933 the Macedonian Dimitar Vlahov - leader of the IM

RO (United) and former Bulgarian diplomat, was summoned in Moscow and took part
in a number of meetings.[5] At one of them the Executive Committee ordered the l
eading cadres of the Balkan Secretariate, Valecki - a Pole, and meral - a Czech,
to draw up a special resolution on the issue. Because they had no concept of thi
s problem, using Vlahov's help the resolution yet had been prepared.[6] Vlahov c
laims, before the convening of the consultation the leadership had already its s
tand that the Macedonian nation exists.[7] So on January 11, 1934, the Political
Secretariat of the Executive Committee of the Comintern adopted its final decis
ion on the Macedonian Question about the existence of a Macedonian nation.[8] Th
e basis of the new concept was the common view that the region of Macedonia is o
ne of the pivots of future imperialist war and therefore the Comintern seeks an
option to blunt the contradictions between the countries that possess it. This d
ecision by the Comintern was the recognition of a separate Macedonian nation.[9]
According to Vlahov, that was precisely what happened in Moscow in 1934:

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