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1Mix & Mingle

To introduce yourselves to one another, and to me, were doing a personal inventory scavenger hunt. There should be at
least one person in the class who meets one or more of the characteristics below. Some people may fit multiple traits, but
note that you have a limited number of times to list each person, so consider how to arrange/rearrange names. Write the
name of one person next to each entry (you may use each person in the class twice)...
*likes to write

___Sarah C.___

* blogs or tumbls

___Caroline B.___

* plays musical instrument

___Morgan J.___

* moved more than five times

___Ashleigh B.___

* won a contest

___Zach M.___

* moved to N.C. (w/in last two years)

___Spencer S.___

* likes to play games

___Kailey H.___

* loves shopping

___Lindsey L.___

* had writing published

___Andrew B.___

* been out of the country

___Savannah D.___

* fluent in a second language

___Clay W.___

* breaks things

___Caroline B.___

*has an unusual hobby

___Zach M.___

* comes from a large family

___Rachel G.___

* loves movies

___Carter H.___

* considers reality over-rated

___Caleb D.___

* is a night person

___Savannah D.___

* is a morning person

___David C.___

* loves politics

___Abby H.___

* has an unusual pet

___Colton J.___

* is an abstract thinker

___Tristan R.___

* is a concrete thinker

___David C.___

* has a unique talent

___Hayley S.___

* drives the car from Hell

___Spencer S.___

* cooks

___Allison Y.___

* has trouble with time

___ Colton J.___

* is opinionated & knows it

___Sarah S.___

* is afraid

___Abby H.___

* reads

___Kyle R.___

* loves to laugh

___Rachel G.___

* computers hate me

___Ashleigh B.___

* loves to research

___Caleb D.___

* hates humidity

___Hayley S.___

* is creative/inventive

___Spencer S.___

* loves music

___Morgan J.___

* enjoys television

___Savannah D.___

* needs coffee

___Sarah C.___

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