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Journal 1

As a writer, I consider myself to be inventive and expressive. Writing is, in my opinion, the best
way that a person can articulate themselves and for some reason or another, from what I've
noticed in my experiences thus far, it seems far less restraining and limiting that other forms of
expression and communication. Writing really gives a person the chance to show who they really
are without anyone else's influence. Of course in order to use writing in such manner it would
have to be enjoyable and fortunately I do enjoy writing but usually only on topics that interest
me. Sometimes however I might not be familiar with a subject and might not initially appreciate
writing about that it but eventually grow into liking it so it is important to give any, if not most,
writing a chance. My favorite genre to write is a short story whether it be fiction or non-fiction. I
came to realize this during UWRT 1101 when writing a Literacy Narrative in which I had a lot of
fun doing. I would not necessarily say that I have a writing "skill set." I try to make my writing
clear and amusing to read. I do consider myself to be decent at shaping my writing to fit the
occasion, meaning that I take the situation at hand and my audience into consideration when
writing to make the writing successful at accomplishing its purpose whether it be to entertain to
get a message across.

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