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Data Information

The production of silica particles is a big project divided into 5 sections; Ion Exchange, Membrane
Emulsification, Reactions, Filtration and Calcinations. Im handling the latter section.
First, a methodology must be established to determine the best calciner for this range of particles maybe
tray, rotary, spray dryer etc.
The project is about drying or removing organic moisture from silica particles of 15 microns.
The excel sheet (attached) shows the whole project but Ill state stream relevant to the scrubber, heat
exchanger and calciner.
CALCINER - For the Calciner, Stream 10 & 26 are the feed input and air inflow respectively, while
Streams 11 & 27 are product and waste gas respectively. The calciner should be electrically operated,
therefore no stream for fuel consumption.
HEAT EXCHANGER Stream 27 is the input for the waste gas, the stream input for the heating medium
must be calculated for. Stream output of waste gas is sent to the scrubber while the heating medium
output is sent to the calciner & other equipment for additional heat energy.
SCRUBBER- The waste gas output is then scrubbed with inflow of water, before it is discharged into the
atmosphere and the water outflow is sent to collection tanks.
COMMENT ON MY REPORT: The report is not a strong piece of work and revealed quite a low
level understanding of process design 47%

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