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#include <stdio.

#define INC_CAPACITY 10
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class Array
T** List; // lista cu pointeri la obiecte de tipul T*
int Capacity; // dimensiunea listei de pointeri
int Size; // cate elemente sunt in lista
class ArrayIterator
int Current; //indicele elementului curent
(Array<T>)* MyArray; // pointer catre obiectul de tip Array
Current = -1;
MyArray = NULL;
ArrayIterator(int Index, Array<T> * ParamArray)
Current = Index;
MyArray = ParamArray;
ArrayIterator& operator ++ ()
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator ++ (int val)
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);

ArrayIterator& operator -- ()
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- (int val)
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
bool operator= (ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
//if (ParamIterator.Current = -1 || ParamIterator.MyArra
y == NULL)return false;
this->Current = ParamIterator.Current;
this->MyArray = ParamIterator.MyArray;
return true;
bool operator!=(ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
if (this->Current <= ParamIterator.Current || this->MyAr
ray != ParamIterator.MyArray)return true;
return false;
T* GetElement()
if (!this->MyArray || this->Current == -1) {
printf("Err: Iterator neinitializat!\n");
return NULL;
return &(MyArray->operator[](Current));
// Lista nu e alocata, Capacity si Size = 0
Capacity = 0;
Size = 0;
List = NULL;
// destructor

// Lista e alocata cu 'capacity' elemente

Array(int capacity)
Size = 0;
Capacity = capacity;
List = new T*[capacity];
// constructor de copiere
Array(const Array<T>& ParamList)
Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
Size = ParamList.Size;
List = new T*[Size];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
// arunca exceptie daca index este out of range
T& operator[] (int index)
if (index < 0) printf("Err: Invalid Index!");
if (index > this->Size) printf("Err: Index out of SIZE!\n");
if (index > this->Capacity) printf("Err: Index out of CAPACITY!\
return *(List[index]);
// daca dimensiunea maxima a fost atinsa creste dimensiunea listei
void IncCapacity()
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity+INC_CAPACITY];
for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; i++)
Temp [i] = List[i];
delete[] List;
List = Temp;
Capacity += INC_CAPACITY;
// adauga un element de tipul T la sfarsitul listei si returneaza this
const Array<T>& operator+=(const T& ParamElement)
if (Size >= Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[Size++] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga un element pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e inva
lid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const T& ParamElement)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert, invalid index (too

if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert, index out of SIZ

if (Size == Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
for (int i=Size; i >index; i--)
List[i] = List[i - 1];
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[index] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga o lista pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e invalid
arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const Array<T> ParamList)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', invalid inde
x (too smal)!\n");
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', index out
of SIZE!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Size; i++)
this->Insert(index + i, *ParamList.List[i]);
return (*this);
// sterge un element de pe pozitia index, returneaza this. Daca index e
invalid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Delete(int index)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not delete, invalid index (too
if (index >= Size)printf("Err: Could not delete, index out of SI
for (int i = index; i < Size - 1; i++)
List[index] = List[index + 1];
return (*this);
//operator de copiere
bool operator=(const Array<T> & ParamList)
this->Size = ParamList.Size;
this->Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity];
List = Temp;
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
return true;

// sorteaza folosind comparatia intre elementele din T

void Sort()
for (int i = 0; i < Size - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < Size; j++)
if (*List[i]>*List[j]) {
T* aux = List[i];
List[i] = List[j];
List[j] = aux;
//returneaza marimea array-ului
int GetSize()
return Size;
//returneaza capacitatea array-ului
int GetCapacity()
return Capacity;
// cauta un element folosind binary search in Array
int BinarySearch(const T& ParamElement)
int Low = 0, Up = Size - 1;
while (Low < Up)
if (*List[(Low + Up) / 2] == ParamElement)return (Low +
Up) / 2;
if (ParamElement < *List[(Low + Up) / 2]){
Up = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
Low = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
if (ParamElement == *List[Low]) return Low;
return -1;
// cauta un element in Array
int Find(const T& ParamElement)
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
if (ParamElement == *List[i]) return i;
return -1;
//returneaza Begin Iterator

ArrayIterator GetBeginIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(0,this);
return *Temp;
//returneaza End Iterator
ArrayIterator GetEndIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(this->GetSize()-1, this)
return *Temp;
Lucaniuc Dragos Lucian
#include <stdio.h>
#define INC_CAPACITY 10
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class Array
T** List; // lista cu pointeri la obiecte de tipul T*
int Capacity; // dimensiunea listei de pointeri
int Size; // cate elemente sunt in lista
class ArrayIterator
int Current; //indicele elementului curent
(Array<T>)* MyArray; // pointer catre obiectul de tip Array
Current = -1;
MyArray = NULL;
ArrayIterator(int Index, Array<T> * ParamArray)
Current = Index;
MyArray = ParamArray;

ArrayIterator& operator ++ ()
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator ++ (int val)
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- ()
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- (int val)
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
bool operator= (ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
//if (ParamIterator.Current = -1 || ParamIterator.MyArra
y == NULL)return false;
this->Current = ParamIterator.Current;
this->MyArray = ParamIterator.MyArray;
return true;
bool operator!=(ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)

if (this->Current <= ParamIterator.Current || this->MyAr

ray != ParamIterator.MyArray)return true;
return false;
T* GetElement()
if (!this->MyArray || this->Current == -1) {
printf("Err: Iterator neinitializat!\n");
return NULL;
return &(MyArray->operator[](Current));
// Lista nu e alocata, Capacity si Size = 0
Capacity = 0;
Size = 0;
List = NULL;
// destructor
// Lista e alocata cu 'capacity' elemente
Array(int capacity)
Size = 0;
Capacity = capacity;
List = new T*[capacity];
// constructor de copiere
Array(const Array<T>& ParamList)
Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
Size = ParamList.Size;
List = new T*[Size];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
// arunca exceptie daca index este out of range
T& operator[] (int index)
if (index < 0) printf("Err: Invalid Index!");
if (index > this->Size) printf("Err: Index out of SIZE!\n");
if (index > this->Capacity) printf("Err: Index out of CAPACITY!\
return *(List[index]);
// daca dimensiunea maxima a fost atinsa creste dimensiunea listei
void IncCapacity()

T** Temp = new T*[Capacity+INC_CAPACITY];

for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; i++)
Temp [i] = List[i];
delete[] List;
List = Temp;
Capacity += INC_CAPACITY;
// adauga un element de tipul T la sfarsitul listei si returneaza this
const Array<T>& operator+=(const T& ParamElement)
if (Size >= Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[Size++] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga un element pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e inva
lid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const T& ParamElement)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert, invalid index (too
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert, index out of SIZ
if (Size == Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
for (int i=Size; i >index; i--)
List[i] = List[i - 1];
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[index] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga o lista pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e invalid
arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const Array<T> ParamList)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', invalid inde
x (too smal)!\n");
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', index out
of SIZE!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Size; i++)
this->Insert(index + i, *ParamList.List[i]);
return (*this);
// sterge un element de pe pozitia index, returneaza this. Daca index e
invalid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Delete(int index)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not delete, invalid index (too

if (index >= Size)printf("Err: Could not delete, index out of SI
for (int i = index; i < Size - 1; i++)
List[index] = List[index + 1];
return (*this);
//operator de copiere
bool operator=(const Array<T> & ParamList)
this->Size = ParamList.Size;
this->Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity];
List = Temp;
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
return true;
// sorteaza folosind comparatia intre elementele din T
void Sort()
for (int i = 0; i < Size - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < Size; j++)
if (*List[i]>*List[j]) {
T* aux = List[i];
List[i] = List[j];
List[j] = aux;
//returneaza marimea array-ului
int GetSize()
return Size;
//returneaza capacitatea array-ului
int GetCapacity()
return Capacity;
// cauta un element folosind binary search in Array
int BinarySearch(const T& ParamElement)
int Low = 0, Up = Size - 1;

while (Low < Up)

if (*List[(Low + Up) / 2] == ParamElement)return (Low +
Up) / 2;
if (ParamElement < *List[(Low + Up) / 2]){
Up = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
Low = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
if (ParamElement == *List[Low]) return Low;
return -1;
// cauta un element in Array
int Find(const T& ParamElement)
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
if (ParamElement == *List[i]) return i;
return -1;
//returneaza Begin Iterator
ArrayIterator GetBeginIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(0,this);
return *Temp;
//returneaza End Iterator
ArrayIterator GetEndIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(this->GetSize()-1, this)
return *Temp;
Lucaniuc Dragos Lucian

#include <stdio.h>
#define INC_CAPACITY 10
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class Array

T** List; // lista cu pointeri la obiecte de tipul T*

int Capacity; // dimensiunea listei de pointeri
int Size; // cate elemente sunt in lista
class ArrayIterator
int Current; //indicele elementului curent
(Array<T>)* MyArray; // pointer catre obiectul de tip Array
Current = -1;
MyArray = NULL;
ArrayIterator(int Index, Array<T> * ParamArray)
Current = Index;
MyArray = ParamArray;
ArrayIterator& operator ++ ()
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator ++ (int val)
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- ()
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);

return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- (int val)
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
bool operator= (ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
//if (ParamIterator.Current = -1 || ParamIterator.MyArra
y == NULL)return false;
this->Current = ParamIterator.Current;
this->MyArray = ParamIterator.MyArray;
return true;
bool operator!=(ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
if (this->Current <= ParamIterator.Current || this->MyAr
ray != ParamIterator.MyArray)return true;
return false;
T* GetElement()
if (!this->MyArray || this->Current == -1) {
printf("Err: Iterator neinitializat!\n");
return NULL;
return &(MyArray->operator[](Current));
// Lista nu e alocata, Capacity si Size = 0
Capacity = 0;
Size = 0;
List = NULL;
// destructor
// Lista e alocata cu 'capacity' elemente
Array(int capacity)
Size = 0;
Capacity = capacity;
List = new T*[capacity];

// constructor de copiere
Array(const Array<T>& ParamList)
Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
Size = ParamList.Size;
List = new T*[Size];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
// arunca exceptie daca index este out of range
T& operator[] (int index)
if (index < 0) printf("Err: Invalid Index!");
if (index > this->Size) printf("Err: Index out of SIZE!\n");
if (index > this->Capacity) printf("Err: Index out of CAPACITY!\
return *(List[index]);
// daca dimensiunea maxima a fost atinsa creste dimensiunea listei
void IncCapacity()
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity+INC_CAPACITY];
for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; i++)
Temp [i] = List[i];
delete[] List;
List = Temp;
Capacity += INC_CAPACITY;
// adauga un element de tipul T la sfarsitul listei si returneaza this
const Array<T>& operator+=(const T& ParamElement)
if (Size >= Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[Size++] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga un element pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e inva
lid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const T& ParamElement)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert, invalid index (too
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert, index out of SIZ
if (Size == Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
for (int i=Size; i >index; i--)
List[i] = List[i - 1];

T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[index] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga o lista pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e invalid
arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const Array<T> ParamList)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', invalid inde
x (too smal)!\n");
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', index out
of SIZE!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Size; i++)
this->Insert(index + i, *ParamList.List[i]);
return (*this);
// sterge un element de pe pozitia index, returneaza this. Daca index e
invalid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Delete(int index)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not delete, invalid index (too
if (index >= Size)printf("Err: Could not delete, index out of SI
for (int i = index; i < Size - 1; i++)
List[index] = List[index + 1];
return (*this);
//operator de copiere
bool operator=(const Array<T> & ParamList)
this->Size = ParamList.Size;
this->Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity];
List = Temp;
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
return true;
// sorteaza folosind comparatia intre elementele din T
void Sort()
for (int i = 0; i < Size - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < Size; j++)

if (*List[i]>*List[j]) {
T* aux = List[i];
List[i] = List[j];
List[j] = aux;
//returneaza marimea array-ului
int GetSize()
return Size;
//returneaza capacitatea array-ului
int GetCapacity()
return Capacity;
// cauta un element folosind binary search in Array
int BinarySearch(const T& ParamElement)
int Low = 0, Up = Size - 1;
while (Low < Up)
if (*List[(Low + Up) / 2] == ParamElement)return (Low +
Up) / 2;
if (ParamElement < *List[(Low + Up) / 2]){
Up = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
Low = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
if (ParamElement == *List[Low]) return Low;
return -1;
// cauta un element in Array
int Find(const T& ParamElement)
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
if (ParamElement == *List[i]) return i;
return -1;
//returneaza Begin Iterator
ArrayIterator GetBeginIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(0,this);
return *Temp;
//returneaza End Iterator
ArrayIterator GetEndIterator()

ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(this->GetSize()-1, this)
return *Temp;
Lucaniuc Dragos Lucian
#include <stdio.h>
#define INC_CAPACITY 10
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class Array
T** List; // lista cu pointeri la obiecte de tipul T*
int Capacity; // dimensiunea listei de pointeri
int Size; // cate elemente sunt in lista
class ArrayIterator
int Current; //indicele elementului curent
(Array<T>)* MyArray; // pointer catre obiectul de tip Array
Current = -1;
MyArray = NULL;
ArrayIterator(int Index, Array<T> * ParamArray)
Current = Index;
MyArray = ParamArray;
ArrayIterator& operator ++ ()
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);

return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator ++ (int val)
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- ()
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- (int val)
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
bool operator= (ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
//if (ParamIterator.Current = -1 || ParamIterator.MyArra
y == NULL)return false;
this->Current = ParamIterator.Current;
this->MyArray = ParamIterator.MyArray;
return true;
bool operator!=(ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
if (this->Current <= ParamIterator.Current || this->MyAr
ray != ParamIterator.MyArray)return true;
return false;
T* GetElement()
if (!this->MyArray || this->Current == -1) {

printf("Err: Iterator neinitializat!\n");

return NULL;
return &(MyArray->operator[](Current));
// Lista nu e alocata, Capacity si Size = 0
Capacity = 0;
Size = 0;
List = NULL;
// destructor
// Lista e alocata cu 'capacity' elemente
Array(int capacity)
Size = 0;
Capacity = capacity;
List = new T*[capacity];
// constructor de copiere
Array(const Array<T>& ParamList)
Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
Size = ParamList.Size;
List = new T*[Size];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
// arunca exceptie daca index este out of range
T& operator[] (int index)
if (index < 0) printf("Err: Invalid Index!");
if (index > this->Size) printf("Err: Index out of SIZE!\n");
if (index > this->Capacity) printf("Err: Index out of CAPACITY!\
return *(List[index]);
// daca dimensiunea maxima a fost atinsa creste dimensiunea listei
void IncCapacity()
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity+INC_CAPACITY];
for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; i++)
Temp [i] = List[i];
delete[] List;
List = Temp;
Capacity += INC_CAPACITY;

// adauga un element de tipul T la sfarsitul listei si returneaza this
const Array<T>& operator+=(const T& ParamElement)
if (Size >= Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[Size++] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga un element pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e inva
lid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const T& ParamElement)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert, invalid index (too
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert, index out of SIZ
if (Size == Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
for (int i=Size; i >index; i--)
List[i] = List[i - 1];
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[index] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga o lista pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e invalid
arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const Array<T> ParamList)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', invalid inde
x (too smal)!\n");
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', index out
of SIZE!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Size; i++)
this->Insert(index + i, *ParamList.List[i]);
return (*this);
// sterge un element de pe pozitia index, returneaza this. Daca index e
invalid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Delete(int index)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not delete, invalid index (too
if (index >= Size)printf("Err: Could not delete, index out of SI
for (int i = index; i < Size - 1; i++)
List[index] = List[index + 1];

return (*this);
//operator de copiere
bool operator=(const Array<T> & ParamList)
this->Size = ParamList.Size;
this->Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity];
List = Temp;
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
return true;
// sorteaza folosind comparatia intre elementele din T
void Sort()
for (int i = 0; i < Size - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < Size; j++)
if (*List[i]>*List[j]) {
T* aux = List[i];
List[i] = List[j];
List[j] = aux;
//returneaza marimea array-ului
int GetSize()
return Size;
//returneaza capacitatea array-ului
int GetCapacity()
return Capacity;
// cauta un element folosind binary search in Array
int BinarySearch(const T& ParamElement)
int Low = 0, Up = Size - 1;
while (Low < Up)
if (*List[(Low + Up) / 2] == ParamElement)return (Low +
Up) / 2;
if (ParamElement < *List[(Low + Up) / 2]){
Up = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;

Low = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
if (ParamElement == *List[Low]) return Low;
return -1;
// cauta un element in Array
int Find(const T& ParamElement)
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
if (ParamElement == *List[i]) return i;
return -1;
//returneaza Begin Iterator
ArrayIterator GetBeginIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(0,this);
return *Temp;
//returneaza End Iterator
ArrayIterator GetEndIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(this->GetSize()-1, this)
return *Temp;
Lucaniuc Dragos Lucian

#include <stdio.h>
#define INC_CAPACITY 10
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class Array
T** List; // lista cu pointeri la obiecte de tipul T*
int Capacity; // dimensiunea listei de pointeri
int Size; // cate elemente sunt in lista
class ArrayIterator

int Current; //indicele elementului curent
(Array<T>)* MyArray; // pointer catre obiectul de tip Array
Current = -1;
MyArray = NULL;
ArrayIterator(int Index, Array<T> * ParamArray)
Current = Index;
MyArray = ParamArray;
ArrayIterator& operator ++ ()
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator ++ (int val)
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- ()
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- (int val)
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\

return (*this);
return (*this);
bool operator= (ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
//if (ParamIterator.Current = -1 || ParamIterator.MyArra
y == NULL)return false;
this->Current = ParamIterator.Current;
this->MyArray = ParamIterator.MyArray;
return true;
bool operator!=(ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
if (this->Current <= ParamIterator.Current || this->MyAr
ray != ParamIterator.MyArray)return true;
return false;
T* GetElement()
if (!this->MyArray || this->Current == -1) {
printf("Err: Iterator neinitializat!\n");
return NULL;
return &(MyArray->operator[](Current));
// Lista nu e alocata, Capacity si Size = 0
Capacity = 0;
Size = 0;
List = NULL;
// destructor
// Lista e alocata cu 'capacity' elemente
Array(int capacity)
Size = 0;
Capacity = capacity;
List = new T*[capacity];
// constructor de copiere
Array(const Array<T>& ParamList)
Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
Size = ParamList.Size;
List = new T*[Size];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)

List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
// arunca exceptie daca index este out of range
T& operator[] (int index)
if (index < 0) printf("Err: Invalid Index!");
if (index > this->Size) printf("Err: Index out of SIZE!\n");
if (index > this->Capacity) printf("Err: Index out of CAPACITY!\
return *(List[index]);
// daca dimensiunea maxima a fost atinsa creste dimensiunea listei
void IncCapacity()
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity+INC_CAPACITY];
for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; i++)
Temp [i] = List[i];
delete[] List;
List = Temp;
Capacity += INC_CAPACITY;
// adauga un element de tipul T la sfarsitul listei si returneaza this
const Array<T>& operator+=(const T& ParamElement)
if (Size >= Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[Size++] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga un element pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e inva
lid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const T& ParamElement)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert, invalid index (too
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert, index out of SIZ
if (Size == Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
for (int i=Size; i >index; i--)
List[i] = List[i - 1];
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[index] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga o lista pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e invalid
arunca o exceptie

const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const Array<T> ParamList)

if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', invalid inde
x (too smal)!\n");
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', index out
of SIZE!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Size; i++)
this->Insert(index + i, *ParamList.List[i]);
return (*this);
// sterge un element de pe pozitia index, returneaza this. Daca index e
invalid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Delete(int index)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not delete, invalid index (too
if (index >= Size)printf("Err: Could not delete, index out of SI
for (int i = index; i < Size - 1; i++)
List[index] = List[index + 1];
return (*this);
//operator de copiere
bool operator=(const Array<T> & ParamList)
this->Size = ParamList.Size;
this->Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity];
List = Temp;
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
return true;
// sorteaza folosind comparatia intre elementele din T
void Sort()
for (int i = 0; i < Size - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < Size; j++)
if (*List[i]>*List[j]) {
T* aux = List[i];
List[i] = List[j];
List[j] = aux;

//returneaza marimea array-ului

int GetSize()
return Size;
//returneaza capacitatea array-ului
int GetCapacity()
return Capacity;
// cauta un element folosind binary search in Array
int BinarySearch(const T& ParamElement)
int Low = 0, Up = Size - 1;
while (Low < Up)
if (*List[(Low + Up) / 2] == ParamElement)return (Low +
Up) / 2;
if (ParamElement < *List[(Low + Up) / 2]){
Up = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
Low = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
if (ParamElement == *List[Low]) return Low;
return -1;
// cauta un element in Array
int Find(const T& ParamElement)
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
if (ParamElement == *List[i]) return i;
return -1;
//returneaza Begin Iterator
ArrayIterator GetBeginIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(0,this);
return *Temp;
//returneaza End Iterator
ArrayIterator GetEndIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(this->GetSize()-1, this)
return *Temp;

Lucaniuc Dragos Lucian

#include <stdio.h>
#define INC_CAPACITY 10
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class Array
T** List; // lista cu pointeri la obiecte de tipul T*
int Capacity; // dimensiunea listei de pointeri
int Size; // cate elemente sunt in lista
class ArrayIterator
int Current; //indicele elementului curent
(Array<T>)* MyArray; // pointer catre obiectul de tip Array
Current = -1;
MyArray = NULL;
ArrayIterator(int Index, Array<T> * ParamArray)
Current = Index;
MyArray = ParamArray;
ArrayIterator& operator ++ ()
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator ++ (int val)

if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){

printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- ()
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- (int val)
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
bool operator= (ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
//if (ParamIterator.Current = -1 || ParamIterator.MyArra
y == NULL)return false;
this->Current = ParamIterator.Current;
this->MyArray = ParamIterator.MyArray;
return true;
bool operator!=(ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
if (this->Current <= ParamIterator.Current || this->MyAr
ray != ParamIterator.MyArray)return true;
return false;
T* GetElement()
if (!this->MyArray || this->Current == -1) {
printf("Err: Iterator neinitializat!\n");
return NULL;
return &(MyArray->operator[](Current));
// Lista nu e alocata, Capacity si Size = 0

Capacity = 0;
Size = 0;
List = NULL;
// destructor
// Lista e alocata cu 'capacity' elemente
Array(int capacity)
Size = 0;
Capacity = capacity;
List = new T*[capacity];
// constructor de copiere
Array(const Array<T>& ParamList)
Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
Size = ParamList.Size;
List = new T*[Size];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
// arunca exceptie daca index este out of range
T& operator[] (int index)
if (index < 0) printf("Err: Invalid Index!");
if (index > this->Size) printf("Err: Index out of SIZE!\n");
if (index > this->Capacity) printf("Err: Index out of CAPACITY!\
return *(List[index]);
// daca dimensiunea maxima a fost atinsa creste dimensiunea listei
void IncCapacity()
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity+INC_CAPACITY];
for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; i++)
Temp [i] = List[i];
delete[] List;
List = Temp;
Capacity += INC_CAPACITY;
// adauga un element de tipul T la sfarsitul listei si returneaza this
const Array<T>& operator+=(const T& ParamElement)
if (Size >= Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;

List[Size++] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga un element pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e inva
lid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const T& ParamElement)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert, invalid index (too
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert, index out of SIZ
if (Size == Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
for (int i=Size; i >index; i--)
List[i] = List[i - 1];
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[index] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga o lista pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e invalid
arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const Array<T> ParamList)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', invalid inde
x (too smal)!\n");
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', index out
of SIZE!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Size; i++)
this->Insert(index + i, *ParamList.List[i]);
return (*this);
// sterge un element de pe pozitia index, returneaza this. Daca index e
invalid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Delete(int index)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not delete, invalid index (too
if (index >= Size)printf("Err: Could not delete, index out of SI
for (int i = index; i < Size - 1; i++)
List[index] = List[index + 1];
return (*this);
//operator de copiere
bool operator=(const Array<T> & ParamList)
this->Size = ParamList.Size;

this->Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity];
List = Temp;
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
return true;
// sorteaza folosind comparatia intre elementele din T
void Sort()
for (int i = 0; i < Size - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < Size; j++)
if (*List[i]>*List[j]) {
T* aux = List[i];
List[i] = List[j];
List[j] = aux;
//returneaza marimea array-ului
int GetSize()
return Size;
//returneaza capacitatea array-ului
int GetCapacity()
return Capacity;
// cauta un element folosind binary search in Array
int BinarySearch(const T& ParamElement)
int Low = 0, Up = Size - 1;
while (Low < Up)
if (*List[(Low + Up) / 2] == ParamElement)return (Low +
Up) / 2;
if (ParamElement < *List[(Low + Up) / 2]){
Up = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
Low = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
if (ParamElement == *List[Low]) return Low;
return -1;

// cauta un element in Array

int Find(const T& ParamElement)
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
if (ParamElement == *List[i]) return i;
return -1;
//returneaza Begin Iterator
ArrayIterator GetBeginIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(0,this);
return *Temp;
//returneaza End Iterator
ArrayIterator GetEndIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(this->GetSize()-1, this)
return *Temp;
Lucaniuc Dragos Lucian

#include <stdio.h>
#define INC_CAPACITY 10
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class Array
T** List; // lista cu pointeri la obiecte de tipul T*
int Capacity; // dimensiunea listei de pointeri
int Size; // cate elemente sunt in lista
class ArrayIterator
int Current; //indicele elementului curent
(Array<T>)* MyArray; // pointer catre obiectul de tip Array

Current = -1;
MyArray = NULL;
ArrayIterator(int Index, Array<T> * ParamArray)
Current = Index;
MyArray = ParamArray;
ArrayIterator& operator ++ ()
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator ++ (int val)
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- ()
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- (int val)
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
bool operator= (ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)

//if (ParamIterator.Current = -1 || ParamIterator.MyArra
y == NULL)return false;
this->Current = ParamIterator.Current;
this->MyArray = ParamIterator.MyArray;
return true;
bool operator!=(ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
if (this->Current <= ParamIterator.Current || this->MyAr
ray != ParamIterator.MyArray)return true;
return false;
T* GetElement()
if (!this->MyArray || this->Current == -1) {
printf("Err: Iterator neinitializat!\n");
return NULL;
return &(MyArray->operator[](Current));
// Lista nu e alocata, Capacity si Size = 0
Capacity = 0;
Size = 0;
List = NULL;
// destructor
// Lista e alocata cu 'capacity' elemente
Array(int capacity)
Size = 0;
Capacity = capacity;
List = new T*[capacity];
// constructor de copiere
Array(const Array<T>& ParamList)
Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
Size = ParamList.Size;
List = new T*[Size];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
// arunca exceptie daca index este out of range
T& operator[] (int index)

if (index < 0) printf("Err: Invalid Index!");

if (index > this->Size) printf("Err: Index out of SIZE!\n");
if (index > this->Capacity) printf("Err: Index out of CAPACITY!\
return *(List[index]);
// daca dimensiunea maxima a fost atinsa creste dimensiunea listei
void IncCapacity()
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity+INC_CAPACITY];
for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; i++)
Temp [i] = List[i];
delete[] List;
List = Temp;
Capacity += INC_CAPACITY;
// adauga un element de tipul T la sfarsitul listei si returneaza this
const Array<T>& operator+=(const T& ParamElement)
if (Size >= Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[Size++] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga un element pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e inva
lid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const T& ParamElement)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert, invalid index (too
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert, index out of SIZ
if (Size == Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
for (int i=Size; i >index; i--)
List[i] = List[i - 1];
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[index] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga o lista pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e invalid
arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const Array<T> ParamList)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', invalid inde
x (too smal)!\n");
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', index out
of SIZE!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Size; i++)

this->Insert(index + i, *ParamList.List[i]);
return (*this);
// sterge un element de pe pozitia index, returneaza this. Daca index e
invalid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Delete(int index)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not delete, invalid index (too
if (index >= Size)printf("Err: Could not delete, index out of SI
for (int i = index; i < Size - 1; i++)
List[index] = List[index + 1];
return (*this);
//operator de copiere
bool operator=(const Array<T> & ParamList)
this->Size = ParamList.Size;
this->Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity];
List = Temp;
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
return true;
// sorteaza folosind comparatia intre elementele din T
void Sort()
for (int i = 0; i < Size - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < Size; j++)
if (*List[i]>*List[j]) {
T* aux = List[i];
List[i] = List[j];
List[j] = aux;
//returneaza marimea array-ului
int GetSize()
return Size;
//returneaza capacitatea array-ului

int GetCapacity()
return Capacity;
// cauta un element folosind binary search in Array
int BinarySearch(const T& ParamElement)
int Low = 0, Up = Size - 1;
while (Low < Up)
if (*List[(Low + Up) / 2] == ParamElement)return (Low +
Up) / 2;
if (ParamElement < *List[(Low + Up) / 2]){
Up = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
Low = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
if (ParamElement == *List[Low]) return Low;
return -1;
// cauta un element in Array
int Find(const T& ParamElement)
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
if (ParamElement == *List[i]) return i;
return -1;
//returneaza Begin Iterator
ArrayIterator GetBeginIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(0,this);
return *Temp;
//returneaza End Iterator
ArrayIterator GetEndIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(this->GetSize()-1, this)
return *Temp;
Lucaniuc Dragos Lucian

#include <stdio.h>
#define INC_CAPACITY 10
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class Array
T** List; // lista cu pointeri la obiecte de tipul T*
int Capacity; // dimensiunea listei de pointeri
int Size; // cate elemente sunt in lista
class ArrayIterator
int Current; //indicele elementului curent
(Array<T>)* MyArray; // pointer catre obiectul de tip Array
Current = -1;
MyArray = NULL;
ArrayIterator(int Index, Array<T> * ParamArray)
Current = Index;
MyArray = ParamArray;
ArrayIterator& operator ++ ()
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator ++ (int val)
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);

ArrayIterator& operator -- ()
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- (int val)
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
bool operator= (ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
//if (ParamIterator.Current = -1 || ParamIterator.MyArra
y == NULL)return false;
this->Current = ParamIterator.Current;
this->MyArray = ParamIterator.MyArray;
return true;
bool operator!=(ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
if (this->Current <= ParamIterator.Current || this->MyAr
ray != ParamIterator.MyArray)return true;
return false;
T* GetElement()
if (!this->MyArray || this->Current == -1) {
printf("Err: Iterator neinitializat!\n");
return NULL;
return &(MyArray->operator[](Current));
// Lista nu e alocata, Capacity si Size = 0
Capacity = 0;
Size = 0;
List = NULL;
// destructor

// Lista e alocata cu 'capacity' elemente
Array(int capacity)
Size = 0;
Capacity = capacity;
List = new T*[capacity];
// constructor de copiere
Array(const Array<T>& ParamList)
Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
Size = ParamList.Size;
List = new T*[Size];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
// arunca exceptie daca index este out of range
T& operator[] (int index)
if (index < 0) printf("Err: Invalid Index!");
if (index > this->Size) printf("Err: Index out of SIZE!\n");
if (index > this->Capacity) printf("Err: Index out of CAPACITY!\
return *(List[index]);
// daca dimensiunea maxima a fost atinsa creste dimensiunea listei
void IncCapacity()
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity+INC_CAPACITY];
for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; i++)
Temp [i] = List[i];
delete[] List;
List = Temp;
Capacity += INC_CAPACITY;
// adauga un element de tipul T la sfarsitul listei si returneaza this
const Array<T>& operator+=(const T& ParamElement)
if (Size >= Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[Size++] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga un element pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e inva
lid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const T& ParamElement)

if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert, invalid index (too

if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert, index out of SIZ
if (Size == Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
for (int i=Size; i >index; i--)
List[i] = List[i - 1];
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[index] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga o lista pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e invalid
arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const Array<T> ParamList)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', invalid inde
x (too smal)!\n");
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', index out
of SIZE!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Size; i++)
this->Insert(index + i, *ParamList.List[i]);
return (*this);
// sterge un element de pe pozitia index, returneaza this. Daca index e
invalid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Delete(int index)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not delete, invalid index (too
if (index >= Size)printf("Err: Could not delete, index out of SI
for (int i = index; i < Size - 1; i++)
List[index] = List[index + 1];
return (*this);
//operator de copiere
bool operator=(const Array<T> & ParamList)
this->Size = ParamList.Size;
this->Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity];
List = Temp;
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
return true;

// sorteaza folosind comparatia intre elementele din T
void Sort()
for (int i = 0; i < Size - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < Size; j++)
if (*List[i]>*List[j]) {
T* aux = List[i];
List[i] = List[j];
List[j] = aux;
//returneaza marimea array-ului
int GetSize()
return Size;
//returneaza capacitatea array-ului
int GetCapacity()
return Capacity;
// cauta un element folosind binary search in Array
int BinarySearch(const T& ParamElement)
int Low = 0, Up = Size - 1;
while (Low < Up)
if (*List[(Low + Up) / 2] == ParamElement)return (Low +
Up) / 2;
if (ParamElement < *List[(Low + Up) / 2]){
Up = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
Low = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
if (ParamElement == *List[Low]) return Low;
return -1;
// cauta un element in Array
int Find(const T& ParamElement)
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
if (ParamElement == *List[i]) return i;
return -1;

//returneaza Begin Iterator

ArrayIterator GetBeginIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(0,this);
return *Temp;
//returneaza End Iterator
ArrayIterator GetEndIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(this->GetSize()-1, this)
return *Temp;
Lucaniuc Dragos Lucian

#include <stdio.h>
#define INC_CAPACITY 10
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class Array
T** List; // lista cu pointeri la obiecte de tipul T*
int Capacity; // dimensiunea listei de pointeri
int Size; // cate elemente sunt in lista
class ArrayIterator
int Current; //indicele elementului curent
(Array<T>)* MyArray; // pointer catre obiectul de tip Array
Current = -1;
MyArray = NULL;
ArrayIterator(int Index, Array<T> * ParamArray)
Current = Index;

MyArray = ParamArray;
ArrayIterator& operator ++ ()
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator ++ (int val)
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- ()
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- (int val)
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
bool operator= (ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
//if (ParamIterator.Current = -1 || ParamIterator.MyArra
y == NULL)return false;
this->Current = ParamIterator.Current;
this->MyArray = ParamIterator.MyArray;
return true;

bool operator!=(ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)

if (this->Current <= ParamIterator.Current || this->MyAr
ray != ParamIterator.MyArray)return true;
return false;
T* GetElement()
if (!this->MyArray || this->Current == -1) {
printf("Err: Iterator neinitializat!\n");
return NULL;
return &(MyArray->operator[](Current));
// Lista nu e alocata, Capacity si Size = 0
Capacity = 0;
Size = 0;
List = NULL;
// destructor
// Lista e alocata cu 'capacity' elemente
Array(int capacity)
Size = 0;
Capacity = capacity;
List = new T*[capacity];
// constructor de copiere
Array(const Array<T>& ParamList)
Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
Size = ParamList.Size;
List = new T*[Size];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
// arunca exceptie daca index este out of range
T& operator[] (int index)
if (index < 0) printf("Err: Invalid Index!");
if (index > this->Size) printf("Err: Index out of SIZE!\n");
if (index > this->Capacity) printf("Err: Index out of CAPACITY!\
return *(List[index]);
// daca dimensiunea maxima a fost atinsa creste dimensiunea listei

void IncCapacity()
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity+INC_CAPACITY];
for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; i++)
Temp [i] = List[i];
delete[] List;
List = Temp;
Capacity += INC_CAPACITY;
// adauga un element de tipul T la sfarsitul listei si returneaza this
const Array<T>& operator+=(const T& ParamElement)
if (Size >= Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[Size++] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga un element pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e inva
lid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const T& ParamElement)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert, invalid index (too
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert, index out of SIZ
if (Size == Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
for (int i=Size; i >index; i--)
List[i] = List[i - 1];
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[index] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga o lista pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e invalid
arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const Array<T> ParamList)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', invalid inde
x (too smal)!\n");
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', index out
of SIZE!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Size; i++)
this->Insert(index + i, *ParamList.List[i]);
return (*this);
// sterge un element de pe pozitia index, returneaza this. Daca index e
invalid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Delete(int index)

if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not delete, invalid index (too
if (index >= Size)printf("Err: Could not delete, index out of SI
for (int i = index; i < Size - 1; i++)
List[index] = List[index + 1];
return (*this);
//operator de copiere
bool operator=(const Array<T> & ParamList)
this->Size = ParamList.Size;
this->Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity];
List = Temp;
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
return true;
// sorteaza folosind comparatia intre elementele din T
void Sort()
for (int i = 0; i < Size - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < Size; j++)
if (*List[i]>*List[j]) {
T* aux = List[i];
List[i] = List[j];
List[j] = aux;
//returneaza marimea array-ului
int GetSize()
return Size;
//returneaza capacitatea array-ului
int GetCapacity()
return Capacity;
// cauta un element folosind binary search in Array
int BinarySearch(const T& ParamElement)

int Low = 0, Up = Size - 1;
while (Low < Up)
if (*List[(Low + Up) / 2] == ParamElement)return (Low +
Up) / 2;
if (ParamElement < *List[(Low + Up) / 2]){
Up = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
Low = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
if (ParamElement == *List[Low]) return Low;
return -1;
// cauta un element in Array
int Find(const T& ParamElement)
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
if (ParamElement == *List[i]) return i;
return -1;
//returneaza Begin Iterator
ArrayIterator GetBeginIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(0,this);
return *Temp;
//returneaza End Iterator
ArrayIterator GetEndIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(this->GetSize()-1, this)
return *Temp;
Lucaniuc Dragos Lucian
#include <stdio.h>
#define INC_CAPACITY 10
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class Array

T** List; // lista cu pointeri la obiecte de tipul T*
int Capacity; // dimensiunea listei de pointeri
int Size; // cate elemente sunt in lista
class ArrayIterator
int Current; //indicele elementului curent
(Array<T>)* MyArray; // pointer catre obiectul de tip Array
Current = -1;
MyArray = NULL;
ArrayIterator(int Index, Array<T> * ParamArray)
Current = Index;
MyArray = ParamArray;
ArrayIterator& operator ++ ()
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator ++ (int val)
if (Current >= MyArray->GetSize()){
printf("Err: Could not [++] \"end\" iterator!\n"
return (*this);
return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- ()
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);

return (*this);
ArrayIterator& operator -- (int val)
if (MyArray->GetSize() == 0 || Current <= 0){
printf("Err: Could not [--] \"begin\" iterator!\
return (*this);
return (*this);
bool operator= (ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
//if (ParamIterator.Current = -1 || ParamIterator.MyArra
y == NULL)return false;
this->Current = ParamIterator.Current;
this->MyArray = ParamIterator.MyArray;
return true;
bool operator!=(ArrayIterator & ParamIterator)
if (this->Current <= ParamIterator.Current || this->MyAr
ray != ParamIterator.MyArray)return true;
return false;
T* GetElement()
if (!this->MyArray || this->Current == -1) {
printf("Err: Iterator neinitializat!\n");
return NULL;
return &(MyArray->operator[](Current));
// Lista nu e alocata, Capacity si Size = 0
Capacity = 0;
Size = 0;
List = NULL;
// destructor
// Lista e alocata cu 'capacity' elemente
Array(int capacity)
Size = 0;
Capacity = capacity;
List = new T*[capacity];

// constructor de copiere
Array(const Array<T>& ParamList)
Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
Size = ParamList.Size;
List = new T*[Size];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
// arunca exceptie daca index este out of range
T& operator[] (int index)
if (index < 0) printf("Err: Invalid Index!");
if (index > this->Size) printf("Err: Index out of SIZE!\n");
if (index > this->Capacity) printf("Err: Index out of CAPACITY!\
return *(List[index]);
// daca dimensiunea maxima a fost atinsa creste dimensiunea listei
void IncCapacity()
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity+INC_CAPACITY];
for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; i++)
Temp [i] = List[i];
delete[] List;
List = Temp;
Capacity += INC_CAPACITY;
// adauga un element de tipul T la sfarsitul listei si returneaza this
const Array<T>& operator+=(const T& ParamElement)
if (Size >= Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[Size++] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga un element pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e inva
lid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const T& ParamElement)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert, invalid index (too
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert, index out of SIZ
if (Size == Capacity)this->IncCapacity();
for (int i=Size; i >index; i--)

List[i] = List[i - 1];

T * Temp = new T;
*Temp = ParamElement;
List[index] = Temp;
return (*this);
// adauga o lista pe pozitia index, retureaza this. Daca index e invalid
arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Insert(int index, const Array<T> ParamList)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', invalid inde
x (too smal)!\n");
if (index > Size)printf("Err: Could not insert 'List', index out
of SIZE!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Size; i++)
this->Insert(index + i, *ParamList.List[i]);
return (*this);
// sterge un element de pe pozitia index, returneaza this. Daca index e
invalid arunca o exceptie
const Array<T>& Delete(int index)
if (index < 0)printf("Err: Could not delete, invalid index (too
if (index >= Size)printf("Err: Could not delete, index out of SI
for (int i = index; i < Size - 1; i++)
List[index] = List[index + 1];
return (*this);
//operator de copiere
bool operator=(const Array<T> & ParamList)
this->Size = ParamList.Size;
this->Capacity = ParamList.Capacity;
T** Temp = new T*[Capacity];
List = Temp;
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
List[i] = ParamList.List[i];
return true;
// sorteaza folosind comparatia intre elementele din T
void Sort()
for (int i = 0; i < Size - 1; i++)

for (int j = i + 1; j < Size; j++)

if (*List[i]>*List[j]) {
T* aux = List[i];
List[i] = List[j];
List[j] = aux;
//returneaza marimea array-ului
int GetSize()
return Size;
//returneaza capacitatea array-ului
int GetCapacity()
return Capacity;
// cauta un element folosind binary search in Array
int BinarySearch(const T& ParamElement)
int Low = 0, Up = Size - 1;
while (Low < Up)
if (*List[(Low + Up) / 2] == ParamElement)return (Low +
Up) / 2;
if (ParamElement < *List[(Low + Up) / 2]){
Up = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
Low = (Low + Up + 1) / 2;
if (ParamElement == *List[Low]) return Low;
return -1;
// cauta un element in Array
int Find(const T& ParamElement)
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
if (ParamElement == *List[i]) return i;
return -1;
//returneaza Begin Iterator
ArrayIterator GetBeginIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(0,this);
return *Temp;

//returneaza End Iterator

ArrayIterator GetEndIterator()
ArrayIterator *Temp = new ArrayIterator(this->GetSize()-1, this)
return *Temp;
Lucaniuc Dragos Lucian

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