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chancellor of Germany between 1871-1890

Paris Peace Conference
- Woodrow Wilson (President of US)
- Clemenceau of France
- Lloyd George of Britain
Benito Mussolini
- opportunist
- suggested economic and social changes to improve the poor
condition of people
- promised to restore the national glory of Italy
- in 1921, he formed the Fascist Party and helped restore order of
the country
- in 1922, he seized power and declared him Il Duce of Italy
- abolish all other political parties
- propaganda poster: his face is filled with pictures of fascist building
Adolf Hitler
- an excellent political orator, opportunist
- Germans savior, only he could bring hope for a strong Germany
- in 1933, came into power and formed the Nazi Party
- in 1934, fuhrer of Germany
-sent a large number of Jews to concentration camps
- planned for mass murder of the entire Jewish population
Neville Chamberlain
- British prime minister
- adopt appeasement policy
- signed Munich Agreement with Hitler (Czechoslovakia had to give
some land to Germany)
Admiral Yamamoto
- launch a surprise attack on US naval base at Pearl Harbour
F.D. Roosevelt (USA)
- declare war on axis powers after Pearl Harbour Attack

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