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GOAL: Practice elementary topics and vocabulary, by way of reinforcing English knowledge acquired.
OBJETIVO: Practicar temas bsicos y vocabulario elemental fortaleciendo as los conocimientos adquiridos en

1. Lee el siguiente texto y responde las preguntas. (10 puntos)


I am Sara. I am 15 and I am from The United States, but I live in Colombia. My address is Street 9
number 10-48. I live here with my family: my parents and my three brothers. We (my family and me)
are very happy. My brothers' name is Santiago, Juan Emilio and Antonio. They like playing football. I
don't like sports. My favorite hobby is playing computer games. I love my laptop. I've got lots of
games. My birthday is in December. I go to La Presentacin School. I've got 10 subjects. My favorite
subject is English. My English teacher's name is Gabriela. She is a very good teacher. At school we do
many activities, I love to play in the computer. We've got an interesting blog. Mathematics is very
difficult for me. I hate that subject. We write, listen and read in English.

1) How old is Sara?

A. She is fourteen years old
B. She is thirteen years old
C. She is fifteen years old
D. She is sixteen years old
2) How many sisters does she have?
A. Three sisters
B. Three brothers and one sister
C. she does not have sisters
D. she has 4 brothers
3) Does she like to play football?
A. yes, she does
B. no, she doesnt

C. yes, she will

D. no, she isnt
4) What is her favorite activity at school?
A. her favorite activity is studying English
B. her favorite activity is watching TV
C. her favorite activity is playing in the computer
D. her favorite activity is reading romantic stories
5) What doesnt she like?
A. She doesnt like mathematics
B. She doesnt like English
C. She doesnt like to read
D. she doesnt like to weak up early

2. Escribe en ingls un prrafo acerca de tu rutina diaria.

(10 puntos)

I wake up at 6 a.m., I'm going to the bathroom and breakfast to go to the class to university, then the half day
I returned to the house for lunch and relax a little and at 3 pm, I am beginning to perform work at the university,
At 7 p.m. I like dinner and game on the pc until 10 pm finally I am going to the shower and I go to bed to finish a
Great day.

3. Complete estas frases con el verbo to be. (5 puntos)


Mary IS at her office.

IS Daniel working today?
Sara and Diego ARE in cinema.
They ARE my best friends.
I AM the best learner of this grade.

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