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Andy Rivera
Professor Ditch
English 113B
31 March, 2015
Bravery is the amount of spirit or courage a person puts into a situation to change the
outcome. In The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and
Annie Barrows. This novel is about these two radical women, Juliet Ashton and Elizabeth
McKenna. These women throughout the novel show their bravery in different ways. Elizabeth
always showed her bravery to protect everyone around her. While Juliet was showing her
bravery by becoming a female revolutionary writer, who brings some light to people during
the World War II. Juliet moves all the way to Guernsey, that was occupied by the German.
Juliet's and Elizabeth's bravery illustrates how they challenge their traditional gender roles.
This is important because, during these times females were played out to be feminine and
weak, but Juliet and Elizabeth started something new for women, being more masculinity and
Juliet Ashton is this radical female writer, this was important because it was difficult
for a woman to write in a newspaper article. It was so difficult for Juliet to write in the
newspaper, that she had to write under a man's name, Izzy Bickerstaff. Since Juliet has her
own column in the Stephens & Stark newspaper, her title for it was Izzy Bickerstaff Goes To
War. Juliet managed to make the people of London smile, by making the trouble times of the
war somewhat bearable. Juliet always found a way to crack a joke. Her courage was show by
this because she would have been in some big trouble. Especially since, no one was joking
around during these times of war. While she was writing under Izzy, she joke about many

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decisions the Queen, Victoria made. One was said by Lady Bella Taunton, She attacked the
good taste of our dear (though dead) Queen, Victoria. (Shaffer & Barrows pg. 44) Juliet no
matter made no boundaries on her writing, just was brave, because many were to afraid to talk
about topics that Juliet choice to write about. Juliet bravery shows she doesn't let anyone tell
her what to do or write. Juliet remembers me of Marina Nemat. Marine is also a writer from
Tehran, Iran. Marina always spoke up for what she wanted to, even against the Ayatollah
Khomeini's regime. Marina wrote a story about her past life in Iran, to show how she went out
and got what she wanted. Sometime Juliet always does, when she wants something, she uses
her courage to get it.
Elizabeth McKenna is a revolutionary, independent woman, who's bravery was always
showing throughout this novel. Elizabeth's bravery helped her watch over the people around
her all the time. Elizabeth was a mother, and her daughter's father was a German. Elizabeth's
bravery saved herself and two of her friends from being shot and killed by Germans. Dawsey
Adams writes, she [Elizabeth] acted like she didn't see any pistols at all. She [Elizabeth]
walked up to the officer in charger and started talking. (Shaffer & Barrows pg. 29) Dawsey
was one of the friends that Elizabeth was saving that night. Dawsey was standing there scared
and quite, he took on the female role there. While Elizabeth was taking on the masculine role,
being strong and fearful. Gender role were starting to changing little by little. Elizabeth's brave
lie saved their lives that night. Elizabeth was even sent to the Ravensbruck Concentration
Camp, when since Elizabeth was struck their, her bravery never left her. Elizabeth always
tried her best to keep all the other women, struck in the camp, safe. Remy Giraud writes in her
letter to the Book Society, Elizabeth broke out of our line fast so fast.. She [Elizabeth]
grabbed the rod from Binta's hand and returned it upon her, hitting her over and over.
(Shaffer & Barrows pg. 181) Elizabeth saw Binta, the overseer of the day, beating up a young

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girl for having her menstruation. Elizabeth could can handle it anymore and her courage
forced her to break her line and save the young woman. The surprising thing is that Elizabeth's
action saved the young woman and Binta backed away from Elizabeth and the young woman.
Again, Elizabeth's courage and bravery saved someone's live. Elizabeth's bravery gave many
of the women hope and a sense of light to show that everything was going to be well.
Elizabeth, you can, resembles a hero, because of actions.
Although, others say that no matter how brave a person is there are always going to be
consequences a person going to face. The worst consequence is death, sometime Elizabeth
learned the hard way. Elizabeth was stuck by two rifles to the back of her head. Later
Elizabeth was thrown into the Punishment Bunker, that was Elizabeth's second time going
there. Remy Giraud writes in her letter to the Book Society, She [Elizabeth] knelt on the
ground and they [German soldiers] shot her in the back of her head. (Shaffer & Barrows pg.
181) Elizabeth was executed the following morning, that would have never happened if it
wasn't for her bravery. Maybe if Elizabeth didn't let her courage get to her, she would have
been still alive today and leave that camp with all the other girl, because the Allies come by a
few weeks later and the women were freed. Even though, Elizabeth passed on. Elizabeth's
hopes and dreams lived on with many people from Guernsey. Elizabeth's hopes lived on with
many of people living on Guernsey. No matter if Elizabeth's death didn't reach the Book
Society until a few months after World War II ends. Everyone on Guernsey was affected by
her death some way. So people were crying, while others grieved for many days. Elizabeth's
death a trouble mistake, but every once had no meaning to it.
Elizabeth McKenna and Juliet Ashton were these two radical women, who liked to
challenge their traditional roles, because they felt like they, as women, could accomplish way
more being masculinity, having bravery, and having courage than being feminine and weak

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like they are suppose to act during this time. After World War II, women started slowly more
masculine and brave, which started to change the way the society will view women now, like
Juliet choosing her own decisions in life and not letting a male or anyone make her decisions.
So bravery it something everyone needs to make a big difference or even a small change in
society that changes the way everyone lives from that point on. Especially women, which have
been challenging society for big changes. So masculinity, bravery or courage just doesn't
relieve on how someone appears, but yet depends on what acts a person choices to make to
make a situation better.

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Work Cited Page
Greenhalgh, James. 'Till We Hear The Last All Clear': Gender And The Presentation Of Self
In Young Girls' Writing About The Bombing Of Hull During The Second World
War. Gender & History 26.1 (2014): 167 183. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23
March 2015.
Nemat, Marina. "The Secondhand Bookseller." (n.d.): 1+. Print.
Shaffer, Mary Ann., and Annie Barrows. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.
New York, NY: Dial, 2008. Print.

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