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Plan 1:

General Aim:

The client will improve auditory and speechreading skills to enhance
conversational fluency in daily living situations.

Aim of Lesson:

The client will improve and understand sound identification with emphasis
on consonants with phoneme- based training with 60% accuracy with maximum

- Plastic animals (zoo and farm)
- Purse
- Tea Party Set (tea pot, cup, plate, spoon, fork, cookie)

1. The clinician will review previous lesson with client.
2. The clinician will explain to the client, what todays activities will be.
3. The clinician will express/ articulate a consonant sound that begins with
the first letter of a closed- set of farm and zoo animals.
4. When the client chooses the appropriate stimuli, a reward will be given.
This reward will be to place the animal in a purse.
5. The client will choose the correct stimulus that correlates with the
appropriate consonant sound.
6. The clinician will express/ articulate a consonant sound that begins with
the first letter of a closed- set of items found in a tea party.
7. When the client chooses the appropriate stimuli, a reward will be given.
This reward will be the setting up of a tea party.
8. The clinician will review todays lesson and communicate with
parents/guardian how to target the goals at home.

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