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:-The Concept of Cabinet:Two key interlinked features of Cabinet are collective responsibility and confidentiality.

Members of Cabinet are collectively responsible for the decisions made by Cabinet.
While disagreement may be aired within the confines of a Cabinet meeting, it is a
convention that cabinet decisions will be fully and publicly supported by all Ministers,
despite any personal views held by individual Ministers. Ministers and any officials are
expected to refrain from public comment on matters to be considered by Cabinet. The
confidentiality of cabinet proceedings supports the principle of collective responsibility,
by promoting open and free discussion including the airing of dissenting views and
compromise. The Cabinet Handbook states:
Ministry, Cabinet and Cabinet committees are forums in which ministers, while working
towards a collective position, are able to discuss proposals and a variety of options and
views with complete freedom. The openness and frankness of discussions in the Cabinet
Room are protected by the strict observance of this confidentiality.
:-Concept of Government:By government, we mean the machinery or organization that carries out the
administration of the state. It determines the common policies of the state and regulates
its common affairs. Accordingly, the government has the power to rule and issue
commands to the community.
Every modern government has three organs- the Legislature, the Executive and the
Judiciary. The Legislature makes laws, the Executive enforces those laws and the
Judiciary delivers justice as per the laws.
If we look at the Indian political system, we will find that the Legislative branch of the
government is represented by the Parliament of India consisting of two houses, namely,
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha while the Executive branch of the government is represented
by the President of India and the Prime Minister with his Council of Ministers. The
Supreme Court and the High Courts represent the Judicial branch of the government.

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