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Vital Signs

Knowing how to quickly record a person's vital signs is very important in a

crisis situation, accident or work, or in the case of a patient in serious
condition waiting for the arrival of emergency services.
But after all, it never hurts to learn to record vital signs, given that this
procedure is among the first aid in general.

1 Temperature Measurement
- Whether the patient has eaten or drunk something hot or cold, whether smoked,
chewed gum or if you participated in an activity demanding in the last 10 minutes,
all temperature measurement should be delayed 10 minutes
- The thermometer should be placed in the mouth, under the tongue, but only if the
patient has over 5 years, is conscious, lucid, can not breathe through your nose and
sores in the mouth
- It must use a digital thermometer, not a glass that can break
- If you can not measure oral temperature will be established axial temperature by
placing the thermometer under the arm of the patient front to its
- Record the temperature recorded in that part of the body was measured and time
(normal temperature is about 37 degrees C).

Pulse measurement
- Find a place for pulse measurement by pressing with your fingers (except the sea)
wrist, a side of the neck or upper inner arm or leg
- Count the total number of beats in 60 seconds (normal pulse measuring between
60 and 100 beats per minute)

- Check for irregular heart beats somehow

- Is denoted pulse and possible irregularities and time

Respiratory Measurement
- Measurement of breathing is done without announcing patient for it and could
change the pace involuntarily
- Count the total number of breaths in 60 seconds (normal should be between 14
and 20)
- Check if the pace is somewhat too slow or precipitate
- Is noted and possible outcome of breathing irregularities
Measuring blood
- Right position: elbow hand to be placed on the monitor should be level with the
heart and slightly bent
- Determine voltage using tensiometer
- Is noted first systolic and diastolic then
- Determine the tension in the same way the other arm and compare results
- Normal blood pressure for an adult is systolic maximum value 140 mmHg and
diastolic less than 90 mmHg one.
In special situations should have examined whether normal sized pupils and react
to light (in unconscious patients or wounded in the head) or blood sugar levels for

Also, it is recommended to ask the patient to establish a single value

between 1 and 10 to check the level of the pain that feels.

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