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Key Terms: Imperialism

NATIONALISM: Immense love and pride for ones own country. This movement was
popular in the 19th and early 20th century and led to the rise of nation-states in
Example: How many Americans felt after 9/11
Non-example: How many Americans felt after the Watergate Scandal

SETTLEMENT COLONIES: large groups of people from one country living together in
a new place.
Example: relationship between Australia and Britain
Non-example: relationship between India and Britain, Suez Canal and Britain

DEPENDENT COLONIES: when a few European officials lived in the territory and
ruled over the non-European population
Example: relationship between India and Britain
Non-example: relationship between Australia and Britain

PROTECTORATES: when the local ruler keeps their title but the territory is under the
control of an outside power, such as the Europeans. The ruling, outside power kept
out other nations.
Example: most North African countries
Non-example: relationship between Australia and Britain

SPHERE OF INFLUENCE: when one country has trading rights in another country.
Other countries had to respect the rights of that country and stay out.
Example: China
Non-example: relationship between India and Britain

PATERNALISM: When an outside country governs another country or colony in every

level of government because it believes the native people cannot govern
themselves. It is a similar relationship between a parent and child.

Example: Great Britain and Africa

Non-Example: Great Britain and China, Spain and North Africa

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